>mfw Sup Forums thinks this tweet is real

I honestly dare you to prove this tweet is real, beyond conspiracy theories that it was deleted. Find it on archive, find me news articles talking about it, find me something. You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:


Prove that it's not real

How can it be real if OPs eyes arent real?

its not real. actually half the trudeau pictures you see on pol arent real.

People make pics like that to prove that Sup Forums is filled with the biggest right wing retards on the planet.

Sup Forums is basically a bunch of tiny dicked angry racist stormtard right wing retards who never graduated high school.

all theyre proving is that they can make dank memes though

He suggested it, and made a similar argument that would support the quote. He said that taking on isis would only draw attention to them and make them stronger by aiding their requirement arm. Hence they win if we take them on. Liberals are just too stupid to read between the lines.

kek, saved
