Tfw turned brother to a kek worshipper

>be me
>have little brother who turned 11 two days ago
>ive been repeating the word kek for a long time
>"wats this kek"
>tell him everything about kek and repeating digits and how he's a god etc and about Sup Forums
>he looks very interested
>he wanted to post on Sup Forums to get repeating digits
>fuck what have i done
>he's always talking about kek now
>everywhere he sees repeating digits he tells me he's been blessed by kek
>thank god he forgot about the idea of posting in Sup Forums or Sup Forums would have another underage autist
>he's also spamming ayyy lmao, wew lad and spurdo sparde memes are his favorite
>he watched "obama's first term" spurdo video and always shouting "ISLAMIC GOMMUNISM ISLAMIC GOMMUNISMMMMMMM" to my mother and she doesn't understand what he wants
>be in car with him and parents drive to celebrate his birthday
>they ask him "so how old are you now"
>oh nice that's a good number
>yeeeeeeee it's fucking dubs i've been blessed by kek
>turn my head to him and stare at him in panic
>holy shit what have i done, he's spreading this now
>thank god parents didn't ask him anything else
>today he plays modded minecraft
>separated a stack of items to multiple stacks of 7
>looooooooook my stacks are repeating digits, is that dubs or trips or quads or idk how the others are called?
>we're talking about kek all the time
>"i'm going to the realm of kek to kill his guardian"
>ok :/
>he enters his house
>grandma lays on the bed where he's playing his computer
>she overhears us talking about kek
>she sees a chest in the house
>he says "im going to my house"
>she tells him suddenly "oooo nice house, and i see there is chest in that house hehe, and inside that chest is kek!"
>we both burst out laughing, its like she tries to understand what we're talking about
>i start panicking
>is he going to spread it further
>will my parents kill me for making him autistic


The third line is where everything went wrong. You must be underage..

I think we need a book like the bible where we write down the ways of kek and kek influenced moments

archives are the book

Yeah confirmed for autist.
Sentence: Death

>speaking the name of Kek out loud
You're already doomed.

You'll start to see the frogs soon enough.

Should have told him the true story of hitler.

much greater than the fantasy gods created on a taiwanese farming supplies board.

that's what you get you fucking kike


>implying you don't look at yourself in the mirror and say silently "i am a humble servant of kek" from time to time

>revealing to his young underage brother about the existence of Sup Forums
Congratulations on dooming his social life at an early age.