We certainly had it coming right?

We certainly had it coming right?

>token guest
>ball busting
>women comedians

>"white people am i right?!": the comedy
no thank you

>evil whitey
>entire routine is about white males

Blacks can only ride coattails for so long before losing balance. Stay obsessed.


Literally no one will tune in. ISIS is probably using it to give out orders.

radiolab >(lab)*ping*
makes (did he say makes?) me want
>(yeah, I think he said makes)
to smash >(smash) *crunch* the radio *static noises* in my car
>(I think he just said he wants to smash his car radio?)

I dont understand. If someone is upset that the majority of people in entertainment are white, any doesn't she move to a country where the majority of people aren't white?

Can you even imagine how sad it must be to have every detail of your life revolve around race?

(((White))) dude comedians

Just wow.
Remember when talent meant you would be famous and not the god damn color of your skin