Looking to convert to Catholicism but I've never been to church nor read a single page out of the bible. Where should I start Sup Forums?
Looking to convert to Catholicism but I've never been to church nor read a single page out of the bible...
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Go to the local church and ask for info.
Have you been baptized?
go to your local parish and talk to a priest, he'll tell you some fundamentals and maybe even give you a study bible, but honestly I would start with Romans and the Gospels, good luck and God bless
Better convert into orthodox church, it's less cucked fám.
Paranormal and supernatural go on
I'm catholic, and currently switching to Lefebrist church in Paris, which is a catholic community refusing Vatican II.
I would advise you to do the same, you would find the true faith.
You start with RCIA. It provides a general (very general - I have been a sponsor three times now and it leaves A LOT to be desired) catechesis in preparation for baptism. Get in contact with your parish's RCIA coordinator and tell them you're interested. It usually starts around late August to early September and lasts until Easter, at which time you are baptised.
As I said, though, the catechesis is pretty poor. You're going to have to do your own homework if you want a decent novitiate grasp of theology, ecclesiastical history, and doctrine.
Ask some catholic you know IRL
Hail mary
Full of grace
the lord is with you
blessed you among women
Start by learning all of the prayers.
SSPX? If so, they are in communion with Rome and currently on the fast track to the status of personal prelature. They are Catholic. They are just orthodox and orthoprax which might seem strange to anyone raised primarily in the Novus Ordo conciliar Church.
Catholicism is heresy to Christianity!
Catholicism is idolatry!
They are the only ones speaking about France, protecting our country, our soil, families and values.
They have a strange status, since they consider themselves catholic and the catholic church don't want to expell them anymore, but they don't really listen to the pope.
anyone who is non protestant is legit cuck
catholicism? really you chose a cult with a cuck pope and even more cucked religion
Stop and go bottom up.
From the Bible and its context, to the infancy of Christianity and towards Patristics.
Then, compare what you got with today's denominations
Here is a list of Catholic beliefs: web.archive.org
Your local NAMBLA chapter.
Nor should they. They should be looking to the teachings of the Magisterium, as all faithful Catholics must in these dire times.
convert from what exactly?
This, God bless you on your faith journey user.
Get a science education instead.
Have faith that GOD loves you. That's the foundation of Christianity.
Welcome! Catholicism is the way!
First, I would suggest watching the Bishop Fulton Sheen videos, the Mother Angelica videos, and the WCBOhio (What Catholics Believe) videos. All videos can be found on youtube. Will really help you understand true Catholicism. They are not boring, but actually very interesting and sometimes funny. Also, check out the 1987 speech by the Priest Father John O'Connor. Will blow your mind. He was ex-Communicated for this, and other, speeches, which tells you how much the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by the bad guys. He is also interviewed on WCBOhio.
Second, buy a Dewey-Rhimes Bible. The best Bible to own. [King James Version - KJV - is Protestant, not Catholic.]
Finally, see if you live near a traditional Catholic Church and if you are fortunate and do, then contact a Priest there and set up a meeting to discuss converting to Cathlicism. You will have to go through the RCIA class, which is easy-peasy, and then you will be baptized and confirmed.
Good luck and God Bless you!
>I'm catholic, and currently switching to Lefebrist church in Paris, which is a catholic community refusing Vatican II.
Good for you and congratulations! I am Catholic and trying to find a traditional Catholic Church to join.
I recommend getting The Catholic Catechism by Father John Hardon. Easy to read and apply to daily life. Also, check out Karl Keating, he has great books on apologetics, which helped my understanding of the Church. Definitely check into RCIA.
t. convert since 2003
Are you aware that your sole creation is to be a servant to the children of God and his Elect as we serve our father in Heaven?
>convert to Catholicism
you disgust me