redpill me on arranged marriage
Redpill me on arranged marriage
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It's the only way to go. I've arranged my daughtes matches. It is good for a girl to grow up around the man she will knowing one day she will be his.
Selective breeding? Breed 2 tall people together, you should get even taller offspring?
Money? Sell your daughter for a goat?
ITT: sad virgins playing pretend
No, shut up.
>accepting bride price in anything but gold.
Wow that's really messed up.
well if they should marry young they need some guidance
Also good if you have a community I guess. Make deeper bonds between families. "Say I marry your cute daughter and I'll get you work at my fathers bank, Hans" And so on.
I think people should have a good amount of choice though
please take a bag of pills, any colour, just enough to make sure you won't wake up
What? What is your issue? Be more articulate.
check out these massive cucks