What would the US look like if those dirty cucks never brought over black slaves?


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>No slavery
>No cotton exports to England
>No Textile production
>No industrial revolution
>No modernization

Stay medieval bro.

Do you know why there never was anti-semitism in Ireland?

Because the never let the jews in in the first place

boring shoes and no cool music

notice how the BBQ used to always be on the front side of the house.

Industrial Revolution was more done due to a lack of menpower than to to much raw materials

The black death did more for the end of the medieval than cotton

The only antisemitism was the troubles


educate yourself.


they were Jews user. Look it up

>those dislikes

>blacks are the only people on earth capable of picking cotton
Nice logic, bro. In reality, plantation owners would have just had tons of kids, and made them do the work.

The country as a whole would inarguably be a in a better position had that happened instead.

MTV is a great source. (It's not)

This woman is human cancer

niggers didn'invented the light bulb
the black guy the mean holds a patent about the improvement of light bulbs
>educate yourself
don't spread your shitty mtv science

she is cute, you know her name?

Cotton was only grown in the South. The industrial revolution would have happened any way, but the rest of the south would not have been developed until around the same time as Florida i.e. after air conditioning was invented.

her name is
Isla Misp Eace

Slaves built America

Yes irishmen and italians never did annything for 'merica

Its Niggerton Jones

Most economists estimate that black slavery actually had a net result of stagnation in the southern economy due to lack of manufacturing development. This has been implicated as the second most important reason behind why the CSA lost the civil war (behind the much smaller population), and even one of the causes for continued poverty in the deep south

Better question:
What does Sup Forums think of THICK, JUICY, THROBBING, black cock?

You probably would have imported someone else?

The problem is the left that threw those people back into the nigger age. America has the best educated blacks and could arguably have had continuous improvements there. Also the plantation owners were also progressives so as you can see it is always those damn progressives that have to hold us all back.

Way better.
> no racial tensions
> no Black cancer in the US

The same thing everybody else thinks: they're disgusting

also that dude has like 30%+ white blood

memes aside, seems like you just had to open up the video description

check out her instagram,


looks like she's getting bleeched everynight, good for her.

im so sorry but blacks did't invented 90% of the stuff in the video
>personal Computers

(I know bill din't invented them)

i thought it was obvious that i was just reposting it for dem (you)'s, duhh.

How well-dressed everyone was, and without being fedora-tier!
50's until late 60's - truly greatest time ever.

the onlything thats true that a black person accidentaly "invented" the patato chips

I live in an affluent all white neighborhood in Texas, and we just had a neighborhood cookout last month. It was great, a meet and greet, and all the non-whites were physicians or med students here in town.

I cooked burgers and chicken sausage, and it was a big hit. There was a lot of little kids around (95% white) running around playing tag and shit, and eating from all the dad's grills.

9/10 would recommend.

Paradise with boring music.

It would look like a mass wasteland because slaves built this country

so i fell for the poe -_-

niggers din't invented Death Metal

i can live without nigger music

>white people doing actual work

I am having a fucking laff

>Nigger accual speacking there own language
I'm fucking crying


The early American economy, like all new world colonies, required slavery. Read a fucking book. No slaves = no us.

Even if this is b8, everyone needs to see this

The north did pretty well without slaves

african slaves were infamously unproductive and non-adaptable, like learning and operating the cotton gin. that's why plantation owners started paying good money to sail over irish 'indentured servants' (who were just called slaves at the time, by the way).

yes the british were never able to settle falklands because no slaves

The North had slaves...

The North had slaves even after the Emancipation Proclamation.

No it didn't. It only benefitted wealthy landowners. America became great through a consumer-driven economy, the model Henry Ford started and took off around the country. Before that it was just peanuts as usual and the North was still outdoing the South significantly because they didn't realize the value of a strong working class.

and russia was never able to settle sibiria because no slaves

Alabama was the richest place on earth in 1850

Never in significant numbers. By the Civil War the vast majority of Northerners had never even seen a black person.

Pikey slaves came before niggers

>with an economy based on exporting raw materials
timbuktu and samakant were long time the richest nations but never the most developed ones

I think the more interesting question is what kind of life would black folks be living today if they were not brought over as slaves.

>no Civil War
>no 600k dead white people
>no Reconstruction
>no white guilt
>no civil rights movement
>no 60s social revolution
>no Hart-Cellar act, or any change to our immigration policy that biases our immigration policy away from Europe
>American racial bullshit doesn't spread across the world
>even Sweden isn't cucked

Everyday would be exactly like this.

The North was built on slavery. They had a lot of slaves during early colonial times (even as late as the revolution 1/3 of New York homes owned slaves) and most northern cities all started by participating in the Atlantic Slave Trade. However they were not as wealthy as the southern states who provided a majority of the nation's economic trade by the time of the revolution. This is why the british pulled out of the north half way through the war and focused on reconquering the richer southern states.

The North was broke after the war and fought to have the national government assume state debts aka southern slave money. The north only began to become rich and powerful during the early 19th century due to two important trends. First, after the war of 1812 congress passed tariffs to allow northern industry to compete with Europe at the expense of the south (the south was ok with this in the beginning because of MUH NATIONALISM and the tariffs were championed by prominent southerns like Monroe and Calhoun.) The North needed the slave south to buy their goods and needed the tariffs (which were shouldered by the slave south) to grow their industries. Second, the growth of southern slavery allowed for cheap cotton to flood the north which was the engine of northern industrialization. Almost all northern manufacturing started off in textiles.

Yeah, the North eventually outgrew the south by the mid 19th century, destroyed it during the civil war, and started it's domination of the country but it's entire early economic history was derived from slavery. As I said above, go read a book.


I really want to upvote this so hard

You forgot

>no buildings
>no agriculture
>no roads
>no industry

This country was built on the backs of salvery


t. Nigger

Ah yes, the cash cow colony of the Falklands

yes nations without slavery never menaged to build roads or buildings

New York City* not New York State

First, you're going to have to back up your figures, second you're talking about a pretty irrelevant time as far as the development of the US the country is concerned, third if we're talking about slaves like lackeys and butlers that's hardly what a country is "built on" as much as it is a luxury which again amounts to a cherry on top.

You can't by extension say it was "built on" that, we all know what it was built on and that was an industrial revolution composed largely of a Euro-immigrant rising working class.

And since places like Australia fared just as well without slavery I'm not inclined to think it was necessary, you could pay your workers pennies just the same and get the same or better output, slaves were a meme that outgrew their utility by the 19th century.

a pretty damn cool country to live in, with almost zero crime despite free weaponry.

but some things, were to good to be true... some things always were

there were lit. no buildings in northern europe because no slavery

Yes, what a tragedy of a world it would be to live with only music of this calibre -
And not of this calibre -
Truly tragic. Blacks are clearly the masters of music.

3 grills?

Damn! Now I hate niggers.

i think lincoln was the biggest fool they had. you can't give the negro free reign in your country. what happens then, you can see every day. now that zionist shit swamped over to us, thanks to that transatlantic whore merkel and her headnigger.

we must clean or houses before they get ruined.
that's all there is to say. fuck liberal bs. the facts speak volumes.

>picked cotton
>we wuz industrial revolution
stay jealous

4 look again

It would be wonderful

Stop making me depressed. Fuck those retards. Why did they have to bring them here?



True fact: paying an Irishman a meager wage was just as costly as buying and taking care of a slave

Wrong we would of made those godamm lazy doper Mexicans do it

Lincoln wanted to ship all the negros back to Africa but was shot before he could.

>Hart Cellar Act

>established by Celler
>Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany; his paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish


Holy flying fuck sticks! I thought that was a table!!!

We have to do something about this nigger problem now.

I can't imagine being a kraut, I hear there are lots of European African Americans there. Gee golly!

Nigga I don't wanna be tucking my ass in to bed 24/7

The crazy part is that the father of that family probably worked at a factory yet he's able to buy a home, support 3+ kids and a wife.
You can't even do today without receiving government assistance like food stamps, medicaid, or section 8.
And it's not immigration that changed this, it's the fact that the federal reserve has been printing money that isn't backed by gold. Inflation has ruined this country.

what the fuck are European African Americans?

for real!

do you mean black people? the kind of black people with black skin (we call social conservatives and catholics also sometimes black)

>First, you're going to have to back up your figures
So your argument wins by default unless it's proven wrong? There hasn't been a single thread of evidence in this thread to support your argument

>second you're talking about a pretty irrelevant time as far as the development of the US the country is concerned

The US/colonies required the importation of slaves to kickstart it's economy. How is that irrelevant? how could they have come into existence otherwise? If you make all your early money selling lemonade and then invest it into a much more successful new business it makes the existence of the prior lemonade business more important, not irrelevant.

> third if we're talking about slaves like lackeys and butlers that's hardly what a country

There's a reason that Rhode Island's real name is Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, early slaves were instrumental in doing the north's menial labor. Also, when the North ended slavery they were allowed to sell their slaves to the south for profit.

>You can't by extension say it was "built on" that,

If you can say that the 20th century world wide economic boom required middle eastern oil, than you have to acknowledge the the early american economy required slavery. Just because you can't see it with your eyes doesn't mean it's growth wasn't derived from it.

>I'm not inclined to think it was necessary, you could pay your workers pennies just the same and get the same or better output

Euro immigrants weren't jumping to pick cotton for pennies in a far off land during the 18th and 19th centuries, hence why the colonists bought slaves form africa

>slaves were a meme that outgrew their utility by the 19th century.

Agreed, doesn't mean they weren't instrumental in early accumulating present capital


and Australia wasn't even a regional power until the mid 20th century.

If white nationalists, blacks and liberals are all against slavery (albeit for different), shouldn't you be agreeing instead of fighting over this?

The ones that profited from slavery were a minority of merchants and elites.

It would look amazing, it would be amazing, its the dream I long to see come to reality but despair at the fact that its slipping away instead, year after year.

Just imagine it, no slavery at all in the North or South, no Civil War, America stays white and primarily European up till now, theres no issues of civil rights and shit to distract and divide this country, theres very little third world immigration, I doubt the 1965 Immigration Act which opened the floodgates and has kept them open till now, would have passed then.

95-98% white America would be an undisputed superpower today, I like to imagine that the priority for European immigrants would remain and my greatest dream and desire is realized - America becomes a second Europe, in terms of a homeland for whites, and the sheer amount of different European nationalities living there, Australia and New Zealand become the third Europe in a sense too.

As I doubt multiculturalism would have been adopted in Australia and UK if this was the case, if we all saw how well America worked and got along and achieved greatness when it was majority white, other European and Anglosphere nations would want the same thing, so Australias Whites Only policy would remain and stay.

Getting legit tears in my eyes writing this lads, this is the world we should be living in, instead the white population of America is declining rapidly, multiculturalism has taken root in every white nation and we don't have a single country across Western Europe or the Anglosphere that can truly be called a white nation, predominantly white and interested only in the betterment of their own people like Japan. Poland and Hungary and a few other Central and Western European nations are the only ones.

I look across the great massive diverse landscape of America and envision it as a second Europe, the leftists and subversives looked upon America and envisioned it as a "Universal Nation" of all races and cultures, they're getting their wish.


Nigger slaves sounded good on paper, but we would have been better off without them.

Also just think how much further we would go in space exploration and travel if we didnt have distractions like civil rights, race riots and shit, and we were just pursuing excellence and competing with other European and Anglosphere nations and Russia for space.

I truly think in an all white America, space would take top priority, we certainly wouldnt waste it on feel-good politically correct missions like the "first african american in space, the first african american woman in space" etc like we wasted many missions with the shuttle.

We would accomplish far greater things, lunar colonies, mars missions, permanent presence in the solar system.

And our military would be stronger too, our military was greatest during WWII when it was desegregated, look how pathetic its gotten now, affirmitive action would also not be a thing and thus the workplace would be fairer and more equal for whites, and college would be more affordable too.

Basically I think the only way America could reach peak success and excellence is if it only had one race to work on, just one common group of people all striving together to make this country ever greater, less resources and time would be exerted to prop up each and every other race, especially freed slaves and third world immigrants, especially after the 1965 Immigration Act was passed.

Also presumably Canada would never undergo multicultural suicide either, so we would have two massive fucking countries, with over 500 million whites total in North America, we would dominate the continent, with a strong border patrol and wall on the Southern border we could ensure that there wouldnt be any non-white illegals either in either country.

I'd imagine if both the US and Canada were majority white, our northern borders would be almost nonexistant and certainly not as strict and controlled as they are today because the more multicultural a nation grows the more alienated and distrustful everyone is, especially neighboring countries so the borders get stricter and the sense of similar purpose and identity erodes. An all white America and Canada would probably have been the friendliest pairing of neighboring countries in the world by today.

Tears in my fucking eyes lads, why isnt this our reality.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Imagine living in the city and hearing only classical music at subway stations and in shops and car radios and such instead of rap or r&b and other ghetto music.

I'd much prefer that instead of obnoxious rap and other shit music.

Also I'm imagining my city now as 100% white and just thinking how much cleaner and friendlier it would be. Like the cities in Europe, like London in the 1930's, when it was all white British.

Yep, its just like how the ancient Greeks over-reliance on slavery limited their development and stopped them from reaching greater heights and allowed Rome to rise and envelop them to obscurity. They might have invented steam power had they had geniune use for it and not treated it as a mere curiosity and novelty, because they had all the slaves they needed to do all the work for them, they had no use of it and no idea of its potential then.

Nothing good comes from slavery it seems, whether of your own people or another race, it just leads to stagnation, and in the future endless conflict and internal strife shoule they be freed and not returned, like Lincoln planned to do with Liberia, man if only that had happened and they didnt remain here in large numbers.

there would still be jews

>Like the cities in Europe

the fuck is that white girl doing with the baby there?

Stupid bitch

Obviously before they underwent cultural enrichment

I praise the London, Berlin and Paris of the 1930's and so, much like I praise the Detroit, Boston and NYC of the 1940's, not so much todays.

>Make America mexico Again
>Make America aztlan Again

Boils my fucking blood to see this shit, its like the liberals and leftards must always be on the side of whatever foreign entity is a direct threat to the survival of the white majority, here its latin american immigration and mexican nationalism, and in Europe its islam.

Fucking hell.

Exactly my thoughts, Russiabro. Everyone was clean cut, presentable.. Now people wear sweatpants and pajama pants out in public u

>only niggers can or did pick cotton
You're retarded

I would love if Oregon built a wall that kept everyone in California, Oregon, and Washington away from the rest of the country

we wuz factories n shiet

