/pol opinions on Italy

What's /pol opinions about Italy. I mean true opinions on actual Italy and not based on that classic US tv tropes and stereotypes with mandolini and the eternal year 1950 (no offence intended tho)

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My grandfather was in a concentration camp in Italy. Gibbe reparations

Corrupt greasy dego wops

Some of my friends went to live in Italy.
From their words it's a poor shithole, almost 3rd world with no jobs and african immigrants.
Dumb assholes thought they would be drinking wine all day and eating pizza.

Not white.

and you grandmother was killed in the oven when she was a baby right?

don't know much about italy. a lot of italians where i live. they're wigger degenerates, just like most other millennials

-can't handle a drink. seriously I have an italian friend who when he drinks starts groping random girls and behaving like the last retard. Must be your North African genes.
-mama's boys

Do you mean people of italian descent or italian expats?

It depends on Region. Like, people from Veneto are fucking alcohol sponges.

i hear communism is popular there

It's not a bad word here.

that's weird I have an actual Estonian friend whom I visited Estonia with and I'm fairly sure his opinion is probably the opposite, especially after seeing the depressing commieblocks outside the nice areas in your nice capital
no reason to lie on the internet m8

both, but mostly people of italian descent. the older ones are fine (immigrants), but the younger generation is fucked unfortunately

>A University of Chicago study[64] of fifteen ethnic groups showed that Italian Americans were among those groups having the lowest percentages of divorce, unemployment, people on welfare and those incarcerated. On the other hand, they were among those groups with the highest percentages of two-parent families, elderly family members still living at home, and families who eat together on a regular basis.

>The 1970 census revealed that those under age 45 had achieved a level of education comparable to the national average,[14] and within six decades of their peak immigration year, Italian Americans as a whole had equaled the national average in educational attainment.[92] Presently, according to Census Bureau data, Italian Americans have an average high school graduation rate, and a higher rate of advanced degrees compared to the national average.[93] Italian Americans throughout the United States are wellrepresented in a wide variety of occupations and professions, from skilled trades, to the arts, to engineering, science, mathematics, law, and medicine, and include a number of Nobel prize winners.[94]

Man it feels good to be italian

Nice replies but what about Italy as a nations. Surely immigrans were/are good pals but I'm asking you Italy as a nation.

Too much corruption and tax evasion are making recovery impossible. We could put a monkey as a president and become a superpower in 3 years provided we get no more than a dozen anti corruption/anti evasion laws.

October soon, Renzi agets BTFO, Grillo wins next elections, we build a wall in the sea and put PD voters inside it just like in Attack of Titan. The Pope will now pay taxes in Rome thanks to Raggi and will have his cuck rhetoric turned against him
Italy is great again and we will all laugh at Germany while it becomes the caliphate. France too.
Which means we need a wall to the north guarded by the heroic Cuck Watch

i think it's nice place, aside from rampant leftism. you have some good right-wing political parties. unfortunately we don't have anything comparable here

You forgot to say that Grillo will be a "refugees welcome" cuck much worse than Merkel currently is.


Say what cuck

A joke doesn't disprove my point

>this kills the italian

There was none anway. We voted against the law regarding the illegals because we want them to be deported, not housed, clothed and fed in leftist managed centers with the taxpayer's money

There were no concentration camps here. Nice try

Actually yes. My gramps was sent into one as a prisoner of war.
But it was christmas and he escaped after 2 days with a crate full of booze he sold to a group of partisans for a train ticket back home ad a pistol


Sure, no corruption at all! Believe me good goyim!


we are related to jews and arabs. this is why we are always try to scheme others that are not part of our family. beware.

Well I am not a child and I grew up before the internet so my perceptions are not based off of maymays.

It's very clearly one of the most important entities that has ever existed in human history. "Latino" is the influence of Italy. Christianity is the influence of Italy. Many aspects of law and war and civic logistics and architecture and even political structure comes from Roman influence.

And modern Italy looks like a great place to live. I have gone there over 20 times between the years of 1975 and 2009. It is certainly a great place to visit.

It's my third favourite country on earth.

Am italian American, can confirm. Whole family is complete/stable and we eat meals together still after 20+ years. But we all like e in different homes

Christianity is surely an european thing and Rome helped the spread over it, in some ways. It's also a continuation of Judaism, putting it simply. Latino yes, the prefix. The Portouguese and Spanish did the job and ok Rome conquered etc etc in ancient times.

Another fact: Modern Italians are descendant of not only Romans ( ethincally Latin) but the other various italic people of antiquity. And obvsiuoly the miriad of invaders did something.

It's a good place to live but we have our problems, complex ones.


probably it's you and your family that schemes others, but you are the loud minority.

ndo cavolo vivi, quavanno avanti i Furbi, ognuno fotte gli altri, a cominciare dai politici

One thing people don't understand about Catholicism in particular is that it takes elements of indigenous religions, straining out the idolatrous elements, and brings them into the Christian patrimony by Christianising them. St John did this when he took a pagan Greek philosophical concept, Logos, and Christianised it by equating it to Christ. You see the same thing in St Peter's Square, where a giant obelisk is capped with a cross. Christ conquers all.

But in any case I, as a Portuguese, don't consider myself Latin outside of the context of linguistics. We're Iberian.

We can do better imo

There a Church in Italy that have a name related to the Celts/Gauls that lived in that area and continued to worship ther gods at least until early middle ages. Not sure but it should be Sacerno.

non è sempre vero: io ad esempio ho un buon lavoro ottenuto grazie al mio impegno e senza favori da chi che sia. Cmq è vero che molti provano a fottere il prossimo, basta non fare come loro e cercare di progredire amico mio.

per forza, se continuano ad andare al potere i soliti partiti, cosa ti aspetti? Ricordati, il pesce inizia sempre a puzzare dalla testa.

ci vogliono le leggi marziali e una bella ripulita perprogredire

si ma gli italiani hanno sempre scelto il peggio a disposizione:
20 anni di fascismo
50 di democrazia cristiana
20 di berlusconi
e ora renzi?

no, le leggi ci sono solo che non le fanno rispettare. Il problema e' sempre al vertice e se mantieni sempre i soliti politici che fanno i propri interessi, non ci si puo' lamentare se il sistema sia corrotto.

dalla tua risposta capisco che sei di destra, io da sinistra (quella vera) ti rispondo che bisogna aggiungere istruzione e responsabilità di ognuno. Non basta il bastone ci vuole anche la carota kek

ma che carota, le persone sono capre, soprattuto i terroni. ci vorrebbe l'indipendenza del Nord, fuori gli stranieri e i terroni

The greatest military power in the world.

>mfw trader di derivati
>mfw faccio piu io in una settimana che voi poveracci messi insieme in un anno

Potrei votare Renzi cosi ci scappa qualche bello scudo fiscale o qualche altro bel bailout alla banca degli amichetti del PD.
Invece mi getto la zappa sui piedi e voto 5 stelle


vero, ma renzi non lo ha eletto nessuno, ha fregato la sedia a letta. Comunque gli italiani preferirebbero morire con i vecchi partiti piuttosto che votare un'alternativa come il M5S.

Nice language
northerns look ok
they import shitty wine to here like shit, learn to fucking make wine properly ,cazzo.

Idk much

I knew an italian in class, he couldnt learn for shit, but then hes some sort of wigger

The stereotype of "two Italies" seems pretty sound. Southerners I've met were macho dago demi-Moors like Andalusians, northerners were p cosy if too friendly and energetic for my depressive north Atlantic personality.

I'd like to see Trieste, looks like a cosy and affordable city. Also very white for Italian standards

too many slavs there. not white.

>>mfw faccio piu io in una settimana che voi poveracci messi insieme in un anno

cioè piazzi merda che caga merda a dei coglioni che credono di fare un "buon investimento"?

No, certo che no sciocchino. Il rischio me lo accollo io per ogni transazione

>waiting for that italian guy that lives in germany and always comes in these threads to insult italians who hate their own country

era per capire: io odio la finanza e prefirisco il buon vecchio mattone, mi rende piuttosto bene

Your flag doesn't have enough golden eagles.

what about this flag, Pedro?

Better but short lived pseudostate.


The greatest diplomatic power in the world*

>birthplace of true facism
>dank ass food
>rich and deep culture since Roman times
>friendly people who genuinely love Italy

>Sicily and their muslim rape babies
>Big navy cucked by EU, can't defend borders

Idk too much about government. Do you like the government there?

>e of true facism
>>dank ass food
>>rich and deep culture since Roman times
>>friendly people who genuinely love Italy
>>Sicily and their muslim rape babies
>>Big navy cucked by EU, can't defend borders
>Idk too much about government.

mafia= government

Formerly good country that has gone to shit. When that was I can't say, maybe sometime before WWI if I had to guess. I should probably look into the history of it all past the 1400s.

Weak military, but good food. Mostly good people that are bogged down by Sicilians, Mafia, and refugees.

Good luck Italybro.

there were "concentration camps" for transit only