Why do americans defend circumcision?

cutting the clit is not as bad as cutting a dick

a clit is only there to feel good, dicks are also for pissing and delivering semen

This is wonderful, goy.

We can use the stupid goyim into regrowing their foreskins only for us to cut them off again!

Foreskin Farm! We will make millions!

Micro penis detected. Foreskin is retracted when penis is erect. Ya mutilated fucking abomination

I hope he told her to get fucked and cut her off.

Jews and Muslims do it so they must be Jewish or Muslim

You don't need lube unless you go death grip on your dick. There's enough skin to pull back and forth without having foreskin in between

>I'm gonna harm this innocent child to relieve my frustration and anger I have against this other person

She should have her rights taken away for having such poor reasoning skills.

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i guess i did assume but the ridicolousness of the thought just never occured to me
i mean, im not dissing anyone who got cut, different cultures different ideas etc etc, but it's just so alien to me, like i wish i could compare how different it feels and how different the process is on level of pleasure and comfort. I bet cutfags can touch the head of their dick easily while for me it's so super sensitive usually that only something soft like a vagina's insides texture can actually do it just right without pressing too hard on it.

Also, how do cutfags pee? I peed with my foreskin retracted once and it just fucking blasted everywhere to the point i had to sit down like a cuck to just not spray it everywhere, foreskin just usually unifies it in a nice single stream, with only disadvantage being that a leftover drop may get stuck but it doesn't really happen that often and doesn't take more than a single wipe with toilet paper or tissue to get rid of it if you're around a girl or super sensitive about it or something.

i live in a muslim-populated area of Russia, and they wanted to do it to me too with the excuse of slight phimosis? but i never had any problems at all since i've first masturbated at like 13. I guess you have to be hard to really pull it back but if it's not hard it's probably not worth getting out anyway

Thanks for not mutilating my genitalia when I was a baby, mom and dad.