Is he redpilled?
Is he redpilled?
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more purple
more like shitty comedian
Angry rants don't make for good comedy.
>Gets married to negress
>Complains about it constantly
Purple it is
not really. He's married to a black.
He's confused,
His skeptic white man genes won't produce another skeptic white man.
>married to a black
>does the same stupid wife jokes as every other comedian
>doesn't like guns
He's shit as a person and a comedian.
You can be married to a black girl and still be red pilled.
He's rich so marrying a black chick was the best route. She'll never cheat or divorce him since no one else is going to want her.
Pretty much, if you listen to his podcast he talks about a lot of the same stuff discussed here.
>mfw everyone thinks he's joking
Annoying Jew
True, black people can be redpilled aswell. You have to remember there is a line between a nigger and a normal black person.
Yes. But his very first special was him railing against how bad an idea marriage is... When I heard he married, I lost some respect out of his glaring hypocrisy.
The fact she is a dumb sjw-lite nigress is secondary, and she does a good job ruining his podcast whenever she is is present.
Plus he got pussy whipped into not getting the gun he wanted, and had to "compromise"so he could get helicopter lessons instead... Pretty weak move, pussy whipped to a high level it seems. Ah well, as long as Billy redballs is happy, then wish him all the best.
But comedian wise, he's great, but not one of the greatest
His wife is higher T than he is big win
>this meme again
See pic.
>He's rich
>Bill Burr net worth and salary: Bill Burr is an American stand-up comedian and who has an estimated net worth of $4 million dollars. Bill Burr was born in Canton, Massachusetts in 1968. He is known for his satirical humor and observational comedy.
$4 million? My fucking old man is worth more than that and he's not even a kike.
>Plus he got pussy whipped into not getting the gun he wanted, and had to "compromise"so he could get helicopter lessons instead... Pretty weak move, pussy whipped to a high level it seems.
Kek, you're a complete idiot dude. Are all of your opinions molded and reinforced by internet memes?
At least purple. But just like Joe Rogan, I don't think they can come out fully as redpilled persons without ruining their careers.
Also, I know Bill has said a lot of times that bankers rule the world, I'm sure he's seen the Jew connection.
One of us, one of us, one of us...
Faggots can't understand, don't try
But he owns a gun
What the fuck are you on about? He's the only mainstream comedian that I've seen to ever call women out on all their sexist bullshit. And he does in fact like guns.
Pick one, Sir.
I saw him live in Manchester a few days ago
He was bashing the hell out of trump
>he wont do anything he says he will
>he's an idiot
>he puts his name on everything like a child
>the guy couldnt come up with 6k cash in a week if you asked him
However he did say that Clinton was a 20 time felon and layed into her too
I couldn't help but get a vibe that he was only bashing trump because it was easy material, seems red pilled on everything else
No. But he recognizes a lot of the bullshit people don't like to talk about.
I think the perfect example is his "shit sandwich" rant. Basically everyone has a shit sandwich they gotta eat, but someone else walks up to you and says "hey, your sandwich is better than mine, you should feel guilty about how lucky I perceive you to be". It's an analogy for white guilt.
He's not redpilled, but he's definitely not someone the blue team likes.
Idi jedi svinjetine mozda budes vise musko
What other comedian is talking about this shit? No one! Patrice O'Neal used to, Joe has touched some of these things. Otherwise, no one.
Did saying he's pussy whipped hurt your feelings or something? "I'm sorry you feel that way", as Bill might say
Besides him being a hypocritical about marriage, and being pussy whipped by his broad, he's still funny lads.
He is awesome but, like all celebrities, elitist and doesn't acknowledge posts to him by "the little people".
I've seen Purple pill here. That'said probably right. Bill thinks freely and speaks honestly. Bill doesn't play the lefty "my black wife" get out of racism free card even when he's justified.
I think I will go with purple.
I feel like he would be a Trump supporter if his wife wasnt black, you can tell she hates him and wont allow him to support him.
Ever heard of Lewis Black?
He was on infowars. Seems like he knows his shit
>married to a nigger
>vehemently anti-racist
>so far up the jews' asses they gave him a TV show
Goddammit piece of shit Samsung autocorrect. Because he'said, I'very, it'seems, can'the, don'the, and won'the are both totally words and what people actually want to type when they are writing contractions. Fucking Nigger retard affirmative action hires.