Remind me why is racism bad again?
Remind me why is racism bad again?
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because its 2016
Prejudices people not based on unique merits but association to a race or ethnic group, thus has a dysgenic effect.
Just as bad is "anti-racism" which for all intents and purposes is out group preferences. Race should not be a factor in success positively or negatively.
Doesn't exist, no such thing. Racism can't exist if race doesn't.
Because 'race' is a social construct.
because the word means whatever horrible things the listener/reader imagines it means, mostly
The entire planet is racist...Whites are the only idiots who are losing the race game. Racism is a zero sum game.
"social construct" is a social construct. itself
u mad white boi?
Because realism is anti-left.
but SJW get really buthurt when you use postmodernism against them
Racism is a social construct...
sex is a social construct
therefore sexisem is a social construct made up by angry females
Hitler did nothing wrong
wrong is a social construct
It's not.
People should stick to their own kind.
2016 is a social construct
Beacause you're German and hate speech is against the law.
You're not some kinda law breaking nigger are you?
no he asks a question to confirm his white guild and we make a bad job
no hatespeech here internet police
If race is a social construct then racism is nonexistent?
Watch and learn, white racist.
Why are you guys so fucking dumb?
Something doesn't have to exist, for you to behave like it is. You can think things that aren't true, you know.. hallo?
no its also a social construct
just like reality
your dubs are also a social construct
we should make up some good social construct memes
I know this is bait but race is in reality a probability cloud of having particular alleles that are most common in geographic locations of ethnicities.
For example many alleles control intelligence. Different alleles are found in different groups which is why different peoples have different measurable IQs or how Africans are good at sports that require explosive strength or extreme endurance.
Laws are a social construct.
its not a bait its about the philosophical school of postmodernism
(a bait is also a social construct)
Its a convenient argument to shut down objectors to rampant capitalism. It has no basis in reality.
You're free to believe what you want about other people and ethnic groups but just remember that beyond your initial aversion to different cultures, there is another way of life that they have been born into and there are always people who will succeed and break the mold and there will always be the broken.
Just because someone is from India doesn't mean they can't be practice proper hygiene. You might not want to eat at one of their restaurants though unless you can be absolutely sure they have superior professionalism.
Sounds like you are a believer in the "Generalizations save time and are right MOST of the time" school of thought.
See for me racism is fine when it is based on truth. The truth is that blacks in America are on average far more prone to crime, far less intelligent than the average whites in America.
Now, this doesn't mean that ALL blacks are criminals or low IQ - but it does mean that these are real issues which need to be addressed.
I.e. the nigger beat her, cheated on her and didn't give a fuck about their kids.
Wow, what a fucking shocker
So how do you address them?
it's a word made up by the (((joos))). everything made by (((joos))) is bad, mkay?
no, really. look it up. they invented the thing, like nazism, feminism, and all the other cancerous isms which plague the white race today. that's why the (((joo))) is the worst enemy known to mankind, he works tirelessly for it's destruction. no need to explain oneself if you are a national patriot. just ignore them and do you thing. you don't talk with roaches, you simply splat them.
>Just because someone is from India doesn't mean they can't be practice proper hygiene
oh fuck off Pajeet, and watch out for the loo witch whilst you are fucking off too
and what better way to splat them as with the truth. if there is one thing they hate more than us, it's the truth. it exposes their evil lying agenda. always tell them and their brainwashed ilk the truth, straight to the face. priceless, really.
>People always post Seal
Seal sang Kiss from a Rose, that gets him a "free white women" card in my book.
Its not, and its good for the soul of a nation, see Japan, Poland, Hungary, etc.