I'm a staffer with the Hillary campaign. It's literally falling apart...

I'm a staffer with the Hillary campaign. It's literally falling apart. Hillary and Kaine are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, her advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Clinton herself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to her over the past few weeks ever since the DNC. Whatever poker face she had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving her full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard her screaming behind locked doors about how she can't keep up the charade anymore and that she has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Debby Schultz is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Clinton's advisory team, leaving her dead in the water, because this woman doesn't know politics to save her life. She knows she'll bomb at the debates, she knows her poll numbers are slipping, she knows everyone with any common sense in her own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.

Other urls found in this thread:



The thread

is it true she is a lizard?


The post

I've heard you guys are going to be having massive lay offs soon.

Thank you for fabricating the record!

Thank you for correcting the record!


Thanks for Correcting the Recordˇ. Trump shill

I mean, we think she's human, but we don't know for sure. We have our theories..

>CTR shills flooding thread

This is how you know I'm right

Is Hillary secretly racist

Trump aside do you believe Hillary is fit to be Potus?

That's some tasty Pasta. Fuckin Idiots in here.

A literal homosexual thread, nobody with half a brain believes this. Proof or gtfo.

Uh I'm voting for Jill Stein. Most of us on staff were sympathetic to Bernie.

Does she really fist Huma?

Or is it the other way around?

what is the medication you are bringing her?


Her staffers aee all worried theyre about to be murdered

i believ u

Pain killers


>I'm a staffer with the Hillary campaign

hope you have life insurance because hillary will certainly see to it that you won't make it home to your kids after this thread. rip user

I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign, on a business trip in Norway these days. The campaign is literally falling apart. Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to him over the past few weeks ever since the RNC. Whatever poker face he had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving him full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard him screaming behind locked doors about how he can't keep up the charade anymore and that he has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Paul Manafort is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Trump's advisory team, leaving him dead in the water, because this man doesn't know politics to save his life. He knows he'll bomb at the debates, he knows his poll numbers are slipping, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.

Is it possible to get a recording of hillary throwing a tantrum? That would be most excellent and put to rest any questions about her mental state.

Didn't you post this thread before?

I'm pretty sure you said the exact same thing, but with Trump earlier

That's not how it works, newfriend

I want to believe!

Do you have any proof at all?

what drug you dingus, there are huge amounts of different pain meds

Give us some form of evidence, obviously nothing to incriminate yourself, but something to suggest this could be true. We don't like role-playing.

nice time span there.
I actually work for the Clinton campaign and I just got a raise for shilling this dank meme

It's copypasta you cucks.

Likely. People on mass media are now well aware of the shilling and it seems that the only people who actually like shill posts are other shills.

People in the real world understand nobody in their right fucking brain would ever vote for Hillary Clinton.

At least make it believable. Trump loves Pence.

BAAAHAHAHAHHA nice. Saved it. Beginning proliferation.

I didn't make it, I just copied it from the last thread.

LARP threads should be on the ban list.

No ctr here
Just saying I think op is role playing

Sup Forums is now /larp/

Jill Stein is the correct choice for anyone who is remotely leftist leaning.
Hillary doesn't represent left values, and while Trump is a liberal progressive at heart, the media and the dems/liberal progressives do their damndest to push him into the right as far as they can.

Thanks for being specific.

;O wow

He isn't a progressive you fool

Progressive are anti borders and pro world order

Trump sure as hell isn't

>poll numbers are slipping

Yeeah. Get out of here hill-shill
There is conclusive evidence that these polls are rigged, heck, a businessman like trump is sure to have rigged his fair share of polls too. try harder next time, really.

I honestly doubt you are a staffer because Hillary seems paranoid enough that she would put some sort of tracker on all her staff to keep them under control.

>This is how you know I'm right

Interestingly enough, when I called out the supposed "FBI user" he responded to me with an eerily similar quote "this is how I know my strategy works". I believe you are the same larper.



Tell me who wrote the deleted tweet of "I can't take it anymore" from Hillary's account?

Mmm no, I'm talking about progessive as in the actual definition of the word, progressive policies, progression, not forced regression. Consider not living by the markov chain buzzwords fed to you by the media and education ministry.

What the fuck is up with her random seizures ON CAMERA and no one gives a fuck?

prove your claim faggot


Really though, did she ever release her wall street speeches? Why doesn't anyone care about seeing that anymore?

not surprised





I'm a staffer with the Emilia campaign, on a business trip on earth these days. The campaign is literally falling apart. Emilia and Subaru are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, her advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Emilia herself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to her over the past few weeks ever since the royal selection. Whatever poker face she had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the selection is literally giving her full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard her screaming behind locked doors about how she can't keep up the charade anymore and that she has absolutely nothing ready for the kingdom in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Puck is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Emilia's advisory team, leaving her dead in the water, because this elf doesn't know politics to save her life. She knows she'll bomb at the selection, he knows her poll numbers are slipping, she knows everyone with any common sense in her own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.

she could be a corpse and the media would still prop her up. They fear Trump as they should because he is coming for their heads.

You're a fucking retard.

>I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to her over the past few weeks

sounds like you just assassinated yourself tbqh

>pro world order

what a time to live in

OP, if you are still there, I got a question for you.

IF you are a staffer, then why would someone who is beating Trump at the polls be severely depressed and why would their advisors want to quit?

I mean, the last poll I saw had her at like 5% above Trump. You mind telling me what's going on? As far as I'm concerned, that is the sign of a good campaign, no?

$.05 had been added to your account

The polls are rigged

campaigning is very draining on the human body. It's notorious for aging, for example.

This, together with the fact that Trump is exceptionally good at debates (The people who he came against in the past have people as almost good working for them as Hillary does, and he demolished the opposition), and the fact that Trump is unpredictable (unpredictability = fear) can be pretty nerve-wrecking, especially if this has literally been your raison d'être for most of your adult life.

not even a trump supporter btw

That'd be nice but let's not get cocky

hilary has brain problmes

Good. We need to pick the leader who will make the Empire great again. She'll make the dragon pull its own weight.

You forgot your
>I am Donald Trump and I approve this message


How are people retarded enough to believe this shit?

There was a thread identical to this but on Trump not even an hour ago. ITS A COPY PASTA WAKE UP POL REEEEEEE

>German intellectuals

>murican intellectuals

This is the CTR Trump pasta, but it makes way more sense in the context of Clinton. Why else so much shill butthurt itt?