She's about to drop like a rock

shills btfo

Yeah.. no. Trumptards are at bernout level now.

lol she's going down just like trump did last week

sorry nip she's going down

down down down.



Didn't they remove the option to vote 3rd party and counted all undecided votes as +Hillary ?

He only difference is, the media spent 3 or 4 days say, "holy shit trumps dropping out" but he actually isn't. And it's verifiable that polls, like Reuters, altered the options in there polls and sampled 10-15% more registered democrats in some of the poll. We haven't received one accurate poll number in a very long time at this point.

Reuters just released a poll and Trump has closed in to 3 points again.

She's 42- to 39.

Gap is closing.


Trump literally needs to sound like he knows what he's talking about

He needs to do more at the GE debates than say

Ripping us off
Our greatest people

Hillary is going to shit down his throat in a debate.

She's going to look to her left, and say, "Donald, what the hell are you even talking about? You haven't said one thing with clarity about any of your positions"

And he's going to look a fool.

Hillary Clinton hasn't done policy in well over a month.

She was asked yesterday: What do you think makes people support Trump?

She answered it all fucked up, saying it was something about the economy. She acted as if she wanted to say some policies but then couldn't because it would make Obama look awful.


Any time now you'll see

looking at polls, 100 days our so left. yeah ok.


Imagine that

A leaf

A nigger

That is the one that got me. This woman has a trail of dead bodies and lies behind her. She has helped exploit multiple countries for her own personal gain through her time as Sec of State and has been working to manipulate Media through the DNC and through her press conference yesterday addressing minority only journalists to attack trump. She is a criminal and a sociopath.

Hey stupid

Why do you think she does 1-3 interviews a year?

She cannot handle real questions

Trump will evicerate her in debates

Exposing her for what she is

A liar and criminal

he's going to say "believe me" about 10x and she's going to have a zinger like "Donald, you keep saying 'believe me', but the problem is, no one does"

debate trump seems fairly predictable desu.

she only needs to survive 3 debates and she'll have plenty of coaching to do so. I want trump to win so the west isn't cucked but I'm not confident trump will be able to trip her

You fags have forgotten how to use meme magic




DODfag here. I've been working in Intelligence since she was secretary of state. I've never met her, but I once heard a higher up who did describe her literally as "Tywin Lannister with a vagina".

And thats exactly why I'm voting for her. Because at the end of the day fuck other countries.

At least you're funny leaf

did you watch her recent not press conference? she can't even handle softball questions without stuttering and looking confused.

she looks like, and actually is, a stroke victim



And he will reply "oh the irony"

We both know you're not supposed to make posts like that.

yeah they sure did :) trump has nothing to worry about ;)

That's why no one like you.

She's be setting herself up if she said that

TRUMP PUMP tomorrow 6pm.


You got this. Keep phonebanking and upvoting pro-Donald comments to the main page and you'll beat her in November.

T-trump's gonna bounce back a-a-any day now, r-right guys? Right?

>Hillary is going to rape in the debates

I could beat Clinton in a debate. Shes a shitty public speaker and debater. She hasn't had a media day in a very long time for a reason

Hillary literally BTFO the Benghazi commission

You think Trump can do anything to her? Srsly.

Looking at polls before the debates is like looking at sports Standings before a game is played.

Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Trumpets need to fucking stop worrying about the polls.


Different sites have done different things. Reuters removed "undecided" and arbitrarily decided what those people would have voted were it not an option, in Hillary's favor.

Other sites have omitted Jill Stein and/or Gary Johnson. There are some arguments for omitting Jill as she isn't polling well enough yet, but it doesn't change the fact that many Bernouts are voting for her and it would sway the results.

Yet other polls are oversampling dems.

All that being said, she probably is doing a bit better right now due to the recent success the media has had with smearing Trump's name among undecideds.

>she's about to drop like a rock

You mean like Trump already has?




(Photo Credit: Myron D. Gainesman)

Nah she didn't BTFO, she just made up a story with her lawyers and stuck to it. The Republicans got in some zingers but debates are much harder than a hearing.

This. Even I was enthusiastic about Trump at first. But now its clear he is just a sponge for Hillary's bad publicity and the whole thing was just set up by the clintons and Trump to get this piece of shit woman elected. He's crashing this campaign. WITH NO SURVIVORS

I have a massive hardon for Hillary. I like powerful women in dominant positions.

>she only needs to survive 3 debates

Define "survive"

I can easily see Hillary slipping up when she's forced to answer actual questions and worse, stand up to Trump who will NOT be playing softball with her.

I'm not saying she has no chance, but it's likely that she'll be torn up.

Nothing matters until the debates. These polls are irrelevant.

>dat ID!!!



Trump is charismatic whereas Hillary isnt.

That will make the difference in this year's election. People like charisma up front, not "gibs" and "feels."

Many people will vote for Trump solely because he's a better orator than she is


Umm what? I could give a horses ass about the polls. I am saying its abundantly clear that Trump is now actively firebombing his own campaign to ensure that he wont become POTUS and Hillary will.

Hillary can't just survive. Trump will come into the debate with a lot of energy and showmanship. The American people won't elect someone who's old and decrepit.

Give one example of him doing that.

He can fire bomb it all he wants. It's the debates that matter. He's getting in trouble for irrelevant shit that he's been getting in trouble for all year. The Khan shit isn't as bad as the McCain thing was.

He's fucking fine.

The weaker he looks going into the debate, the more he can gain coming out.

4d chess senpai

Can't say I reach the same conclusion there. The reason Trump dropped in the polls lately is because "mean" he is, which is also why the MSM finds him an easy target.

Of course, none of this will matter if Trump watches his step. He'll pretty much rape Hillary if he just keeps his cool.

Problem is that Hillary has dug so many holes around her that she can't move without tripping.

She's tied herself to the Obama Administration to try and leech off his voter coalition... but that means she's also tied to every unpopular decision the Administration's made. She's used her time as Secretary of State as "proof" of her experience and qualifications to do the job... but that makes bringing up the email and Benghazi scandals and all that other shit is fair game. Etc etc etc.

The debates are going to be an interesting watch simply because of what each candidate needs to do to survive them:
Trump needs to avoid putting his foot in his mouth for a couple hours.
Clinton needs to avoid getting baited into any traps that Trump sets and imploding on national television.




Clinton currently leads by 0.4%, which is basically a tie.

The worst that could have happened to Trump from the DNC is now over, shills have nothing left.

I think Cruz was a harder debate opponent than Clinton.

It's just sad to see trumpets this desperate, even Bernie had a smaller margin than Trump

>not taking full advantage of Hillary's corruption and talking about tweets and other ridiculous minutiae but still mentioning it so anyone who brings it up looks like a loon
>talking about a classified tape at a rally
>feuding with Khan without actually saying anything about how he has Muslim Brotherhood ties or else just calling him out for using his son's death as political leverage.
>maintaining a generally low profile compared to the primaries
>talking about how he will fix the economy just like "Hitler did for Germany"
>infighting with the RNC which had finally come around to endorsing him
>not coordinating with his VP or anyone else
>being a general asshole

Need I go on?



Pump him cock?


This is the gayest image I've ever seen.

Please, Bernie never had a chance and only delusional people thought the Democrats weren't colluding with Hillary.




You are correct in assuming a competent debater could skewer Trump.

But it's doubtful if Hillary is that woman.


Saved for election night shenanigans.
Thanks drumpkins

that's because there are more registered Democrats than Republicans you dummy

Hillary still leads in the polls. Trump needs to unfuck himself or America will look Brazil.


>polls start showing Trump ahead
>the #mentallyHill start responding to opinion polls they'd otherwise ignore
>probably tell their friends all about it so they can participate too
>polls now skewed to fuck
Not to mention we haven't even seen a single debate yet. People pretending like Hillary will come out well for this are dead wrong. She has a list of wrong-doing a mile long and the average person aware of this isn't on her side, it's only the media and people who don't know what she's done that shill for her. Trump is going to drop some red pills and the entire crowd will cheer for him.

Hey fag lord, if you're really dod grats on breaking opsec


Best kart racing game ever. No competition.

what a coincidence they went full attack force after trump released literally clinton cash on his own website. this is the highest point of propaganda they can get and it's not even october. what are they thinking, they didn't even made a huge impact, he's still over the 40%. trump will come back and then there is only one thing that could stop him, and it would be a bullet

>>not taking full advantage of Hillary's corruption and talking about tweets and other ridiculous minutiae but still mentioning it so anyone who brings it up looks like a loon
He tweets about that all the time.
He had an interview on fox like 3 days ago saying the election is rigged and also talked about how clinton rigged the DNC.

>>talking about a classified tape at a rally
I really don't think something being classified matters anymore. Apparently the secretary of state can "lose" all these classified emails and no one gives a fuck
>>feuding with Khan without actually saying anything about how he has Muslim Brotherhood ties or else just calling him out for using his son's death as political leverage.
He said he was emotional and the (((media))) blew up about it. Also khan supports shariah law and does have ties to the muslim brotherhood.

>>maintaining a generally low profile compared to the primaries
Are you serious? He goes to rallies constantly and has been interviewed a dozen different times lately.

>>talking about how he will fix the economy just like "Hitler did for Germany"
Lol he said that?

>infighting with the RNC which had finally come around to endorsing him
>fighting with the cucks who have betrayed us for decades
>a problem

>being a general asshole
Not an argument.