Really makes you reflect huh Sup Forums
Really makes you reflect huh Sup Forums
I thought they were doing fine with their current non-reflective mirror, to be honest.
huh, really stimulates your cerebral cortex
Certainly rustles my neurons.
What does that even mean
I'm American, and what is this?
We need a reflective mirror to realize we're only 60% white so we can realize that's not enough
Wait which way is the reflective mirror wall pointed. Is it pointed at the corrupt drug-lord infested country of Mexico or at the Texas ego, the desert, and the den of sjws hippies, crack heads, narcissists, tar pits, and monster attacks aka southern California?
Good thing they specified reflective, it could have been any other type of non-reflective mirror.
Well mirrors can be non reflective
I don't even.....
reflective mirror.....
Lowest common denominator should not be taken seriously ever, proof is in the sign
Good idea. We can use the mirror to concentrate the power of the Sun to vaporize spics.
it means your society not only tolerates but often promotes the worst aspects of human nature and perhaps you should start worrying about that rather than immigration
When they're dirty you mean burger-kun? Enlight me please.
as opposed to a non-reflective mirror?
Oh I get it, you can focus this reflective mirror like the greeks did or someshit and focus the suns light to burn mexishits that try to cross the boarder. Ok thats a good idea. Sign me up.
Yes! We can reflect the Suns UV radiation and cook all of Mexico, problem solved
I'm not going to lie, I'm really really fucking beginning to hate white liberals to the point of being racist as fuck to them. Come live down here by the border you shit. My fucking halfbean ass would like to have a talk about the beaners.
>worst aspects of human nature
Pathological altruism is one of them and loose as your mom immigration is a symptom that still needs to be treated.
A wall, a mirror, I don't care as long as it keeps mexis out.
I'm thinking this is what xe meant.
But how will the mirror fix all the issues?
I agree, a wall isn't going to do much to fix the issues and costs that illegal immigration brings, but what will a mirror do?
That, and I feel like a huge mirror will be much more expensive than a wall made out of reinforced concrete.
no thanks i have a mirror in my bathroom
So that the shitskins can see how horrible they look?
Very nice, thank you Aziz
But how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real? Really makes me think.
That's what i was thinking.
Is a reflective mirror different to a regular mirror?
Really stimulates your jimmies.
A reflective mirror might actually work as is will confuse the Mexicans on both sides. They'll think America is Mexico and Mexico is America. This is brilliant. Give that protester a promotion and a raise.
A mirror facing outwards so Mexico can see how shitty their country is?
It does need a mirror to reflect the sun and burn those idiots from existence
You'd think with the average American ego they'd already have a giant mirror.