Reminder that terroni = south italians are not white.
Reminder that terroni = south italians are not white
and venice should be independent
this is the civilized part
..or this...
do you italians know that you invented a kind of proto red pill?
"ausonia" kek , the real name is terronia not ausonia
thank you i will rename it (in my computer)
what went wrong with magna grecia?
the fucking see people and later the arabs
But they used to be prosperous in antiquity (Pythagoras, Archimedes, Milo etc.) contrary to the barbarian celts of the north and the late germanic invaders who were literally savages.
this arab meme is true just for sicily though. the truth is that they have too much eastern blood ( greek plus slaves from anatolia and balkans)
*"sea people"
sorry mistyped
See people were med allies from southern italy ,aegean, peloponnese and sardinia who destroyed the femine empire of Egypt and Hittites and conquered the near east.
>Palestine > Philistines
this is naples, nice place isn't it?
"sea people" kraut confused me too
yes and kraut is very sorry
south italy spoor disorganized and bankrupted like greece, but with more organized crime
so it's not that they can't organize themselves
just to scheme other people
average terroni