Do you think Trump has already seen the forthcoming Hillary leaks? This could explain his complacent, error strewn campaign. He knows the witch is going down so he's cruising along in low energy mode.
The leaks are coming though, right?
Do you think Trump has already seen the forthcoming Hillary leaks? This could explain his complacent, error strewn campaign. He knows the witch is going down so he's cruising along in low energy mode.
The leaks are coming though, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The leaks are coming though, right?
The only leak coming is into Drumpf's diapers when he sees today's poll numbers
The 2014 midterm elections resulted in heavy gains for Republicans. That momentum hasn't been lost. Shillary hasn't ever won a competitive election in her life. Anybody who can't see her eventual loss from a mile away is either blind or willfully ignorant. The constant scandals are a predictable symptom of her incompetence. Trump has seen incompetence before and knew he could expect lots and lots of scandals from the hag.
He's FUCKED without some leaky help.
There are 3 possibilities
1. the help is coming and he knows it
2. he's not fit to be president
3. he wants to lose
I dont know about that, but what do you think of Comrade Trumpsky's little performance getting buttfucked by the RNC so hard he endorsed Paul Ryan and chatted up John McCain at his rally yesterday
>anti-establishment, my ass
(((Whos))) pulling Donnies strings, user?
She was elected senator twice, you fucking moron
I doubt that this guy is losing ground, no matter what the MSM says. I don't necessarily like him, but no matter his manner of expression, I refuse to accept that he's a narrow-minded idiot. If nothing else, he's a cunning exploitative sadist who knows how to manipulate. If he's hushed about something, I could guess there's a good reason behind it.
>leaks come out
>he acts shitty af before the leaks come out to even out the field
Inb4 shill,just my opinion
No he seems genuinely dumb as far as politics go and needs his foot surgically removed from his mouth whenever he speaks.
Having said that Hillary is a fucking shark,poor burgers have little to choose from this time round,they're fucked whoever they choose.
I agree with this but it's not that hard to make a dumb person look smart or at least semi competent. If he were running a proper campaign he would have dozens of people telling him exactly what to say and what not to say. He is throwing it away by not doing this. Hillary has so many flaws, all it would take is the smallest bit of pandering and he would look like the vastly superior candidate.
Derail this shill thread.
Yes, everyone knows the GOP's big midterm gains in 2010 and 1994, or the Dems gains in the 1982 midterms, all lead to that party winning the next Presidential election
that is sad
Yeah, New York is well known for being highly competitive, and totally not a safe democratic state
Is that a timelapse or cg?
Then why is he GOP nominee for president?
>error strewn
>implying the media isn't dissecting every syllable that come out of his mouth and magnifying anything that could be even remotely regarded as negative
Nigger, just go away.
You're not fooling anyone.
Just be sure to declare this income on you taxes.
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
What happened here???
yes it is.
IDK i found it ages ago.
Never give your horse nail clippers.
!!!!Trump Will WIN!!!!
What errors? He hurt himself in the short term with the Mrs. Khan comments, but it's a long-term victory when all the public remembers is the demure Mrs. Khan standing behind her husband.
The trump delusion is strong with this one
No delusion is looking at the size of the "crowd" at a Hillary rally relative to a Trump rally and thinking she has a prayer in November.
Keep believing those "polls", shill.
I would ask you what country you're moving to when Trump wins, but I see you're way ahead of me on that one.
Like how everybody knows that it's very rare for a single party to hold the White House for three straight terms? Fuck off, abbo.
You don't seem to understand the word "competitive." Senatorial primaries are much easier to win on name power alone than the presidential nomination.