College and healthcare should be free. Every modern, industrialized country does it...

College and healthcare should be free. Every modern, industrialized country does it. Calling it a handout or "free shit" is a bullshit attack by the powers that be. You know why congressmen don't want that to happen? Because they get free healthcare and a six figure salary paid by taxpayer money. And of course, the insurance companies, who make money by being middlemen creating no value, want to keep their profits high.

Wake the fuck up, Sup Forums.

>Implying baby boomers and gen X's want you to do succeed and benefit from their taxes

No one cares faggot. You aren't entitled to shit

Sorry, if Sweden and Germany have proven anything it's that the welfare state makes us weak.

"All people are the same! Just some people only use welfare and commit crimes"

You aren't entitled to those food stamps and obesity disability checks either

No, college and healthcare can't be free because you are just an american Goyim.

colleges should be funded part state part private

companies should be interested in their future employees

the trick is, it's cheaper to import poo

Who pays for it fagboy

duh, read the post turkroach

literally the only people who want socialized medicine are the ones too fucking dumb to stay out of debt

>tfw both
Might want to hurry up America starting to fall behind with the rest of the world.

>doesn't own a car
>or own a house
>can't own a guy

Ill pass

>actually paying attention to posts
what a faggot

>believing freedom is supposed to be free

Low IQ, subhuman trash.

You are the Brazil of Europe.

>turkroach humor


>Wah everything should be free!


Why don't you move to those othe countries if you want free shit?

Good to see you finally found the right board Sup Forumsirgin

Affordable not not free my guy


wtf, i hate healthcare now

Keep telling yourself that faggot while I enjoy my free college and university education.

Every modern country also taxes the balls off their citizens.

At least im not american
>american self secureness

Wooo wtf was that gif shit

What is the point of working if you have to give all your money to the gubbermint for young idoits to waste pretending to learn about shit that won't help them in the real world?
Most degrees don't even prepare the person for their career.


Kek, it doesn't work when you have too many immigrants in your country.
Just look at what happened to Sweden, wake the fuck up americunts

>college and healthcare is """""free"""""
>half of your paycheck disappears
>everyone that doesn't make the end of 6 figures or above is now poor
>4 years later
>no jobs since college degrees are worth as much as high school degrees before the Good Goyim Act of 2016
>"it is ok comrade, if you're sick, healthcare is free!"
>hospitals reflect the USA, 3rd world shithole
>more disease and death
>can't fight the government because they took our guns under the Stupid Goyim Act of 2016
>can't say this sucks under the Shut Up Goyim Act of 2017

And then paying it back in taxes the rest of your life. Plus some overhead to have a committee to oversee those taxes.


Why are we afraid to care about other people in our country?

Question; if college tuition is free who sets the costs? Normally, I would assume, the tuition is guided by the same principle of supply and demand, skewed though it may be by the ability to take out loans. With free tuition the demand would skyrocket yes? So if these institutions maintain their autonomy then they are free to charge any tuition they please at the expense of the taxpayer, if not then their income is more or less regulated by the state and these institutions would essentially become government run universities. If some colleges, say public universities, become tuition free while others do not then wouldn't the degrees from these colleges become less valuable than those from private institutions due to the greater number of graduates from these public schools?

its been beaten out of us by the elites
"aquire wealth forgetting all but self"

>College and healthcare should be free.
Indeed it should. I wonder how we can think that USA is good country while they are not here.

Also I think it is why country exists, to provide safety, education and healthcare to it's citizens. It is why we pay our taxes and protect our country from outer enemies.

It. Is. Not. Free. And. Never. Will. Be. Burger. Retard.
In socialism, everyone pays. And in modern days the middle or "working" class hurts the most from it.

American healthcare industry is out of control. The doctors prolong treatment so they can get more money because I believe ACA (Obamacare) forced most policies to have no lifetime cap on benefits, so doctors just try to get as much money as they can while they patient remains sick.

In a state-run primary system (UK NHS), the NHS administrators would randomly audit doctors to make sure they are curing the patients as fast as possible. Further, America is fee for service, so the doctors have an incentive to prolong the treatment, while UK NHS is salary for the doctors - the doctor doesn't earn any more money for prolonging the treatment. In fact, they may earn a bonus for extra efficiency. So UK NHS got it right, America is still stuck in the 18th century fantasy that "the free market will fix it automatically".

By the way, I'm a Nazi, but I recognize the Jewishness of the American healthcare system (that is mostly controlled by elite Jewish doctors at elite universities).

No russia, mother's provide healthcare and education. The state should exist only to prevent chaos via the collective desire of man to bring order and protect the rights of his fellow citizens.

Good we need less brown people here

No such thing as free, it takes tremendous high taxes to get such things.. which means that you need very low unemployment and hard work to be able to have such things..

And high taxes will mean that there's less for you every month... and also harder for businesses..

To try to argue that you want that in the US with so much unemployment and neet status and ebt situation etc. with ghetto communities etc. and loss of jobs due to bad fiscal policies and trade etc. Is financial suicide.. you're 19 trillion in debt burger financing all this gibsmedat nonsense, going up to 21 trillion.. You can't fucking afford it, you should have thought about this sooner instead of bringing in millions of illegals that effectively create a black market economy cause they take your jobs, drive down labour and send the money back to mexico instead of into the economy. Costing the US tens of billions every year.

And the reason you can't find a job after studying assuming you didn't pick some retarded thing like social studies, is because the US economy is doing so horribly that the minimum wage jobs are all taken by older people cause it's all they can get currently..

TL;DR it costs a fortune but if you have very low unemployment and high taxes and your national debt is very low you might be able to afford it..

But you don't.. US is near fucking bankrupt.. And now is the time you decide you want free education and free everything.. forget it it's over for the time being..

You can't have nice stuff whilst bringing millions of people into your country constantly.

>mother's provide healthcare

Mothers perform endoscopic cardiac surgery?

Implying that it wouldn't take a massive tax hike.
Get a job and stay out of my wallet faggot.

>free health care
enjoy dying waiting for surgery

>Offer free college
>Open borders
>Literally the entire world moves into your country to exploit your free college

Formula for success right here


>Go to doc for a check up
>He uses the stethoscope
>Listening for heart problems
>Am slightly /fit/
>"We have a problem here user"
>"You may have an irregular heartbeat"
>"oh... what does this mean for me?"
>"just come in for an ultrasound screening to check before making any decisions"
>go for screening
>the bill was over $1000
>"its okay, you dont have an irregular heart beat"


>>he fell for the free healthcare meme.

I pay $100 a month for my 'free healthcare' and I haven't been to a doctor in 15 years.

Indeed, it's time for natives to have the land again

No we need giant fucking reforms in the hospital systems
If you knew how much you guys were getting jewed you'd all fucking shit yourselves, it's absolutely absurd.

Exactly if you want free college and these things, you need to meet the following requirements or you go in massive deficit very quickly.

A) Very low unemployment.. (or you can't afford it).
Very high taxes (or you can't afford it).
Very little national debt or you'll get issues very fast. (these 3 are ofcourse somewhat related).

(VERY selective immigration) or you go bankrupt with the added cost of people coming in to take advantage of "free stuff" that isn't free at all but requires massive taxes..

All these things require a lot of money, this is why socialism fails horribly and why those who offer these things have a very strong capitalistic private sector with very low unemployment and high taxes to be able to afford it.

Because socialist/communists think they can just bankroll it all without a strong private sector.. And when they go down the tubes like venezuela recently, they ofcourse can't see that it's precisely because they ignored this that it didn't work out.

Why don't you save money and take care of yourself? The government shouldn't replace your parents when you grow up.

Public health and education does not exist for your benefit, or your parents. It exists for the benefit of the state. Education is not a product, and people are not customers. Educated people are the product and the state is the customer.

Anybody who disputes your sentiment is. A double digit IQ nigger brainwashed by corporate Jews

Yeah they do, they just cut off their dead weight. Joking aside, the fact that your child is dying doesn't entitle you to other people money, take up a collection and allow people to freely decide if they are kind souls or not, don't stick a gun to their temple and say you fix my god damn son. Also if healthcare is free then wouldn't the costs get inflated unless hospitals practices are nearly entirely dictated by the state?

It might be great if you can afford it and restrict your immigration etc. so it doesn't go out of control.. but somehow being 19 trillion in debt with massive unemployment and other bad shit going on with trade, and illegal immigration and other things, is probably not the best time to set that up..

You don't have to be kissing jewish ass to realize that, basic math will suffice.

>tfw all education and healthcare is totally free here

Sure sucks to be a "europoor"

Why don't you just move to one of those countries then?

No. 95% of the college economy should be burnt to the ground and the earth salted after that, Not more than 5% of people need "higher education". The rest need apprenticeship and a job after.

As of healthcare you don't know what you're talking about. Wanna get rid of insurers, you get to trust doctors to charge whatever they deem justified based on the social profile of their patients. What could go wrong. No it's not free. Suppress the incentives to make money out of healthcare you get no doctors, no surgeons, no innovation in medicine and treatments. Good luck with that.

Riiight so then the state would favor consuming people from the "student deli" which produces their favored meats. The state would then be the guiding force behind how these shops operate and would naturally, in the environment of a corrupted government, attempt to sway the industry to produce docile humans that go down easy.

>why don't you just move to one of those countries
FUCK YOU, nobody is moving here! those kinds of systems crash precisely because assholes try to migrate for them.. Ours is already under pressure with just the few we have accepted cause they go on welfare, that's how fucking delicate that shit is.. You need very very low unemployment, high taxes and strong private sector in order to make it add up.. And it's only because we are still very homogenous ethnically that we hold it together. "Diversity" (some muslim woman with 10 kids on wellfare) would make that kind of a system crash easily.

How can anyone justify 'free college' when all the degenerates are normies who dont give a fuck and are getting a pointless business or psychology degree.

Besides, hillary and bernies 'free tuition' will do nothing in ma you can get free tuition by just doing 'proficient' on the mcas.

The tuition at my state school is 1.5k. Fees not covered are 8k.

Schools will universally just raise their fees to offset the tuition.

That sounds good, but considering your country has Bronze Age Medical treatment is it really?

If a state wanted humans that go down easy, it wouldn't provide education at all. Educated people cause problems.

The systems crash precisely because socialism bankrupts and fails.

And you dont see how educating people in certain ways could be equivalent to not educating them at all? Further man in his natural uneducated state is probably a bit more vicious than a man who has been tought that that status quo is the best and only option

we're not socialist.. actual socialism is very different.. but yes socialism/communism crashes by trying to have those kinds of social programs, without a strong private capitalistic oriented sector to finance it..

Stuff like "free education" which isn't free at all, is a priveledge of being a wealthy nation with low debt.. and high unemployment, and still even at that, you have to be very careful to balance it.. if you all of a sudden get mass unemployment (like importing lots of immigrants that don't do shit) the bottom easily falls out..

If my country does nothing to ensure I will get all required medical help if I will suddenly get a heart attack, then it actually does nothing to protect my right to life. And that means I don't need such a state, it only brings disorder by taking my money away from me and giving nothing in return.

sorry low unemployment.. and good trade and all these things.. is necessary before you even begin to think about shit like that. But it can pay off since people get smarter.

Dear Nigger,

Pay for your own shit the rest of us do.

Prepare yourself to have nearly all your earnings seized if you become successful then. That's the only catch. Socialism inspires mediocrity and non-desire to achieve...because no one wants to hand over the Lions share from their own fuck accomplishments.

So fucking what? An educated ape can throw rocks. A chemist and electrical engineer can make IEDs.

Welfare state: the state thinks its better than you at spending your own money, so it takes a part of it, uses a part to fill their own coffins, then spends it on shitty goods and services.

Free market: you decide where to spend your own money. Woa.

>t. NEET

get a real job, loser



Where does your sense of entitlement come from, dude? Jesus. You are everything that is wrong with today. Millions of people died for your right to the concept of individual liberty, you shitposting on Sup Forums. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, cuck. Not everyone wants to live in a commune.

Should the state sponsor efforts to make man immortal so that time never infringes on your right to life? The idea that you are giving and getting nothing in return could, perhaps, be neutralized by the state attempting to only get from those that need what it gives. Of course that's just an ideal

Free college would make the job market worse, not better. You're already expected to go to school until you're 18, which is ridiculous. You really think the standard should be that people are glorified children until they're 22?

Sorry you're a cuck, OP. Besides it being obviously immoral to demand goods or services from someone else, it would offer no practical advantage, and a host of disadvantages. You're just too stupid to understand that, or you're a shill.


But even in the case where you have very low unemployment, very little debt, and high taxes, it's still a massively delicate system.. free education can work somewhat in places like denmark which is very monoethnic.. but it's extremely delicate still, we have had to focus more on education since we are not that many so it's quality over quantity.. And it relies a LOT on an understanding not to exploit the system and how delicate it is..

Trying to do that in a multiethnic "paradise" where many people perhaps exploit whatever they can, and have totally different understandings of work ethic and cultural norms pulling in 20 different directions etc. well good luck..

Also it's not like the US spends too little on education as it is, the US spends more on education than pretty much everyone else, it's just that it goes to some wrong things, and that there might be corruption internally in the education system..

But why would an educated ape throw rocks when that education has taught them to love the hand of the state which caressed them since infancy?

>Get food poisoning
>can't keep fluids down, dehydrated
>put me in a room with no treatment for an hour while I dry heave
>First thing they want is chest xray, tell them no thank you
>Finally in ER after they realise I have insurance
>Move me to ICU because insurance is good
>Fluids bring me from 150 back to 180
>sleep, want to leave the next day
>doctor needs more time to run tests, maybe tonight
>Tonight comes, nope you'll see doctor in the morning
>Next morning, doctor says moving to normal room for one night
>force me to get chest xray
>Room is two people and I'm stuck with an old alcoholic who wants me to fuck his fat gf
>Doctor tells me I have air in my chest from rupturing arteries, and wants me to see a cardiopulmonary surgeon
>nope.jpeg myself out of there AMA
>Insurance company billed 10k

Here in America, a 24 year old can go in for food poisoning, and they'll try to give you heart surgery.

This guy gets it. The welfare state isnt just about free stuff, it also slowly warps what is considered moral.

When no longer needed for survival, values like discipline, self dependence and working ethics will be replaced with a moral entitlement after several generations.

People start believing that they have the right that the environment provides them with all they need, and is responsible for everything. Classic virtues get replaced with the curtural marxist crap like
- a bad pupil wasn't lazy, the school system didn't motivate him
- a mass shooter isn't responsible for his actions, the system failed him

In Germany, not paying welfare is considered a violation of someones natural rights. Applying the same ideology to migrants, people seem to think we are denying them a human right by not letting them into the country, cause everyone is entitled to some basic outcome after all.

Better than paying $300 a month because otherwise an accident could bankrupt you.


People think they don't have to earn what they get. So they think it's a "human right" to rob others by gunpoint by taxing them to the hilt and giving it to others that aren't doing shit. And this is somehow a "human right"..

Imagine half on africa on welfare, you can't fucking afford that.. Stop acting like that's even fucking possible.. If they don't work and are self sufficient but simply given money anyways for work they don't do.. they would eat us out of house and home within a very short time..

That's why the world needs to be self sufficient, and countries needs to be self sufficient first.. we can't have much of the world not expected to do jack shit for themselves.. and then that they expect to migrate and go on welfare as a human right..

College shouldn't be viewed as vocational training. This would solve all problems related to university in America.

Feels good being danish

>Insurance companies

Insurance is a hedge against financial risk. Gibmee niggers like yourself are the reason healthcare is fucked up in this country. Kys.

>No such thing as free, it takes tremendous high taxes to get such things.. which means that you need very low unemployment and hard work to be able to have such things..


Countries like Slovenia, Brazil or Mexico provide (almost) free college.

Keep believing the neoliberal fairy tale that paying ever-rising sums to enter the labour force is good for you.

I completely agree. Most arguments to the contrary are dumb.

The problem is that people in europe are letting worthless shitskins from the 3rd world abuse the system.

Fuck you and everyone that thinks like you.

If we didn't make college (or high school) an expectation for jobs that are completely unrelated to it, the job market could readily unfuck itself.

The actual problem is that people expected to have good jobs just for wasting money on college.

Close one-half of all colleges in the country and then I will back the free tuition plan.
There are too many people in college that do not belong there.

What kind of third world shithole doesn't have government subsidized tertiary education?

Does only work in a long term with an intact population

It's a fair deal that everyone should earn their own salvation, but bringing it to "every man for himself" radiates anarchy. I don't see the problem where a working man helps out another working man through his taxes. NEETS, autismbux people and so forth should't have access to such things as free or cheap healthcare. Our taxes are being spent on piss and then they makes us believe that the very root of the problem is cheap/free healthcare, and not the fact that we're giving billions of gibs to the poor africans and chosen ones. Open your eyes man.

>I don't see the problem where a working man helps out another working man through his taxes.

If it was voluntary, sure. As soon as it's compulsory, it becomes theft. And if you're trying to claim the moral high ground while promoting theft, you're a hypocrite doomed to failure.

The same country that cringes at the thought of people getting more food stamps than they need, whilst subsidizing corporations with tax money.

But it's stealing

>If it was voluntary, sure

good on ya, romabro



>free healthcare and education
>taught on stone tablets about how to make spears
>healthcare consists of leaches, cupping, homeopathy and witchcraft

We have free high school, so it isn't that much of a stretch honestly.

Just have them become colleges during off hours.