You're all aware that the alt right is literally a doppelganger of the far left, right...

You're all aware that the alt right is literally a doppelganger of the far left, right? Both are equally annoying and Breitbart is to the right as Huffington Post is to the left.

Both get EXTREMELY flustered when their ideas are challenged and both are extremely biased.

Take time to absorb this.

Welcome to the New Age


How much do you get paid?

The Age of Denial

Yeah, I know.

denying this proves your bias

Shoo shoo spooky gooky

Babby's first observation.

What an original thought, give me a second to recover and I'll start writing this down. You're going to be famous.

Yup, but most people get flustered when their viewpoints are challenged.
I sympathize with some "alt-right" viewpoints, but everyone who identifies as one is some meme spouting autist.

alt right is just right with memes.

The alt right are useful idiots and this is a slide thread

are you okay with just being a skewed version of what you hate

0.02 shills has been deposited into your bank account

wtf I'm neutral about Sup Forums now

I'm a fascist m9, these Milo-loving fuckwits can get in the oven

Fuck off, faggot.

Well I guess the important thing is you found a way to feel superior to both of them.

STOP BUMPING OBVIOUS FUCKING SHILL THREADS FAGGOTS. It's obviously crafted to trigger you so you fucking knee-jerk post and the thread clutters up the fucking board alongside all the others. Stop being niggers and have some impulse control.


You of course can never get flustered because you don't hold a single opinion which anyone can criticize.

You're "above the fray," too intelligent for peasant distractions like national elections or even local politics.

Dank ecks kay see dee xP

taking things too seriously is what fucks people up, right or left

>tfw the mindset today is all about being offensive or being offended
>tfw nobody playfully laughs at themselves and others anymore
>tfw we are all going to feed the worms anyway

Except Breitbart has been right today more times that HuffPo has been right in three months.

Plus the whole SJW bullshit HuffPo panders to that has no basis in reality.

The idea that you can win arguments by calling things spooks is a spook.

Yes, let the fire rise and let the blood flow. We live in weimerica now.

shill thread? they guy is making a valid point. some alt right people are just as retarded as SJW and get just as angry when they argue with people with different views.

You might have a point if classical liberalism was given a chance instead of being replaced by fascist progressive policies. Individual liberty and classical liberalism, or the closest major party affiliation to it now, conservatism, are what allowed the United States to become a super power. We have been in a steady decline as a free society since the New Deal. Liberalism has been proven to destroy empires. Read about the fall of Rome, cuck.

>getting THIS mad

No. The far right is a doppelganger of the far left. Albeit a better alternative but still not great. The "alt-right" is a catch all phrase with no real meaning. They've transformed from constitutionalists to libertarians to fascists to natsoc to borderline communists. It's used differently depending on the authors views of the group as a whole.
>I'm a cool right winger I like traps
>it means I'm not a cuckservative
>they're not even real conservatives
>you mean bigots?
It's an amalgamation of ideas best suited for what ever you want it to suit. It's identity politics on steroids. I identify as a believer in small government, high personal accountability and homogenous societies. What would have had me labeled as "alt-right" a while ago, now sets me back to what I claimed. It's an accelerated version of leftists that feel left behind by the splintered social justice movements plaguing society. What I think you're saying is they're the same because they both feel left behind by major parties. And you're not wrong. But that will never change. 2 party state, monarchy, even our sad democracy when the cons and liberals were quite literally the same party around our inception. Democracy is a facade but you posting a picture of stirner isn't going to convince anybody of that. Read a book nigger

>he thinks shitting up Sup Forums somehow has an affect on fucking anything