So this group who sets up dates with refugees, complain about only women wanting to date the refugees. They say 95% of the volunteers are women and the rest is men.
Tell me again why i should live?
So this group who sets up dates with refugees, complain about only women wanting to date the refugees. They say 95% of the volunteers are women and the rest is men.
Tell me again why i should live?
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay, so the white girl goes on a disappointing date with a man that shares none of her life experiences, values or interests, she fucks him all night because Swedish girls are sluts, and goes back to dating Sven.
you can't date women refugees because the men will honor kill you both.
also the rapefugees are 90% male.
The pic sums it up. She's there for the camera.
By the way, if you have time set up a account on the dating site and set up troll dates. It's the least i can do against this madness site.
I'd bet that most of these women are old, obese and have low IQs.
You should live so that you can witness the coming extermination of this filth.
Sweden is a meme country
I know, living in a meme is not fun.
See German posters? You explain the fucking article when it's not in english.
I provided the link, you can with no problem just translate it with google translate.
Aah ahah sorry, i missread your post.
Fika friend aka ficki friend?
Show pictures of these so called coal burners.
Another one.
I like to think the immigration crisis was the best thing to happen for Europe in twenty years.
I mean seriously, without this what would you guys be doing with your lives? People are hugging refugees because without the refugee they'd be working a hum-drum life in a pleasant, nondescript country.
I can't wait, it is time we retake the mantle of Europe. Suleiman wills it! The Battle of Tours must be avenged!!! Islam will not be contained by an inferior race!
>a swedish woman will never give you fika
why even live
Go get shot you obese and mogrelized American.
Wait what? They want men to date immigrants? So theres actually some females there looking for the BWC?
Svenska horor kräver stora bruna islamiska penisar!
Like the other user said, it's all about that picture. Now she can feel good every time she sees her profile picture and remember she's just that much better than her friends are.
White American detected.
Looks like my ex-gf.
Quite sad Johanna will get eventually raped if she dabs in multiculturalism.
Suleiman was an Ottoman, and that makes him a chitinous piece of filth by default, but his taste in headwear was God-tier.
that rapefugee looks pretty white though
This is a good way to keep the birth rates up high. We all know that Swedish men are not good enough for Swedish women, they deserve better
And at least when men want to one up their peers they do something productive. Get a promotion, pick up a new hobby, etc. Men don't just try to appear to better themselves, they actually do. Women take the path of least resistance even when it's painfully obvious.
>So this group who sets up dates with refugees
save europe
gas the swedes
It is the best thing to happen, because it now is making people want to overthrow their corrupt leaders and dissolute the EU. Those bleeding heart leftist morons have literally killed it.
maybe in italy
Men use Grindr instead using government's money for stupid shit
looks harmless fun sven, no rapefugees mentioned
>be naive liberal bitch
>go on a date with youseff achamalachimcham to show how tolerant you are
>get raped and beaten
fast forward
>vote SD
I sincerely hope that user.
>Tell me again why i should live?
En dag kommer du att få avrätta förrädarhororna, user :)
He's not refugee he's Swede called Jens
It's a gamble to get a good looking sandwoman, they all wear full body batman capes so it's like opening 1 of 3 boxes, 2 of them contain shit
women really are traitors and enjoy being treated like shit. This link is confirmation.
Tell me about it.
You mean females are more attracted to rugged, different, dangerous, and exotic men over feminine, soft, and predictable men?
Women dating refugees has become really common here. Whenever I go out I see at least 5 German women walking around with refugees.
It's not a dating service, but a service for refugees to learn Swedish by talking to Swedes. Women are overrepresented in charity works, so this is nothing special. My friend helped start up a similar program in Norway, in the beginning they were mostly men talking with the refugees, but when they started recruiting people at the universities most became women, this is simply because women sign up easier to charitable work.
Isn't it obvious? You should set up fake dates with these guys then beat them. Let them know how welcome they are. You have to take responsibility for this, women can't be held responsible for their stupid choices.
t h e t r u t h
>women sign up easier for charity work.
de vill bare ha tilgang til desperat brun pikk, blogger om hvor jævla jesus-like disse PR kåte horene er.
det er bare et stort jævla oppmerksomhet jag, bare se de kvinnene som gjor dette arbeidet.
har kutta ut alle cucks jeg kjenner, her oppe er det bare niggere som vil henge med dem, hele bygda har stempla dem som forredere.
I'm sorry buddy
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
At this point I would consider using a proxy to mask my shame if I had a swedish IP.
There are no female refugees mate.
The only sandqt I hooked up with was violent as fuck, she put me in a chokehold when we were kissing and all sorts of shit. Need a maniac hijabi gf
For you.
>sets up dates
You do understand that these are not dates but just literally grabbing a coffee with a refugee and learning Swedish? The name of the organisation is literally "The Friend Bureau". Also thanks for bringing attention to this; I've been looking to sign up for something similar.
>tfw Sup Forums helping with integration of refugees
>Fika friend aka ficki friend
A "Fika" is simply a swedish word for having a coffee and sometimes a pastry. No hanky panky involved
Imagine how many gorgeous mixed babies have come out because of these dates!
Can I get some fiki fiki in sweden? Im white and a refugee, because our country falls apart.
don't bother. the virgins will see cuckoldry in everything, such is their conditioning.
most of those 5% are probably gay men cuz pretty sure young single refugee women that go on blind dates with non-muslims ain't that normal
>Most women doing charity
>just went outside to get a sandwich
>attractive blond white woman crouched down talking to homeless begging nigger on the street
fucking god
Who the fuck has 45 chats not read
No, Sven is in the corner jacking off and recording Brumilda getting rammed by 2 Somalis.
9 months later Brumilda delivers a nigger baby and Sven adopts him as his own.
It is all virtue signaling.
people like these are ones who like to make promises on behalf of others, to feel good about themselves. they want to offer the young, good looking people for the refugees so they can masturbate to their own self image as they protray themselves as "good" and "helping" people, which they are not, as they are only hedonistic
hores ut som en flott bygd, hvilket fylke?
No, asshole. This is an American Board. It is up to the foreigners to translate for us. Quit acting like all the wetbacks who flood across our border and force us to listen to Spanish menu options when we call customer service. Jesus Christ.
whatever makes you sleep better at night in the shed sven
>its not a coffin you idiot its just a bed with a lid that locks from the outside.
not even mad
all of the pictures on their facebook page look like older established people
most of them are probably married, and adjusted. including the "refugee"
Det är ingen date idiot det är bara en jävla fika... Varför ska SD:are alltid misrepresentera saker...
i forgot to add
"fika" doesn't really imply that it's a "date"
Old. It doesn't matter if they take old hags, because it's hard to get children after the menopause
Cross-eyed. Or whatever the opposite of that is. She looks like a fucking chameleon, but the only colour she is able to mimic is socialism red
>Women are ignorant as fuck
>Signs up to this shit
>They arrive to the fika place
>Sees the ugly, dirty mudshit
>Regrets everything, but still wants to be nice enough to take a cup of coffee with him
>Finishes the fika
>Tell the mudshit good bye
>Mudshit gets mad
>Stalks her for a few hours and then rapes her
This has happened several times because women are so fucking ignorant. Women in a nutshell.
It's because they don't want to be charged with a hate crime for not letting them impregnate them with their filthy seed.
Kanske det, men intressant hur MENAiterna tolkar det. Män och kvinnor umgås inte på samma sätt i de länderna.
>brun pikk
Does this mean what I think it means?
Cause swedish girls don't want to go with a "man" rank lower than rapefugees.
Nope, people say men are racist. No, women are. And, yes. Women of certain color only day their own, OR close to their own. Basically have the same skin color or passable. Women aren't so racist with that.
Kill yourself, you literal Swede
What do I do, except plug my phone in?
Black man i work with tell ms one of the white woman at our job is his dream girl. I go, so was Hitler's. lol.
since almost all """""refugees""""" are men, how is this a problem
Lmao sven you fucking fruit cup.
We might make sweden the displaced sandnigger jerusalem at this point, you fucked up so bad.
France... you're next.
Pretty sure it's run by a gook these days.
muslim man
>fearless, dominating, masculine, big family, wants marriage, doesn't drink, works hard, fights hard
atheist/agnostic man
>scared, weak , overweight, never initiates anything, spends free time playing vidya games, scared of responsibility, no strong beliefs
Wow sweden is really fucked.
Ow will crowd control is fucked in your country anyway. ...
As an Arab but not a Muslim I allRady killed 57 Muslims all of them are not civilians .
But lately I started to feel that all thir race is fucked up .
I have seen them "the civilians" how they act with each other and others and trust me if you act like the fag you are and let them wolk all over you then : you ,your family, your country is doomed.
Stop being a pussy and do sum thing about it.
Geez, really makes me think
>works hard, fights hard
When you put it like that, Im so glad I grew up into a fucking badass outlaw who plays sports.
Still play the vidya (pokemon at least) and do nerd shit like program, but ayyyy im desirable!
But their aren't a top Muslim supermodel, because they are fucking covered up, and would be killed. Go figure.
Also if refugees weren't cowards, they'd be in their own country fighting their own civil war.
Anyone without contept for mudslime (sluts included) are traitors.
"Wow sweden is really fucked"
You mean Hitler saw it coming and tried to prevent it? lol. You mean decent looking people have a more pale complexion and know it? And will do anything to keep it that way?
Could you link to any of those times?
>actually believing what britbong posted
According to Islam you get to have four wives. I'll sign up for that.
why are all you swedes such fucking cucks.
i was kinda sad that all those beautiful women in your country are going to be completely ruined but now i actually don't give a fuck.
you faggot ass cucks deserve it
Not at all, just responding to the sentiment that women like strong men.
His post is 100% shill bullshit. It's obvious. I even eluded to the fact that refugees are huge pussies here