redpill me on arranged marriage
Redpill me on arranged marriage
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It's the only way to go. I've arranged my daughtes matches. It is good for a girl to grow up around the man she will knowing one day she will be his.
Selective breeding? Breed 2 tall people together, you should get even taller offspring?
Money? Sell your daughter for a goat?
ITT: sad virgins playing pretend
No, shut up.
>accepting bride price in anything but gold.
Wow that's really messed up.
well if they should marry young they need some guidance
Also good if you have a community I guess. Make deeper bonds between families. "Say I marry your cute daughter and I'll get you work at my fathers bank, Hans" And so on.
I think people should have a good amount of choice though
please take a bag of pills, any colour, just enough to make sure you won't wake up
What? What is your issue? Be more articulate.
check out these massive cucks
Honestly, I don't really see a negative in the issue. They'll come to love each other either way. It isn't like humans think rationally regarding the subject of love. Think it would benefit them growing up together as well for a general emotional bond from the start.
No worries about growing old alone. Having goals and responsibility from a young age. Keeping wealth and prosperity between families.
10/10 based practice.
>allowing somebody else to decide who you will spend your life with
I seriously cant think of anything more cucked
>letting your emotional faggotry dictate your life instead of the objective view and life experience of elders who want the best for you.
Yeah so cucked. I assume you think you're always the smartest person in the room at any given time.
Yeah, the ring is too small. Her finger is swelling up
>letting boomers decide who you marry
Yeah, you are, in fact, completely cucked.
I'm more disturbed by the fact that it's the wrong hand and people continue to make these threads. I suppose I'll have to just keep responding though because I'm an idiot.
Okay. You've completely changed my perspective by making constant insults without a real rebuttal.
>it's the wrong hand
It is? Man, they must have been really lazy about it. Can't even do simple photoshoots right.
Here's how I see it:
Women CANNOT function properly without a strong man. This is why women who grew up with a strong male presence (usually their father) tend to be more rational (in decision making) than women who grew up without a strong man.
You can see examples in today's society. Women never know what's best for them thanks to fatherless childhoods and they continue onto adulthood believing that following your instincts and emotionally gratify others like them to follow this path. The result of this is short-term sexual pleasure over long-term stability, and this hurts society.
They choose criminals over lawyers, they choose the unstable over the stable. It's just in their nature to not have a total grasp of their own lives, they will always need a man by their side or else their lives won't be
Arranged marriages fix this problem by removing shallow concepts such as "love at first sight" and pushes for building a lasting relationship.
Your entire argument revolves around the concept of you not being able to pick out a suitable mate for yourself and actually expecting others to do it for you.
If youre a weak-minded pleb or a shitskin, I suppose arranged marriages acceptable, but people with IQs above double digits should be capable of picking their own mate.
you can't reason with liberals when it comes to something like arranged marriage. they believe in no one owing (((you))) anything[see:feminism] while also believing they are owed certain freedoms
Lots of countries like Austria and Russia wear their wedding ring on their right hand you fucking retard
for arguements sake, here is a person(female) with an IQ of 140+
i assume you know she's not actually married, right.
It also mean's future generations of children will tend to be more healthy and parents will be more likely to live long enough to see their grandchildren and even their great grand-children.
Any rational father would want to see their daughter married to a good man who will treat her well, and this system of arranged marriages encourages young men to work on their character and young women to work on their appearance.
Of course this should give some freedom to the young man and women and there should be a meeting between the two potential suitors to decide whether they want to be with each other. But the fact that they will get married cannot be avoided as the family is the core of a stable society.
Ok, Im sure when shes done sucking cock and getting buttfucked for a living, she'll find a suitable beta male to settle down with.
Yeah, that's why I referred to the pictures the way I did. Of course I know the story.
And the story is stupid. Why make up a story to showcase the horrors of child brides instead of just publicizing an actual story? Why are there even anti-child bride activists in Norway? It's already not something that happens there.
Wasn't aware of this. Thanks for the response.
If I have a daughter I will marry her myself
If its between two families with two young kids they hope to get married later on, there is nothing wrong with it.
It's fine to mess around with your daughter when she's little, you made her after all, but you can't keep her to yourself like you're fucking Craster.
>implying that anything good or suitable will come out of that
well atleast she got to live selfishly and make alot of sex movies. these things are important to the development of society, amirite?
Certainly "love" (infatuation) is a really poor concept when looking at long-term partnership between man and woman. It does not last. "Good chemistry", sure, but that is something that can be...arranged (looked for).
I asked an Indian dude at work about his arrangement. I said what if your parents choose a fat girl? He responded saying like nah they will choose a good girl etc. Then we can spend a few years getting to know each other
I would imagine the real problems with arranged marriages comes with poor circumstances. E.g. having to marry to save the family's economy.
Why not?
What good father would honestly trust his daughter with another guy?
And let's say the man is 30 (former wife died) and is planning to marry some kid once she reaches a suitable age (mid or late teens presumably)?
I don't see how that makes any horrendous difference. Men don't suddenly become evil monsters as they age, or want to abuse women because they get older.
But I agree it is not always great to have one part much older than the other (good genes and health could ameliorate that). But that goes for a whole bunch of other issues one can imagine as well.
Eventually she has to grow up.
Marrying your own daughter is only acceptable in extreme circumstances, like if your wife dies and you need to replace her.
...all kinds of things could be seen as less than optimal in a relationship between people. Does not mean it is best to simply dismiss all those relationships.
more like in end of the world scenarios
Women would marry up even more with their parents involved. Instead of needing muscles and a footlong dick they'll need to be in a family of doctors making at least 200k a year now.
>waaaa nobody should tell me what to do with my life, go away big government
>I should literally decide every detail in the life of a future person up to their adulthood.
90% women can't make good decisions for themselves
You'll find, Sweden, that when you consider increasingly poor people, they have more trouble getting marriages arranged, and inevitably end up in heat of the moment marriages.
Well, that's how it is here in the west. Back home, poorer families still managed to get arranged marriages - kiddy fiddler types and jihadis excluded. Probably because they had more choice, and they wouldn't be forced to choose between the number of what are essentially brown chavs that you'll find among the lower castes in Britain.
That's just weird. Why would you need to marry your daughter? Would it not make more sense to just not marry her off, and keep her around the family home if you need help that much?
>implying most people become adults
This is actually a thing? People honestly believe in arranged marriage being better than conventional? You have to trolling. ITT virgins who can't "win a girl" dream of being assigned one so they don't have to compete.
>arranged marriage being better than conventional?
You think those are different things?
Well if you're talking about third world shitholes, then yeah, they're the same.
Most arranged marriage husbands usually fuck alot of chicks in their youth before going to their arranged wife user.
Bring it back its honestly a waste of time to wait for a chick to decide when shes ready to marry(AKA WHEN SHES DONE SUCKING DICKS).
Who do you think would make better long-term decisions:
>a couple of horny, hormonal, inexperienced young people
>a network of experienced, older people looking at the issue from a longer-term perspective
Really, the best would be professional, paid matchmakers that know all the people involved. That's harder in this modern age, where even marrying someone from the same city could mean folks that never crossed paths before in their lives, but it would still be best.
And honestly, the main problem lies in the "marriage is only valid when there's romantic love" idea, where if you "fall out of love" then you'd best just divorce. Even teenagers rolling around in the hay could make their lives work if they expected that their arrangement would be permanent, despite any troubles or changes in feeling.
>implying traditional marriage exists in the west
Depends on what you mean by traditional.
For starters I would mean something that is a lot more binding than I believe is possible today .So my thinking is we would have to look back 50, 100 or however many years to compare our western traditional marriages with that which exists in mohammedan countries etc.
Traditional matchmaking, with a professional matchmaker who has a lot of experience in setting up relationships and knows what sort of attributes help lead to good marriages are great. People who get married are much less likely to get divorced and consistently rate themselves as happier and more satisfied with their relationship than people who get married for love.
I know married people are rated happier at least in some surveys, but...
People who marry for love are less happy than those who marry because of....obligation...or what (you sort of left that part out)?
Well thankfully forced marriage is illegal in western countries now.
Going back to a practise that mainly exists in Islamic countries today ought to tell you how ridiculous it is.
No it's not, you're just an idiot who watches too many romance films. The more time a woman spends around the man she's going to marry the better
you'd have better luck getting blood from a stone
with an IQ like that you'd think she'd realize how stupid sleeping with a lot of men is
some people care for people outside of the country.
Familiarity sometimes breeds contempt. Especially forced familiarity.
Depends on what she's looking for.
I don't believe in completely forcing people to marry (but that they should largely be forced to stay together if they actually choose to marry), but today I don't think we can say we have marriage anymore. It fails to fulfill some of the fundamental purposes. It is supposed to make cooperation between men and women easier and unburden society from having to take care of a bunch of people they have no relationship with, it is not there to make it so that men fear marriage (and instead decide to just fuck a bunch of sluts) and neither party have any significant binding obligations (except the man, at least in Amerika, has some noticeable financial ones).
related video
>be pathetic virgin neckbeard posting about his power fantasies on taiwanese fingerpainting forum
>call others cucks when they call you out on it
The cognitive dissonance of you betas will never cease to amaze and entertain me
It isn't a thing outside of these power fantasy threads and backwoods cult compounds
Culture's changed really. People no longer feel much shame in breaking promises to stay together that they made to each other (and sometimes in front of a lot of people).
Even if you could somehow pass a very unpopular law to abolish no fault divorce, people would just stop seeing each other if they would've been otherwise divorced.
If you then required married couples to live together and not see other people, you would have to enact a police state that pried into people's private lives constantly.
>be pathetic slut-pleaser and slut-enabler
>tries to distract himself from the idea that these women are constantly cucking him by having lots of sex ("reproduction") with other men before him
>just fed dozens of potential babies inside the stomaches of these sluts by giving them a single dollar worth of calories sometime during your relationships
Thats where you have no freedom and you're treated like property that is passed off as a planned transaction.
It's a catholic thing - the left hand is "sinister" in latin - the devils hand. Even left handed children got beaten into using their right.
Its still common in Europe among Catholics
Sure, without a culture supporting laws and institutions they aren't worth much.
Anyway the key probably is to make sex outside of marriage dis-allowed and seen as bad.
Easy, Achmed. Pedophilia is still wrong on this board.
Watch yourselves
Mod cuck newfags out in full force
It works because even socially retarded autistic faggots get laid. The world a happier place.
Before birth control women actually had to keep their legs together before marriage.
I would still say that prohibiting adultery would lead to a police state, even if we had a more traditional culture.
This being said, adultery is still seen as wrong, it's just not as frowned upon anymore.
>mfw this is kiddie fucker "freedom fight" posting without his trip about more pedo shit. KILL YOURSELF SENPAI
arigato, freedom-kun
Last resort for introverted NEET's who can't talk to girls without sperging or shitting themselves.
Not a good way to live your life.
I am very angry today, mods are really bad lately. sick and tired of this place.
What's wrong with it? Little girls are hot.
enjoy your v&
Japan and other east Asian countries have it right.
Two consenting adults go to a professional matchmaker for the express purpose of marrying. The match maker finds suitable partners based on interests and preferences and sets up interviews/dates. If they hit it off, they have a few more dates before quickly marrying. Apparently these "arranged" marriages are very successful, just over 10% divorce rate compared to over 40% here in the UK.
Attraction to 15-17 year olds is not pedophilia by any IMO useful definition. By the way, in the Middle Ages (western Europe) I believe the average age of marriage for a female was 16 or so. (not taking into account likely difference in physical development then and now) (And as most probably know some did marry a lot earlier.)
It is perfectly normal to be attracted to all teenage females, as a heterosexual man. Peak attractiveness in the eyes of men in my guesstimation is somewhere between 16-23 or so, with a sharper difference on the left side of the peak of this attraction curve.
Women should probably wait until 16-18 before they have children tho, to not get unnecessary complications.
Another aspect to consider is the value in hypocrisy. If people don't insist on having their publicly espoused morals and laws absolutely in line with their actions, the morals/laws that are quietly broken might be a lot more sustainable.
women are irrational and emotionally driven hence the father makes the choice would work fine in islam except they love tribalistic cousin marriage
The mods are doing their job you pedo piece of shit
Japan is also sexless.
I think early 20s is the ideal age to bear children.
Kill yourself newkike. Their job isn't to ban things that violate no rules for no reason.
>not taking into account likely difference in physical development then and now
The thing is, kids in general develop faster now than before, especially reproductive capabilities in girls. And no, it's not >muh meat hormones (that's just for boobs), it's just better nutrition in general. In the old days (and still true in crapholes like Africa and jungles), it was common for menarche to not happen until the later teens, just because the gril did not have sufficient body fat; while today in modern countries, that's not an issue, to put it mildly. Of course, even in the middle ages, the daughters of nobility would eat sufficiently that they could have menarche at the usual age of 11-13, so they could marry early.
>five year old daughter
>more facial hair than me after a week of not shaving
>the mods job is to ban people who aren't breaking rules
Shit, I had no idea.
Earliest possible is the best time for a girl to start making babby.
its natural to be attracted to a pubescent girl in general, which means 12-13+
their cunts bleed for a reason
The only functional Relationship dynamic i know of is an Arranged marriage between a 16-18 year old girl and a man in his 20's/30's who is established and can put down money for a house.
Basically the man being around 10 years or so older simply replaces the Biological father as the new father figure. She has never known another man sexually and thus bonds to him sexually and emotionally for life.
It's simple and works damn near every time. Thats probably why the kikes pushed Feminism and "free love" sexual degeneracy so hard because they knew that if they could destroy the traditional christian nuclear family then all of western civilization would eventually collapse as a result since the people who make the foundation of that civilization no longer have a future to work and fight for and no longer believe in it.
Thus the birth rates collapse and third world refuse gets imported and everything collapses into socialism/communism.
At this point I really don't think there is any practical way to correct the problem with western civilization peacefully. Extreme Violence and Mass genocide is pretty much inevitable now is only a matter of when things pop off.
You have a problem that 98% (minimum) of the population does not approve of. You are not seeking any remedy for this problem other than proposing the majority make a law saying its okay for you to be mentally ill under the guise of freedom of speech. You are a subversive agent looking to label Sup Forums users as pedophiles, or legit so fucked up that all you do is post on Sup Forums about how you want to fuck children.
I could say I am in an arrange marriage of sorts. Got pregnant a month into the relationship, moved in couple months later and 11 years and one more kid later still with him.
>appeal to majority
So now using free speech is somehow bad? I've been here far longer than you faggot so don't you dare call me a subversive agent you fucking newfag
Its not free speech to create or possess child pornography. Get it through your thick skull you mongoloid. The day that society collapses is the day fuckers like you catch a bullet. You'll take advantage of the chaos and some true patriot will use his constitutional rights you tout so much to offer justice that our "justice" system so annoyingly withholds
Depends on your definition of "child"
The moment a girl gets her first period she is biologically mature and thus according to nature and traditional society she is an "adult" and ready to have children......well not actually an adult since most civilizations never considered females to be fully mature and adult in their nature except for the ones that destroyed themselves (The fall of Rome in the decline is a perfect example of feminism gone wrong)
Now that doesn't mean we go full durkadurka like the Arabs and beat women to death for not wearing trash-bags or driving cards but I do believe that a horrible mistake was made when Women were considered the Mental "equals" to men and given the power of the vote. I am also certain that this mistake will destroy the West and leave a vacuum for a new culture to rise which will likely be islam, not because they are a good culture but simply because they are there and willing to protect their culture with extreme violence.
Yes it is faggot. Just because the scotus kikes circumvented the constitution to place it into law knowing their would be minimum backlash doesn't mean shit. It's there to further censor people and police them.
God I have no idea how someone can be this fucking brainwashed with Internet access. Blows my fucking mind.
I agree with the women voting part, and the message that you are sending. But to correlate constitutional rights with cp is a dangerous game. I also think to say that the only defense against Islam is arranged marriages or free distribution of cp is flawed logic. To allow what you advocate will make the transition to Islam easier. They have that shit. Also it would be better to simply control your fucking women whether it be your wife or your daughter. Sexual liberation will only take hold if you allow it. My wife and daughter know better. Why can't others do it?
I'm not brainwashed. We are on the same page about the method. Its just this one thing I feel strongly enough about that I have common ground with our oppressors. Pedophilia legalization is not the battlefield for us to hold them back. You'd have to be retarded to think that this subject is the one that will cement our freedoms against them
I meant in the sense of not knowing each other when we moved in together and started a family