Eddy Snowden is an kill.
Eddy Snowden is an kill
Other urls found in this thread:
RIP sweet prince.
>be in Russia
>drink tea
Rest in pepperoni my sweet pizza
He has been turned over to United States authorities and is on his way to Washington!
why did he break the rules set by people who have more money than him?
Suicide by capitalism yo
>le rebeloushion!
64 characters. All using Hexadecimal numbers and letters
Looks like some type of encryption key or a seed.
He is clearly dropping some type of hint or clue you Sup Forumsacks
why is it that this sequence, or whatever it is, can be typed using ONLY your left hand on "asdf,' and your right hand on the numpad?
Isn't that a bit odd?
lol bc it's hexadecimal and that's just where the letters are, duh. nvm im dumb
its hexidecimal
not some mysterious coincidence
Justice rains from above.
It's high noon ex dee
Snowden is an encryption master. Dude knows his shit better than most.
So America finally killed that traitor?
this is not a deadmans switch
this is a SHA-256 hash. it's a teaser for an upcoming file.
you cannot do anything with the information he just gave.
a true deadmans switch would have already uploaded & released the files and or password for a file someone else has.
It could be a deadman's if it wasn't meant for the general public.
if they wanted to kill him, he would have been dead.
Snowden could have made America Live again, for a price, but instead he had to die die die due to the gov bringing the hammer down.
it's not large enough and anons already tried the encrypted files to see if anything would open
>The room was referred to in internal AT&T documents as the SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room.
Goddamn it Hideo Kojima...
its a sha-256 hash. its a HASH for a file.
what are you going to do with this hash? compare it to what file? lets say you even had the file, you'll be damned sure it's encrypted.
this is not a deadmans switch, he definitely has some in place, but i bet they upload files, or release passwords for files people already have.
this is a tease for an upcoming file, maybe in cahoots with a new wikileaks.
More than likely he's passed on an encrypted set of files to someone and he sent the hash to have them select the next file he wants to reveal.
I could still be a deadman's based on that. Most likely it isn't, though, as you said.
> Oh, the drama...
so where's the tweet? looking at the account, I don't see it
ah yes, in that case, you could be correct, I didn't think about that being the case. that the files & passwords are already in the hands, and a hash being released is the "okay go" they need.
great, wheres the new file to compare this hash to?
deleted, there is an archive link floating around somewhere.
see then
>mfw I have a AT&T technician coming to my house
aam I going to disappear?
This hash may work as prof after anonymous release file that this was Snowden's provided file.
u ded son
u gonna get snowden crashed
I dont think that file is available to public. I guess only few people really understand what Snowden wrote
not encryption master, intelligence specialist
He got his job in the CIA because of his computer and encryption skills... At least do some basic research...
It's gonna be on trump considering he's a shillary plant now
What will it be proof what Trump goes balls deep on melania so he doesn't respect women?
Edgy* Snowden
i guess you could say he got snowed on. (like an avalanche, get it???) (an avalanche of lies!)
Yes! I can look at a stream of unrelated numbers and letters and see the conspiracy too!
He's already revealed the crimes of the government. This is just a bonus at this point.
>sorry lads left my phone unlocked in my pocket, ended up calling my mate Aaron as well haha what am I like x
Go eat another burger, dumbo
>unrelated letters and numbers
>current year
>not understanding what hexadecimal is
What did he accomplish by doing that? Like a real world outcome from his actions.
no, because no
and no
The Patriot Act was modified and its reach scaled back.
>pic related
FAKE! That's not on his twitter.
>a leaf
Look it up. Snowbro isn't dead.
No one said he was.
Also, RIP Snow Crash.
It means he fell asleep on his keyboard.
it was deleted, faggot
The hash is to confirm that you have the original untampered version. This is extremely common in software security, it's so that everyone can just hash the data they have and make sure that no has had their dirty NSA-fingers in it. If you get the same value then it's untouched, if you don't then something has changed.
The hash has no value for anyone that it's not intended for. But for those who have whatever was hashed it's used to confirm that whatever they have is genuine.
It's a SHA-256 hash.
Not a meme, friend.
Him and another user are going around stating Argumentative Fallacies.
>Argumentative Fallacies
Are terms for certain reactions people have when faced with opposition.
It's a psychology/philosophy lesson.
There's a book on it, or just search it up on Wikipedia.
college kids feel like after they obtain knowledge on the subject that they can go around shutting everybody down by stating the exact term on the fallacy they are performing.
What they don't realize is that one of THE FIRST lessons you learn when learning about "Argumentative Fallacies" is that you NEVER STATE an argumentative fallacy in the middle of an argument because
1. The other person 9/10 doesn't/wouldn't know what you're talking about
2. Stating when an argumentative fallacy has been encountered only makes the argument reach a standstill, because there is no true response to stating a fallacy besides saying "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that"
3. It's super pretentious as fuck, to just go around shooting people down just because you learned what the name of the term of what they are saying/doing is.
They guys need to realize that PEOPLE have genuine responses to things, and even though human's are very predictable creatures, you shouldn't negate or "snuff" someone out - just because you learned some fancy terms in a college book
Okay, I'm just now reading up on this
Is it true that he also said "It's time"?
Is it Russian:
What if you XOR encrypted data with this hash as the key?
Dismissing that the character length of the key would deduce a weak encryption, still worth a thought...
It's likely a SHA-256 hash, but it also could be a key value for something else, let's not dismiss the power of obfuscation and hiding objects in plain sight.
no doubles - no happening
But you do! Checkmate, it's happening.
high noon you say?
But user...you are the one with doubles
I-is it happening?
of course its happening. check these dubs
Thank you my friend
XOR encryption with a random is actually the best form of encryption. it's unbreakable. problem is, it's not very practical, because the message can only be as long as the key and you can't use it more than once. i doubt he can deliver anything meaningful with a key this short..
t. mossad
>7 is the most powerfully magic number
512 bit key
6 years /pol4chan woulda had the files seeded and out already...
Thats a parody account of the nsa
Exhaustive research would take 2^512 tries at worst to recover a message with any meaning (being it a photo, text or audio).
We are fucked.
Didn't he upload an insurance file already? Why hasn't anyone posted if it worked or not?
he has evidence of aliens
You be deed mmmm8
an MD5 hash...hmmmm how 1992of him..
I dont get it
>releases code for files as he died
hey it's pretty lights
Something is happening alright
its a SHA hash.
Basically, he has some message or file that carries this hash so, if he says something in the future you know it's from him unless his account is hacked as we speak who knows
these doubles says, its happening.
Lmao Hillary murders countries full of people I'm sure trumps supporters will back him in the event of some shifty numbers
Sputniknews is bullshit.