Like, really?

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We dun goofed m8 :(

At this point I'd be willing to give back all that land if they'd stay there.

Sadly, we know how that story plays out already


Mexico took the land from Spain. Who took it from France. Who took it from France. Who took it from Aztecs. Who took it from Pueblo. Who took it from...

You getting the point, spic? You lost in open warfare and the US even felt bad enough to pay you tens of millions of dollars a century ago.

The first people here were the Aztecs
It's OUR land

Well, no the Aztecs really.
But yes Indios.

>mexican empire

Oh come on dude its 2016! How do you not understand that those lands now legally belong to us! Sigh i cant even begin to believe that people in this current year do not understand history!

Take the blacks, refugees, and etc. and you got a deal. Are you with me Sup Forums?

>talk about border
Sup Forums at it best

We took that clay from them fair and square.

Imagine it, somewhere like Silicon Valley now if it had been in the hands of Mexicans. It would be a fucking shanty town. Mexico couldn't administer a back yard, it shouldn't even be a country.

You aren't related to aztecs you cast off spanish garbage. You're just spanish rape babies from further down south.

Trying to weasel out of the treaty Paco? You know that's an act of war

>inb4 Mexican-American War 2.0 Electric Taco Bowls

The olmecas were first nigra

Snowden, go away.

>willing to give up California

I don't think so

Your map is outdated, That's not what Mexico looks like anymore.

Bienvenidos Mexicanos. Please come home.

not only is California cucked it is fucked

if the nuclear sea water from Japan doesn't end the state then lack of water, earthquakes, fires, communism and shitskins will

what % of Mexicans were born north of the Rio Grande in the US states that were once part of Mexico?

I'd be fine if they stay but your border hoppers are going to go the fuck back

California is a shithole! The only thing good about it is the economy.

What other place has a North American Man-Boy Love Association in the gayest city in their own country???


What state made the Jews very powerful through the movie industry?


One of the states that doesn't give a shit about illegal immigration.

Fruitiest fucking people with one of the highest crime rates.

We're giving that gay fucking state to Mexico.

>Muh ancient civilizashun

Fuck off Pedro. We don't owe you shit.

The wall just got 10 feet taller

>1 post by this ID

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

We beat them in a war fair and square AND even paid for it even though we didn't have to.

I don't see what's so bad about giving Cali to Mexico.

You lose a large chunk of lefties and they get exposed to the wonders of Mexican drug cartels.

It's a win/win scenario.

not this much but mexico should get some land, maybe all of the bordering states. the blacks should also get their own ethnostate in the south and the rest should be for whites in good standing

Dude, you're not even going to mention a fact that for a little while California was a russian clay?

Actually no it was hunter/gatherers tens of thousands of years ago.

might = right dipshit

>If we just shift this border just a bit more up, all the cartels, corruption, low IQ, poverty, and shitty ethics will all disappear

This is what mexican imperialists actually believe

>lose war
>lose land

I don't see anything wrong here.

>"GO HOME EUROPEANS!! I am indigenous to this continent!"
>has 87% European DNA

t. Mestizo

>This land is ours because muh Aztecs
>Genocided the Aztecs

Mexican education, every time.

maybe they should've won :^)

The first Americans were Europids

>get paid for land
>willingly sell morel and
Where's the problem?



If we gave back California to its previous owners, it would go to Great Britain and Spain again.

Not Mexico.

Aztecs so far north? AHAHAA
Is this what they teach you in schools?

>Not gassing Cali and taking its farmland and industries back

Make Meixco Spain again

Holy fuck you're stupid.


>tfw you will never fuck this qt and claim Mexico for the Castilian crown

>all the shit states were Mexican

well that explains a lot

Oh shit what is she doing

>make brazil Portugal again

You don't want "the land," you want all the prosperity that was built on it


I live in the SW, Pedro. We're not going back to being a part of Mexico. Not even if the US broke up would we do so. Mexico didn't build the infrastructure up here. We have plumbing that can handle toilet paper, and thus, we don't throw it in the trash can.

fuck off m8, eat shit and die

Oregon and Washington were from GB in 1846

>bitching because a better country took your shit by force.


>He supports the Treaty of Versailles

Recently moved out of CA, its a shit state of degeneracy. Mexico can keep it.


seriously though, you fuckers had our land for only 30 years before we fucking left your shitty country. Get over it losers.

it's the law of the jungle then :^) hope you don't complain about the dark men taking your women by force

she knows who the real heroes of Mexican history were

would be nice, but would be a lot of work to make Brazil decent...

Brazil would be a great place if you got rid of the commies, forcefully resettled all the blacks in Angola and executed all drug dealers

implying hispanic twats aren't repulsive

it's called a war treaty Pedro wanna start that one up again?

I don't care about sillican valley or any corporate interest, if all mexicans and blacks would dissappear from white society I would make any concession.

Most of that was uninhabited by mexico.

hispanic men maybe, but latinas were MADE for Iberian cock



and once they hit 30 they become fat goblins

aren't all those girls essentially Spanish?

First 2 almost look pure Iberian.

isn't this the fucking native Americans land?

You should get lynched, I would fuck your ass up if you said that shit to my face.

Anyone even suggesting mixing of Iberian's with non whites deserves death.

It got conquered though, so it's not theirs anymore


They probably traded it to them for a bottle of tequila and some shiny rocks

Do you really think those girls have a higher amount of Indio blood than European blood?

It's not theirs anymore, it got conquered and to the victor belong the spoils

All I know is I would never take the risk of marrying one.


>I would never take the risk of marrying a Spanish/Portuguese girl

But they're European. Would you rather marry a chink or what?

None of them are Spanish or Portuguese, they are Mestizos.

I'll marry a nice white aussie sheila thank you very much.

This is a Spaniard.

Not only was it conquered, it was conquered 168 fucking years ago. There exists not a single person who has a living memory of my state being part of Mexico. La Raza are the invaders.


Send me one too please. fem aus accent gives me the most hardest boner possible

Do you have proof? They don't look like squatty brown unattractive hobbits.

Fair enough.

Same skin colour as the two girls on the left

LOL britcuck

Remember this words when your shithole of a country becomes another muslim shitland

you are being conquered demographically

your children will live under a different flag

you are done

That's what DNA tests are for.

I'll trade you one for a sexy southern cowgirl.

fem southern accents give me the most hardest boner possible.

Different skull you retarded moor nigger.

most "hispanics" are at least 80% Iberian anyways

native amerindians are basically ugly brown midgets, all the attractive latinas have a lot of European blood

fucking =/= marring, you're not supposed to be around for the aging


mixing with native women is how you show superiority to conquered peoples

this is a beaner.

>Aztlan meme

Stay out Pedro, southwest is ours

You will be fucked up ista if you suggested miscegenation and polluting the race.

Compare their skulls, then.

Hispanic to me means someone who originates from the Iberian peninsula. Not a mystery meat hobbit/Sacrifice junglenog but someone with a sizeable amount of European ancestry.

As you can see Mestizo's don't even remotely look Iberian, they are filthy indian scum that should have been all killed by my ancestors so all the land belongs to Spain.

Didn't you hear, Britain voted to be white again the other month

Get the fuck out califag.

That's actually pretty accurate.

Hey that is what I look like!

They are shills or deluded idiots.

They always post the whitest-looking girls and say the same shit...
"Wow! Aren't latinas hot? Why aren't you race mixing with a conservative traditional Hispanic qt?"

Same thing with blacks. Every attractive black model has a high amount of white ancestry and features.
(ie Tyra Banks)

Most real blacks and mestizos are ugly af.