Skull & Bones seeking

Im looking for a skull&bones member, can u introduce me to someone ?

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I'm in DKE, is that close enough?

Dubya is in S&B. Just visit him in Texas. He'll probably tell you stories about how much coke he did and how many hookers he killed

Whats DKE duno about that ?!

Those who know, don't tell.

His not secret anymore service kicked me out

I will not say anything. I sware

seriously, what about that S&B conspiracy ?




just hang out at yale

not sure someone will tell me something in there. thats why im asking u guys !







college frat, we have some shweet alumni


kgc member here




So Norge, tell me the significance of Saturn and it's hexagonal formation near it geographic north pole?


Why all of these cube pics ?

Are you an idiot or are you 12?
Or both?

kek, what does this tell us now?


123 meet me at the hoot owl tree

We're all a little busy today with sacrif... I mean stuff.



Everything returns to Saturn

Honnestly, dont understand. I need ur lights (btw im not 12)


hey man heard you wanted to join our club!
my name is calvin coccyx and i'm the leader of the club
i'll introduce you to everyone!

They come to you.

this is peter pelvis. he is pretty odd, can't stop rattling for some reason

sweet bro. do i have something to prove ?

I don't have all the answers. All I know is there is something bigger than us. And religious and biblical prophesies are coming true. Maybe this is all part of understanding a bigger mystery to further human development. Or maybe this is our demise. Only time will tell.

Did you try the Yale campus?

I suggest you read this

this is freddy femur
he's quite popular with the ladies as a result of his sweet dance moves
proving you're a skeleton is the only requirement

There are so many signs. You'd have to be willfully blind or scared not to see the pattern. How can anyone think it's just a conspiracy theory?

bush jr hes a big guy if u get to know him

The whole idea that conspiracy theories are crazy in the first place is pretty dumb.

Oh you think the highest, richest elites in the world might come together and have a plan for the future? Crazy conspira-nut tinfoil motherfucker.

this is a good one

$130 starting price. Damn

I linked you the PDF.

I'm in DKE too bro

this is Samuel scapula
he's a trumpet enthusiast
fun fact: he really hates the kazoo for some reason

Thanks, I just saw the pic and did an Amazon search.

its everywhere too

It's stupid to care or let it influence your life. How is it different than believing in astrology hard core? It's literally just an excuse for people.

Yeah, let's hear some juicy stuff then, what are you waiting for?

and the last member of the gang: Herman humerus
he's the philosopher of the group and obsessed with modern art and poetry

Are you trying to tell us something Denmark. I'm gonna need a little more ^^

Where can I get me some Confederate gold?

if you're ready and willing to join the skeleton gang then we will finally have the manpower to start the skeleton wars and liberate our fellow skeletons who have been enslaved by the inferior meat bags called humans


This might also be of interest.

Nataraja (Tamil: "நடராசர்" or Kooththan கூத்தன், The King of Dance), is a depiction of the Hindu God Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance (called Tandavam) to destroy a weary universe and prepare for its renewal, by the god Brahma who starts the process of creation.

-Statue in Cern

You have V2 on PDF?

shriners can't heal

Unfortunately not. I got linked this by another user.

There is quite a lot suggesting ww3 will start with Putin invading the US, could be a matter of weeks. This is also described very accurately in the bible, so i suggest you try to come with a strategy to survive a 7 year period of no electricity.

>invading the US

There's a better chance of him invading NATO nations like Poland before he would even attempt to think about invading the US

OP, if you're serious in every capital city on the US, there is a set of roads that create a 5 point star.

Got to the center -usually a monument- on the 13th night of any month at 6PM.

A man with a black tie and a gold tie clip will be there.

You can turn back now. If not, what awaits you will change you.

Approach the man and nod while tapping your index and middle finger to your temple twice.

If he salutes back, say "forsan miseros meliora sequentur."

He will extend his left hand. Hand him a business card with your full name, DOB and a phone number on the back. Walk away after that.

Wait a week and they will come for you.

Rich gentile secret society.
No jews allowed.

Seemingly based off of Germanic occultism.

8/14/16, tisha b'av.

Something big is very likely to happen in 8 days.

Ok, but that doesn't mean Russia will invade the US

One man's opinion does not make it truth, beware false prophets and charlatans

I'm just saying he could be right. And US is undoubtedly Babylon.

KEK where did you get that from?

How will you change exactly. Second point, what do you mean "Come for you".

Got any pictures of one of these 5 pointed stars?

Would you recommend it?

Relating to this. Just went to the bathroom and read some Nat Geo when I noticed this. It may be /x/ tier but who knows.


I've read where they state that the actual Babylon is Israel and the New Jerusalem is the US

here you are, goy
a life of degeneracy and failure awaits you

>/x/ roleplaying thread

Hell calls hell; one misstep leads to another.

>How will you change exactly.

Fate, by an impartial law, is allotted both to the conspicuous and the obscure. The obscure, however, deal in the Fate of millions at the whim of the Obscure.

> Second point, what do you mean "Come for you".

I should have said they will come for you if they vet you and deem you worthy by virtue. If they come for you, the Doors of Perception are opened to you and there is a certain pleasure in weeping.

>Would you recommend it?

The descent to Avernus is easy. What awaits you is not.

What awaits me? Pleasure in weeping? Descent...

So exactly how does this fit in with trans humanism, and let's say my goal in life is to live eternally, would you say I should stick to Christianity or join the occult.

And side note, would you lie to people to get them to join?

I've missed you

Did you see suicide squad?

Lots of symbols in that movie

Her crescent moon has an orb of energy in it

non est ad astra mollis e terris via

Immortality as you see it will not be what you find in Avernus. We will make a desert for the conspicuous and call it peace.

From the moment we are born, we begin to die but the Fate of the Obscure lends to identity until atrophy consumes This Realm.

In the beginning of the movie the hotel was called hotel cicada and had the cicada 3301 logo. Remember that shit?


We get free entrance to this cool place in New York.

So there is no improvement in life longevity that will result from joining?

And also, do you can any information on when atrophy consumes this realm? So we are never going to ascend beyond humanity or evolve into something more through technology?

What is Avernus? Let me put it like this, what will you gain from joining, what will you lose?


All hours wound, the last one kills. Atrophy is inevitable and with it all knowledge is to eventually be consumed. If reversed by Fate, datum returns to zero.

Avernus is the enlightened world. Witness to the shipwreck of our fortunes, jester for the conspicuous, judge of the conspicuous, ropeman of the conspicuous, priest of the Fate, enemy of the Fate, safehouse of the datum, holder of truth, spreader of lies, master of the strings of the conspicuous, path to The Other Realm of Mankind.

So you don't actually gain anything, you just get to feel mysterious and shit.

Other realm being? So I mean you get high positions in society and take orders from higher ups without question but you don't really get any bonuses other than that?

On Monday, there will be an unusual incident that destabilizes the petroleum markets globally. It will not be a fluke.

It was the Will of the Villagers of Avernus. Fortune is glass; just when it gleams brightest it shatters.

Do you gain any deeper knowledge of the fate of the world, how it functions, what we are, how it will end, when it will end, anything like that?