>Trump goes home with his tail between his legs and gets his fucking shinebox
>"Will that be all, Mr Ryan, sir?"
>Trump goes home with his tail between his legs and gets his fucking shinebox
>"Will that be all, Mr Ryan, sir?"
Other urls found in this thread:
He is losing power.
kek he's toast
>He is losing power.
Don't you think he looks tired?
It was a ploy for media attention, ofcourse he was going to endorse them eventually.
Why wouldn't he endorse the guy that is more in line with himself?
>Why wouldn't he endorse the guy
Why don't you ask Trump one week ago?
Lol..he endorsed him 3 days before the election. He was able to put it off much longer than I expected.
4D chess bro
You asked why Trump wouldn't endorse the guy.
A week ago, he said he wouldn't endorse the guy.
So you should ask Trump why he wouldn't endorse the guy.
>5D chess
He's winning again lads
Read my post again and open the link.
>Don't you think he looks tired?
He looks senile.
again trump prove that he is the most incompetent candidate ever.
no. he said he was not ready to support the guy - mirroring exactly what Ryan said about him before he won the nomination.
I like that Trump let the guy sweat. Apparently the guy running against Ryan does not have the votes to win, so Trump can endorse Ryan without influencing the outcome and help heal divisions within the party while at the same time making the point that he truly could withhold support if he wanted and yet appearing to be magnanimous.
fucking 4D chess man.
>mirroring exactly what Ryan said about him before he won the nomination
This is the kind of maturity I really want a guy with access to nukes to have.
flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop
>Trump neglects to endorse Paul Ryan
>shills scream rage and cry about it
>Trump decides to endorse Paul Ryan, who has to be fair endorsed him
>shills scream rage and cry about it
What do you shills want of him exactly?
When did he say he wasn't going to endorse Ryan?
Right, never. They're making things up again.
>constantly switches opinions
>plays the political games of the cuckservatives
>more concerned about his ego than policies
Sup Forums's saviour doesnt sound much like the washington outsider they make him out to be
But Germany, Vladimir Putin (who is literally Hitler) has access to nukes and he's not nuking anybody. Even though he's literally Adolf Hitler.
Comrade Trumpsky does what the GOP establishment tells him to do.
>"Dance, Donald!"
>"Get out there and endorse Paul Ryan, Donald!"
>"And what about John McCain?"
thats a hot brown whore
>Vote Trump
>I swear I'm not cucked by the establishment
He won't fulfill a single promise
I'm still voting for him.
Trump could wake up this morning and kill 2 dozen innocent babies with a poisoned katana before breakfast, say Hitler did nothing wrong before lunch, rape Ivanka on live television before dinner, and praise Satan before bed and I would still vote for him.
Because Hillary, the global elite, and the neocons, are that much worse than all of those things combined and cubed. They have destroyed our republic and they threaten to destroy the entirety of western civilization. And if you disagree you are my enemy and my country's enemy and I look forward to the day when the entire charade crumbles to pieces and we get to shoot at one another in the streets.
>all this CTR at 7 am in the morning
whats the point? no one is actually reading any of this lol
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
You realize Ryan is #3 in line for President right?
Haven't you been keeping up? Ryan is establishment. This is about the fight for the heart and soul of the Republican party. Nationalist and populist vs globalist and big business and big government.
Ryan will probably win, but he is an absolute threat to the things Trump wants to do domestically.
They will have to play nice right now, but at some point there is going to be a gloves off fight between Trump and his allies and the remnants of the old republican party.
You need to step away from the cocaine. The rest of the world is pretty irrelevant to the political fight going on domestically in the US. If anything Trump is far more isolationist than Clinton. This is a battle in the fight for what America will be for the next 50 years.
wrt nukes, Clinton might stroke out and punch the launch button, but Trump would never irradiate all his real-estate.
Where we're you when Trump was cucked by a failed VP candidate?
You should worry more about your children getting raped by mudshits than our nukes.
Also make sure your NATO payments are up to date
Are you really not seeing how a candidate as "out there" as Trump turns independants to the democrats?
He should've done it sooner 2bh
he has too much pride for his own good
You despicable fucking literal communist. 40 years ago Trump would be considered a moderate. That's how far we've fallen. If other Marxist-Leninists like yourself are too scared of Trump's milquetoast, semi-nationalist positions, then this pretensions of unity we like to throw around to make ourselves feel better need to be thrown the fuck out anyway, so we can start again. If Trump loses, at least we know where we stand. At least then we'll know we've run out of peaceful options. I welcome the realization.
t. increasingly nervous shill for the 15th time
ITT: Shills shilling each other
A narcissistic asshole walking from one politicial faux-pas into the next simply alienates independants even if his policies are moderate (which I don't think they are, they are just so all over the place you can't align him on a simple spectrum).
>taking political advice from a Merkelite
So does it mean when Trump endorses Ryan?
Trump has to work with Paul Ryan in the House.
Without the Speaker's support (Catholics) he will get nothing done.
>ITT: people who think Ryan would hold a press conference to alert the world he's nervous and now ready to fall in line.
Will people change their vote? Would a pundit's public opinion of Trump change because he endorsed Ryan? They've just been negotiating this whole time.
I don't give a fuck about alienating traitors who are willing to hide in their suburbs so long as the paychecks keep coming while their nation burns around. Each and every one of them deserves a bullet to the head. If they don't hear the call of their nation crying out, they are worthless, fat, consumerist garbage anyway.
Trump is a last distch effort of white America to resolve this crisis peacefully, as is our ancestral duty. When peaceful options are exhausted, we will finally be pressed to resolve the crisis forcibly. I welcome it.
Hello Merkel.
Kind of awkward for Nehlan tbqhwy. Will there be any fallout from this?
Would still be better than Hillary, who will fulfill every single horror that she promises.
They want Shillary to win.
Nice try, Doctor.
That's how deals are made, genius.
Ryan could expect an endorsement from Trump while treating Trump like shit. It didn't come. You can imagine that Trump had a few demands to make before giving it to him.
Trump treats everything he's got that he might be willing to give up as bargaining chips. That's how he makes deals. Same with his tax plan. He won't fight to make it be implemented as is, it's his opening offer, then he'll negotiate.
You can't win Poker without folding.
sage fake and gay
Shills just want their $.05 per post, user.
this. trump totally BTFO XDDDD. did i already say DRUMPF? haha xd
wht would you be saying if he hadn't endorsed? how would you be spinning it?
"hurray, based trump btfo the establishment"?
you must think we're all stupid
>That's how deals are made, genius.
I guess that explains Trump's love for Jews, and why he sold off his own daughter into Jewish ownership.
>Trump Folds
10 cents have been placed into your account
He's said numerous times that he wasn't going to endorse paul ryan because paul ryan did not endorse him, but now Paul Ryan has though you wouldn't know it by watching the news
>rhymes with synagogue
Really makes you think...
Trump was always going to endorse Ryan, dingbats, he was just getting his revenge for Ryan being so wishy washy about endorsing him (who eventually endorsed him, so who Trump would eventually endorse).
Why must you always fall for the media tag line hook and sinker?
Pretty much, Trump is fucking retarded. He was only good when he attacked the GOPe cuckservatives, but now that his main opponents are professional victims he ends looking like a dumbass flip-flopper.
>withholding support gets media attention
>finally giving support gets media attention
supporting Ryan from the beginning gets no media attention.
He plays them like a fiddle. Now everyone must discuss WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
> I like that Trump let the guy sweat.
> fucking 4D chess man
lmao. Worked out perfectly, didn't it. The media are without words from witnessing Trump's genius.
>Trump could do all these things I as an average american Sup Forums reader am massively in favor of and I would still vote for him
cringy af desu
and why'd he have to bring up that goddamned baby again
Trump has non-stop media attention, and over the many months this has been true, his polls have gone up and down, sometimes dramatically. I don't think that's really an argument anymore, since it doesn't seem to be correlated with anything.
>You can imagine
imagination isn't real my friend
Good, he can pass Ryan when he becomes president either way so.. yeah.
Demagogue emperor Trump sounds badass
dont faggots you think his endorsement was
1) pretty weak
2) to late to do anything
Nehlen seems to have some big support, once Nehlen wins Trump is gonna welcome him with open arms I bet
I think Trump had blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his...whatever.
He needs to stop doing stupid shit (khan, russia, not endorsing) and get on message.
>muh maturity
It is absolutely verboten to throw someone's disrespect back at them. Because of victorian morals or something.
He should have endorsed Nehlen. Maybe Ryan and McCain donors gave Trump's PAC or campaign a fat wad of cash for the endorsement.
Ryan better shut his bitch ass mouth and stop criticizing Trump.
I'm baffled.
Trump may have set himself up if Ryan loses.
If Nehlen wins then the MSM will blame Ryan's loss on getting endorsed by Trump.
Trump should have remained neutral.
wtf, i hate trump now
BUT BUT HE'S THE ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!
Trump has successfully undergone Ryan's obedience training.
Sounds like everyone in this election
Trump's theme song now
>trump's apparently doing bad right now
>trump apparently doesn't like ryan
>trump endorses ryan now
gee i wonder what the intent is?
What does kek mean by this?
This was a smart move on his part.
Ryan is an effective speaker, who, if you recall, did not -want- to be speaker, but was asked by almost the entirety of the house to do it. Having Ryan on Trump's side would be very, very good for Trump.
For Ryan, on the other hand, Trump has defied all establishment desires and soared to the nomination. He was in danger of losing his seat because he angered Trump. So, if Trump endorses him, and he turns around and backs Trump, they both benefit.
Ryan endorsed him and he did the same.
Anyone following this knew about the controversy between them.
"political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices"
>panders to women
>in bed with blm
>loves isis
>in bed with Americans
Choose your side wisely.
The Ryan endorsement is a real bummer. I fucking hate Ryan hes a globalist. How can nationalist Trump endorse a globalist?
Trump is in bed with Jews.
He had to. Ryan gave him two alternatives in the past week: 1) fully cucked by GOP and erase all remnants of pride, 2) under the bus and out of the GOP regardless of what it would mean for GOP
They're going to neuter him.
>They're going to neuter him.
Washington will tame Trump yet and the wailing and gnashing of the teeth will be glorious.
Ryan is going to win.
McCain is going to win.
Trump is going to lose.
There's no point in negotiating with a loser, since he's not going to be around to follow through on anything he promises. Trump endorsed because he desperately needs the party to stop undermining him, but he has nothing to offer in return. A Trump endorsement is only a positive until the primaries are over, and then it becomes an anchor in the general because of Trump's huge unpopularity. So he got cucked to buy their silence for a couple of weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if once the primaries are in the rear view mirror, they use the next Trump foot-in-mouth as an excuse to fully rescind their endorsements.
"Independents" in presidential polls are calculated differently than in a Party ID poll. When they poll party ID, they just ask which party you affiliate with.
But in presidential election polls, if you say Independent, they then ask you which party you lean towards (because most "independents" are party line voters). "Leans Republicans" and "Leans Democrats" are added to their party's totals.
Orange nigger was reading off a piece of paper like he was being held captive by the RNC and he had to read the ransom note to appease his captor i.e. Paul Ryan.
Trump is Ryan's personal bitch now.
You realize you're on the internet shilling for the democrats 2008 failed nominee right?
Paul ryan is garbage
People need to vote for nehlen
Endorsing Paul Ryan I can deal with, but not McCain. Anyone but McCain.
Ryan is honestly based as fuck. Maybe he will personify the miracle the GOP needs and actually shape Trump into an electable candidate.