So I thought you'd like to see this pol.
My commercial that just popped up was in Spanish!
And this isn't the first time either. An auto insurance commercial on an ENGLISH radio channel was in Spanish as well.
So I thought you'd like to see this pol.
My commercial that just popped up was in Spanish!
And this isn't the first time either. An auto insurance commercial on an ENGLISH radio channel was in Spanish as well.
The US isnt a white country and wont be English speaking for much longer.
We are taking over, better start learning spanish
Hey Mexico. Lots of your ancestors were Irish. You should come here and explore Muh Heritage like the Pale Americans did before you.
La Raza is winning amigo.
Fuck off you PotatoNigger.
There are already lots of Mexicans in Alaska so color one of those whites black
Ireland is not white. We dont have the most important cuck gene to destroy our fertility.
What state, OP?
I'm guessing California, Arizona, or Texas.
So you just have the gene where you let the British fuck you in the ass for decades ?
I mean Jesus Christ they bent you over like they did with the many other indigenous island savages
We love irish, you guys fought along with us when the burgers invaded us.
St Patrick's batallion passed to the mexican side becaude you were catholics as us. We love you guys, you are awesome.
Ireland would be my first destination before visiting Scotland or The United Caliphate
Yeah one of those.
But far away from the border, really far away. And in a majority white area too. That's why it surprised me.
Down near the border it's like this all the time but it's never been this far away
? The same guys who conquered the UK conquered us.
The Normans.
whites will be a minority in a decade and spics will be the new majority.
will happen faster once clinton/kaine legalizes the 15million illegals and really opens up the southern border
1. Classification
While the majority of cultures have distinctions between various ethnic groups, strict classification can be harmful to a given society.
>Are Irish white?
Unifying factors, such as a national language, can help build a common national identity that all classifications can be united under.
2. (((Symbolization)))
3. Dehumanization
)))One group((( denies the humanity of the (((other group))).
Members of it are equated with animals,
>sand niggers
or diseases.
Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder.
>Shills are here, post gore
4. Organization
Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility.
>I don't know what group you're talking about
>This is the last time I will post here
5. Polarization
Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing the center.
>Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Moderates from the perpetrators’ own group are most able to stop genocide, so are the first to be arrested and killed.
>Rand Paul the manlet
>Ben come home
>open border lolbertarians
>degenerate race-mixing kike faggot
6. Preparation
Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity.
7. Extermination
It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing. Sometimes the genocide results in revenge killings by groups against each other.
8. Denial
In some cases, those who violated the human rights of another group refer to the conflict as a “civil war.”
Denial occurs throughout the entire process of genocide.
The British conquered India. But not many Indians are British so what's your point
Ireland is full of Mexicans and Brazilians and you guys seem chill. You like beer and rock music.
I have a Norman second name on my Dads side and they conquered both Ireland and the UK so I am pretty happy with it. We also arnt currently being conquered by anyone.
Unlike you.
We just love to have a good time, we can relate because we are beer lovers so that is a good factor to get along nicely with you guys.
Really hoping to visit Ireland, I have a female friend that works as flying attendant in a Mexico City - Dublin schedule, so she gets to be on Ireland many times of the year and always come backs telling nice stories about your people and places where she hanged around.
God bless Ireland.
I thought the cold was our last bastion free from niggers.
I guess nowhere is free from niggers.
>caring this much about ads
I hate ads in any language. What you should be getting mad about is that that ad popped up at all
Thanks bro. Good night life in Dublin.
I've had ads in Finnish, Norwegian, German, Estonian, Danish and even Polish and Russian here. Sometimes it fucks up and it's no more than that
>american redneck in isolated mountain village
>not being exposed to a barrage of foreign languages daily
You watch a youtube video or a channel that was in Spanish. Then youtube you in a new market. The same happened to me
That's not spanish, is Mexican.
Mexicans were his plan B. Jumping wall parasites instead of vocal cord parasites.
I used to get commercials from all over the world when watching jewtube
Probably just means you've been watching a lot of "Spanish" videos lately
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