Should we continue to let mass shootings happen or should we try to prevent them from happening in the first place?
This is not a thread for suggestions, this is just to see what the general consensus is on letting this violence go on.
Serious Question, Sup Forums
tell cia mk ultra false flag martyrdom black ops program to stop doing it.
Okay friend, go aheadand put your tinfoil hat back on.
Why do you want the shootings to end?
Bump, I want to know what goes on in the mind of Sup Forums.
Goddammit, last bump I'll do before I leave.
why don't you go do some real research about mk ultra before you come asking questions.
I'm not asking about MKUltra, I'm asking if Sup Forums wants people to die.
Please tell me your reasons.
I'm a virgin neckbeard and it makes me feel good that people are punished for leaving their basements. Also I fap to 2D anime porn and I'll be killing myself this Tuesday. Stop bumping your own thread fag
Why are you so lonely? Don't you know this is a sign of high risk people?
Come back when your not a cancerous new faggot
I want to see how far down the rabbit hole of autism goes
>I want to know what goes on in the mind of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is a hive mind
This is a sampling thread, once I probe their anuses I'll have all the information I'll need.
I'll take a bite of the bait and post my opinion. We should try to prevent it but not by taking away guns. Taking away guns leads to oppression and oppression leads to the oppressed pushing back which leads to back and forth piss fights. The only way to stop it (as gay as it sounds) is teach people to love. With the slow decline of Christianity and nationalism it leads to people having cold hearts.
>Oh yeah and Sup Forums isn't one person lurk more fggt.
So you do not like mass shootings.
We need a mass shooting of mudslimes.
1. Round up the mudslimes.
2. Shoot them.
That's more of ethnic cleansing than indiscriminate mass shootings.
Tell me your feelings on the latter.
Violence will always exist in the heart of man. Keep the mentally fucked people away from everyone else. Also kill all Muslims.
There is no clear cut way to discriminate all of the mentally ill from the normies- plus, whose to say that some of the normies are just pretending?
But I digress, so you don't like the random mass shootings then?
i like when normies die screaming :)
i think sandy hook was a false flag
i get laid a lot
HARRIS: And those two girls sitting next to you, they probably want you to shut the fuck up, too! Jesus! Rachel and Jen.. and.. whatever.
KLEBOLD: I don't like you, Adrianna and Jen, you're stuck up little bitches, you're fucking little.. Christian, Godly little whores!"
HARRIS: Yeah.. 'I love Jesus! I love Jesus!' -- shut the fuck up!
KLEBOLD: What would Jesus do? What the fuck would I do..?" [he acts like he's shooting the camera with his hand, with sound to accompany it]
HARRIS: I would shoot you in the motherfucking head! Go Romans! Thank God they crucified that asshole.
You are a strange one, friendo.
I'll remember to never come over to your neck of the woods in the future!
i can't just "outlaw" crime like i can't just outlaw stupid
Sounds like you don't care,
Do go on.
can you elaborate please without just telling me im weird? im pretty normal actually...
I'm a calibrator, I make sure test instruments work under an absolute standard.
What is your standard for normal?
There is no normal. Only different shades of boring and eccentric and everything in between.
Which ones kill people?
i labor at a job, it takes a high iq, and i also have to lift heavy shit sometimes.
so on top of paying taxes and all the other horse shit that makes you "normal"
id say im pretty well calibrated.
the overly eccentric and the overly numb
>Creating no gun zones
>people constantly getting shot up in them
>why is this happening and how can we stop it?
Sounds like they should be calibrated
I'm an alien that spreads autism to the Internet
I'd say that I'm way out of tolerance
This isn't a solutions thread, this is an opinion sampling one.
Get calibrated, fool.
how prevalent is counterintelligence here?
I don't know shit, I'm just an alien looking to anally probe the users of Sup Forums.
But I'm pretty sure everyone here is on the CIA watch list.
id like to think im that important too, but im not :)
Someday I'll be as cool as you are.
>Should we continue to let mass shootings happen or should we try to prevent them from happening in the first place?
You should prevent the causes of the shootings, and no it is not the guns.
These kids would not have done what they did if they did not get bullied mercilessly everyday, and got their cries for help ignored by the "authorities" in the scholl such as the principal and vice-principal.
Basically, the school system is to blame.
You should help the lonely children to not feel so lonely, then they can be calibrators just like me
>You should help the lonely children to not feel so lonely, then they can be calibrators just like me
Just kill yourself.
We're both killing ourselves by letting people shoot up our dudes.
How do you do this without enforcing thought crime?
You mean human calibration?
I don't know, you tell me.
Why should I? I have no vested interest in psychopaths or the people who get killed by them.
I like it!
I want a lot more shootings OP.
Too many calibrated anons in this thread
Gonna find a new one