>white genes are superior >i'm an involuntary celibate >homosexuality is haram >women will not sleep with me even though my genes are superior >can't sleep with boys because it's illegal
>implying genes being superior has anything to do with getting laid
Did you fail out of school op?
Josiah Harris
You know OP's just describing himself. He's shitposting because he's dying of loneliness, involuntary virginity, and jealous hate. All that's left for him is to come here and pretend this is someone else's suffering, and he's some kind of bully that can make fun of it. He has no clue who's here, but he's too sheltered to imagine there are people far less pathetic than him on this board. It's funny to watch.
Jacob Price
Actually superior genes is LITERALLY the reason why people get laid.
Kevin Cox
When will people stop pushing this positivist outdated view of reality that everything can be reduced to physics or biology or chemistry or whatever perspective you choose. There is a reason why all these different fields exist. They are different incommensurable perspectives on reality. You do not get laid because of your genes. genes are simply another way of looking at your abilities as a human being. Equally valid is to examine it from the point of view of social interactions and abilities as perceived normally by us.
Jose White
Yea I tell chicks about my haplogroups and the panties just fly off