>This game disproves the Fermi paradox, proving that we are not alone in the universe.. thusly making religion obsolete...
Check mate religious coots.
>This game disproves the Fermi paradox, proving that we are not alone in the universe.. thusly making religion obsolete...
Check mate religious coots.
How does it disprove Fermi exactly?
Also, can't fucking wait to get the game. I'm going to buy a ps4 just for the game
>ETs exist
>Therefore the universe exists out of nothing
>can't wait for no gameplay sky
>nu-males sky
Opinion : discarded
>game disproves religion
Have you not seen the leaks?
Same could be said of minecraft. But that was one of my favorite games ever.
I'm already pretty much expecting what the gameplay has shown.
honestly, if anything it proves the simulation theory.
>No Games Sky
Why is everyone so obsessed with this... I guarantee it will be a disappointment
>This game disproves the Fermi paradox
1) You can't "disprove" a paradox. It's a state of being. That's like "disproving" "alive". Just doesn't make sense.
2) Nothing about a video game has any effect on real world concepts
3) Holy shit you're retarded.
>18 quadrillion planets
>7gb size
Yeah no
Fuck off Shills
How do you figure? It's a space exploration game. What more could you ask for?
You can't just "disprove" religion.
Because it's not a scientific theory, it's a philosophy and a way of living.
Science =/= Religion, you can't apply the scientific method to religion, because it's based on belief.
It's like if I took an apple and a rock and said, "Here, see how apples are red and grow on trees? Checkmate rockfags."
>Developers said game will cost around $20
>Actual pricetag is now $60
Fucking jews.
>i don't understand procedural generation
7gb is massive, they probably cut a lot of corners
>Doesn't know about procedural generation
Bitch, a single minecraft map is 57x larger than earth.
And there are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 unique maps. All that fits into a file smaller than 100mb. File size doesn't mean shit
Fuck off retard
However, they are soo shit and repetitive exploring the map is fucking boring.
To be fair, it was supposed to be 20$ because it was going to be an indie game, but it got so hyped that Sony started pushing it as a major title. So it's kind of in a weird place in the game spectrum
Maybe for you. But I really enjoyed minecraft. Especially servers like 2b2t, or just playing by myself building stuff. I don't need to play cod to have fun
>literally ~500 maps but all in a different colour
i dont like the art style.
seems like its just going to be a childish version of Elite Dangerous
It's just a video game, what the fuck?
>stop liking things I don't like
500 maps? What is that in reference to? The planet sized planets? You're saying that there are 500 unique looking planets, like that's a bad thing?
Nah, building was fine, but exploring the maps was boring as sin, because they were the same over and over again. Exploration is mostly boring in proc gen games. Literally the only proc gen game i've enjoyed exploring was dorf fort, and it was in legends mode.
Blame sony for this bullshit. It's also sony's fault that the PC version of the game comes out 3 days after the PS4 version.
I bet you play poke fag go as well.
What religon stated that we are the only beings in the universe?
any proof would be great
>game disproves religion
>implying I won't go around and name each planet I find after a Christian Saint
Get niggered monkey worshippers
It's a video game. Seriously, like, you need to grow up
this. too much hype surrounding it. it will probably be a bigger disappointment than fallout 4.
please tell me this is a spore clone
That's fine then, I can understand that. There's really no incentive to exploring in the game.
In 2b2t, which is basically hardcore survival, where people are actively trying to kill you, it pays to explore far out to make a hidden base, and also to find other peoples.
the idea of ET's doesn't kill religion it makes religion much larger
This game will be the new Watch Dogs in terms of disappointment.
It's like saying it "disproves" a question.
It just doesn't make sense. It's not a proposition, it can't have a truth value. It can't be proved or disproved because those aren't even concepts that can apply to it.
I mean I'm sure OP is trolling and just wanting to start another pointless 200 reply thread, but is him using the word "disprove" with fermi's paradox also trolling?
Does he realize how retarded that coupling is? Is he using that for even more replies, or is he just retarded?
Religion gets around this by saying God, or gods, created the universe and all life in it. There are also space age / sci fi religions like The Force. People actually register as Jedi on census forms. (en.wikipedia.org
It's worth noting that sufficiently powerful entities like aliens could pose as gods or be seen as God if their power level is off the scale.
There are 500 planets
omg, someone who isn't a retard
Minecraft was pretty much the first of its kind though. Why do you think all the other sandbox survival games haven't been as successful?
>No Man's Sky
More like No Man's Buy lmao
>finding villages
>finding end portal
there IS some incentive desu
Realy makes you think.
There have been many other procedurally generated games, infact, Notch based his game off of another procedurally generated game, and credits that with being his inspiration. I don't recall what the game was though.
LOL! Nice try. 500 planets? Where'd you find that one?
Sup Forums tier thread
delete this
>starve before you can escape the 10k grief zone
>go to nether to travel faster away from spawn
>chop out a nether superhighway in the nether ceiling for 3 hours
>eventually fall through into lava lake
>unable to find my nether superhighway ever again
>ragequit the server
This was like 4 years ago. Not sure what that server is like now.. havent touched mc in two years except to help my kid build shit on le xbox version.
I once heard Islam has actually a loophole for Aliens built in, dunno if it's bullshit though.
>Im gonna ''Buy'' this game
you make me sick to my stomage
That hurt me to read. Should have been vehicals and day one survival mode
Yeah, but that doesn't require a lot of travel, at least in my experience. I mean, nothing is stopping you from traveling great distances. In fact, my hombase on minecraft is over 400,000 blocks out in the overworld
Inbred autistic jew singing about some jap video game... How do you even know about this shit?
Just like AGW is just a computer model.
Maybe they're training to be climatologists.
They don't have to change reality, just everyone else's perception of it, so they'll give them anything they want in exchange for not deleting their planet.
You can disprove a paradox if you show either the paradox isn't actually a paradox
Its 3D Starbound.
Have fun playing a game with planets full of forests and animals less than 10light years from the local star.
"MAGIC SPACE" games suck.
this game only proves islam is the one true religion
canon confirmed that intergalatic caliphate
I meant light SECONDS.
Islam was built by literally uneducated camel herders there is seriously nothing of value in there
I was watching some No Mans Sky streams and it looks like a fucking mobile game. Game play didn't exist. It reminds me of Everquest Landmark in the alpha or beta whatever that was where you just collected some shit to make a new pick axe and that was pretty much it. I need a level three axe to gather topaz guess I better get farming. I bet it doesn't go beyond what Landmark is at this point only shittier. Hey I can build some some structures with no input on design or creativity.
People who called it out from the get go were right. It sucks and any "space" game on console first is just a shit tier. I'd never thought I'd see a space game come out in current year that is objectively worse than Elite Dangerous. Frontier really fucked that camel but these guys take the cake.
It's even worse now, there's no food for probably 20,000 blocks out. But you're retarded if you cant find the superhighways. They're on the axis at the top of the map.
Yes, im going to BUY it, so people will make money creating a market for stuff that I like. Weird concept isn't it? You socialist fuck
>it takes a video game to prove Islam
Wow I finally believe Ahmed!
and yet you still speak like a teenage girl
Saw a webm of it on a /gif/ YLYL thread
>worse than Elite Dangerous
You'll see a lot of space games worse than ED coming out, ED is highly underrated and got a lot of hate for no reason.
My friend thinks it'll be revolutionary but it's been done to death. It's basically a walk through the zoo simulator, universe police even attack you if you step out of line.
The selling point of the game is there's so many planets you may never even see another player, but we all know that's bullshit.
Somehow to the universe is desolate and 2deep4u but traders come all the time and the skybox shows people travelling everywhere.
I've also heard it'd take 40 how to get to the center of the universe of you didn't do any fucking around.
Not sure how people still fall for this, I used to be a game addict but the market became so shitty. Haven't bought a game since Squad in December.
God damn it op I stopped going to Sup Forums so I wouldn't have to sperg out over shitty games anymore. Don't bring trash here.
No, you can't.
Something is or isn't a paradox. It neither needs proven nor can it be disproven. It just is.
No matter what information we find in the future it will still be a paradox that there are quintillions of planets but no signs of life.
>Two posts by this ID
because every game in the last 5 years tricked us into pre sales and then was just a beta or completely shit because grafics got a downgrade or the game was just not completely thought trough
True. It just boggles the mind how a game like No Mans Sky even makes X Rebirth look epic in comparison.
we already live in a space simulator, might as well spice it up some
why the fuck is this shit thread still up
take this shit to Sup Forums
no one cares about some shitty indie game no one has heard of
>Not sure how people still fall for this
Fall for what? Just because it's not a game that interests you, doesn't mean it sucks
I think Uncharted, Battlefield, and any linear gameplay game fucking sucks, but it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be made
What are you on about? Earth is 8 light minutes from the sun...
>we need God cuz we are alone in the universe
Isn't that just what autist fedoras think is why we "need" a God..?
I'd keep believing in God even though the sky was filled with space ships and call out the name of the Lord Christ when I needed help...
Just go be autistic somewhere else pls
Spirituality > Religion
I meant seconds.
I'm not expecting great graphics, its made with a team of like 15 people. Why would you expect some mindblowing graphics out of a game like that? Also, graphics should be the least of your worries. I prefer to have the game be fun with shit graphics, than the other way around.
>Playing video games as an adut
Can you hippys fuck off out of Sup Forums, i bet you like anime too
its the im spiritual not religious and just dancing here to pay my way through med school meme again
Honor > Degeneracy
It seems that you are the moron.
How you have managed to confuse "paradox" in the lay sense, and paradox in the logical sense, I have no idea
I'm going to laugh if a giant sperm cracks the Earth as if we're the egg in some vast void called a vagina or uterus. We've been doing or own panspermia's down here by impregnating women with their planets with our space sperm. If only we could hear those voices cry out.
Jumbo shimp is a paradox.
We know exactly what it actually means and that it has a logical explanation but it is still a paradox.
I just gave you the definition of the word and somehow you're still adamant that you know better.
Pro tip: Over hyped games are always shit
where can I yar har this?
Fuck off Sup Forumsedditor
Don't think it's up yet, only PS4 cunts have it that I guess stole it from the stock room of Gamestop.
>I'm going to buy a ps4 just for the game
Fair enough. Still pretty autistic though...
>I can't enjoy a game about space unless my journeys take literally months to get anywhere >:C
Wow, you're such an adult! Please tell me more about how you drink coffee and have hemorrhoids
>first person spore
Never trust anything with the words "procedurally generated".
This game is shit, 100%.
The novelty of flying your ship will wear off, and the game will be shown for the boring, turd that it is.
Yeah, like, I don't have a ps4 yet because nothing has caught my interest for needing a ps4 yet. Now I will buy a ps4 because theres something I like for it.
>Never trust anything with the words "procedurally generated".
Holy shit you are retarded
thanks for sharing your thoughts on why you should buy a video game console
fuck off to Sup Forums