Notice the onslaught of pure boardshitting has pretty much stopped, but now we're being inundated with posters saying shit like, "look, I know she's a criminal, but she's the only thing that stands in the way of trump"?

They're learning...

Stay safe.

Other urls found in this thread:


They will never understand our culture. I don't even understand it. You just gotta feeeel it.

This. They don't understand chan culture, they never will.

t. schizo

This shilling is going to turn on them when they all get doxed

The more you jokingly type messages that include words like faggot, nigger, kike, and cuck the more your morals actually do corrode.

Have fun descending into scumfuckery with us CTR.

YAhh... they are learning, but they are still too brained to realize what's happening.

>we're gonna break 4chans rules because someone has a different opinion than our groupthink


Rules and bans mean nothing. Ban evading is easy shit.

You scared, baby?

>we gonna kill those kikes und gassen the jewen

Just keep up the good work fellas

Their new tactics are to be a retarded caricature redneck trump supporter without saying anything bad about Hillary

They got doxxed on double chan. It's one of the main threads over there right now

Dox me. I don't give a shit. I just think it's funny that Trump babies think Sup Forums is their safe haven.


There is nothing wrong with Bill. He never looked better.

They're regrouping, and deciding whether or not it's worth it to continue. Although the thought just struck me that they might just getting lazy.

Surprise surprise it's a weekend so shilling has decreased significantly

They probably review and regroup once a week. It's defiantly gone down, so I'd imagine they are shitposting else ware after this didn't work.

I honestly don't get how people with a different opinion than mine can even exist. There must be some kind of organized conspiracy against me and my safe space. Yes, this is the most logical conclusion.

i can tell your a shill by the obscure shitty tumblr regurg may may.

hell be perfectly fine

>maybe they're getting lazy
I was thinking this as a potential possibility but dude, I can't even begin to count how many "I know she's a criminal" posts I've seen over the past two days. It's genuinely bizarre.

That would be great though...

>be at car hq
>constantly get shit slung in your mouth
>Question life choices
>take nappy nap

Sup Forums has never been a "safe haven" for anyone, user. It doesn't have downvotes, the thread originators cannot delete posts or block posters with opposing views. It is the opposite of a safe space hugbox. You are made mentally stronger simply by being here.

>welcome to Sup Forums
>you can never leave

These faggots are not even trying to be subtle. They spammed the board for several days and useful idiots would always use the excuse of ''oh, they're just trolling you! I do the same! I made some of those threads too!''
Then the shitposting just stops for hours. It simply stops as if someone gave them all a command to stop, and they change their tactics.

It's so fucking obvious that paid shills are here.

They dont realize that they are next on the clinton hitlist if they fuck up

I been channing for years and every chanhead knows that all boards are different and Sup Forums is the toughest to understand. Nobody goes to Sup Forums to change it. It changes you.

This is true. Shills have been here forever. And everyone is shilling. From actual stormfront tards to libertards recucklicans and jidf. Why wouldn't you?

The board is visited by thousands every impression. You can fake consensus with some ip rigging. No mods to speak of.

post more ill bills

Tick tock ctr fags

Hope the shekels are worth it


Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.

We can probably pin point there exact work schedule at this point. I'm guessing it's something like 1-9 pm every weekday

/CTR General/ when fellas? Plenty of links to go

Trump will win. Nothing can stop him now.

I wonder what they wanted their end game to be...

Pic related

>"An organization designed to influence online media would never attack a right wing website to distract voters not to vote"






We would never break the rules

I don't think so. It's been blatantly obvious the past 2 days. Today it has calmed down a bit

>page 0 flooded with POL BTFO, LOL DRUMPF and other literally 2 word spam threads
>a different opinion

Yes. Calmed down.

I got banned twice during the CTR wars.

I want a purple heart.

ITT: Shills

>not instantly dismissing posts that give any favor to Shillary

I got banned 3 times

It was easy to do when we had our usual gang of shit posters, now the board is loaded with trite garbage because it's a job for some.



It's annoying as fuck of course but Sup Forums should train some stoicism.

>you're not allowed to break the rules
>it's only ok when we do it
Lol cry more homo. CTR brigading, spamming, sliding, evading bans, and using proxies all break the rules. Their whole purpose isn't discussion it's to crush dissent. The shills personally deserve whatever they get too. Doesn't matter if it's just their job. You're not gonna find any sympathy here


>we're the only thing protecting tvdaddy trump!

lmao this board gets more delusional each day

already been done

>ook, I know she's a criminal, but she's the only thing that stands in the way of trump
Yeah they're learning alright, learning how to galvanize me against Hillary even more.

>Get played at own game
>Suddenly it's bad

Fuck off.

reminder that ctr are PEOPLE with JOBS, meaning that they doesn't work on weekend

enjoy your weekly period of cease-fire for it's going to be worse on monday

a question from a dirty Europeon:
What's the point of shilling in here, a fucking asshole of the internet? Can't they just fuck off to a normie site like reddit or something?

Correct the Record claims that they only post nice things to correct Hillary attackers, and that they always make clear it's them. Either it's some other organization, or it's just ebin memesters.

Mainly to suppress hurtful rumors and misguided information, but also for demoralization. Sup Forums is the home base of the alt-right and regularly makes the news. Top level journalists and politicians know about this place.