What I think the Swiss really are

I believe the Swiss are really just Germans living in Italy and think they're French. Am I really wrong? Think about it.

la monstrosidad de las americas

Mountain jews

People on this site like to glorify the Swiss. Thinking you can just move to Switzerland and enjoy the best Europe has to offer, you'll be wrong. That being said, of course it's a beautiful country and all, but their laws, written and unwritten are more autistic than German ones, you'll have to bend over backwards to fit in and even that will not be enough, If you ever consider moving to Switzerland, get ready to through your culture, preconcieved traditions and heritage into the bin at the bbf and you have to act and think differently. Even then you'll always be an outsider, stop glorifiying the country, you're not worthy of it, nor can you ever understand it.

they are very positive people

Where in my post did I ever glorify the Swiss, Bubi? If anything I'm denigrating them you autistic Saxon. I believe they are a cultural mishmash of essentially Germans that have french attitudes living in what is basically Italian land

That southern Italian sure is taking in his new American identity

No that's Lichensteiners or whatever the fuck it is.

>you autistic saxon

Which is the best European country to work and live in your opinion?

this desu senpai

La creatura...

Well Hans, it's your grandpa's fault that he didn't try harder in the 40's. You mock this American atrocity, this enforcer of Judaism all you want, it remains German failure as to why this creature even exists

I'm actually a Flip so yeah that point ain't working on me

They think of themselves as "something better" ever since they seceded from the holy roman empire of the german nation, basically they're germans in denial just like the dutch, sorbs and luxembourgians except with them it's even more obvious

Send american dollars and chicks back for me plz

All you had to do was become a damn state, Filipino.

So the Swiss are Germans in denial, the Austrians are discount Germans and the root of evil, the Dutch are swamp Germans that have retarded amounts of V's in their language and the Danes are just scared Scandinavians that should just be German already. Is that right?

Swiss have no culture, he'll feel right at home

I never saw a Swiss who thought he was French. If anything, they do everything they can to tell how they're not French.

No, wrong. Real Germanics don't build countries that are bigger than 15 million people. Germany is a Bismarck fake.

>listen to an interview with a swiss ambassador
>he explains how things work switzwrland and how people behave
>turns out the country is inhabited by robot-jews who don't trust even their spouses

Go back to milking cows, watchmaker

>Real Germanics don't build countries that are bigger than 15 million people
No wonder why Austria-Hungary fell apart

All stereotypes people have about Germans being robot like, overly orderly, rigid, obsessed with order and rules etc we Germans ourselves apply to Swabians, and the Swiss hate the Swabians for not being hardcore enough about this stuff.

>If you ever consider moving to Switzerland, get ready to through your culture, preconcieved traditions and heritage into the bin at the bbf and you have to act and think differently

And that's remarkable... how exactly?

belgian chocolate>>>>>>>>swiss chocolate
just sayin
also swiss francophones speak french better than french people

this, swiss shit on Geneva by saying it's France, and Geneva people themselves will never miss an opportuniy to shit on France.
Inferiority complex if you ask me

>also swiss francophones speak french better than french people
Easy since they say the same in twice the time

fast-speaking is retarded too
and that doesn't explain the fact that average french has atrocious spelling of words compared to the swiss

how is switzerland not the best country in the world?

>mountain jews
you mutts are just jealous that we actually jewed the jews while you are getting jewed by them

we are neutral, conservative and stay in the shadow while slowly improving and rising to the top.

we are in almost every significant aspect in the top 5.
education, gdp per person, hdi, whatever, you name it.

we have beautiful nature and small little cities filled with culture.

we're probably the most introverted country besides japan.

Switzerland is truly the best country in the world, try to prove me wrong

protip: you can't.

People on this site are retarded as fuck. They have 3-4 stereotypes associated with certain flags and never read or think what posters say. They reply according to the flag. So if you are a Swiss or norwegian "you are the best". If you are a burger you are "african shithole". If you are sweden "you are ahmed" etc. Because neets and underage retards.

kek ever been there? They are smug assholes. At least the german part.

Besides your Albanians, I'd choose mountainland over most of the countries in Europe

on every fucking thread about switzerland I see some russian talking shit about us.
what is wrong with you dimitri?
you must be a poorfag, because the non-subhuman/rich russians really like coming to switzerland and buying our overpriced stuff.
st. moritz is filled with rich russians all the time.

OP here, I like you Russian.

you're right the albanians are a big problem, especially in the bigger cities.
we have some turkroaches too, but they are mostly productive and do the shitty jobs that swiss people won't do.
but albanians are fucking lazy, welfare collecting scums.

Well, they need to waste money really fast or something could happen to them so it's understandable that they are doing it in switzerland. I don't really understand why people should like your country

sure they do. do you think they like you? they hate everyone.

Meh just like it is every foreigner's dream to visit America and then they all come here to tell us what shithole it is and how they were whiter than anyone and how much stupid merkins admire their accents etc. I am pretty sure you are one of them. But you don't like to be on the receiving end of it, huh?

most reddit comment of the new year

>this entire thread

Really made me think yesterday.

>Clumps of Celtic tribes
>Nothing interesting going on
>800 BC
>Some people in Rome start to attack their neighbours and manage to consolidate their conquests
>Integrate Etruscan people and their superior technology
>More victories and glorious history
>Roman Empire transfers all that Hellenistic culture to Europe (Macedonian Empire mattered more to the East)
AD 500
>Germanic tribes and others bring down Roman Empire
>A lot of unions want to continue or imitate the Roman Empire during the next 1300 years (Byzantine, Franks, HRE)
>Hundreds of Dukedoms attacking and killing each other but also united in Jesus and the Pope

And yet most people probably lived uneventful lives with a few political highlights (their 9/11, Brexit and so on)

It's always a big balancing act of "leading groups" that have to keep the support of their followers (by not burdening them too much and entertaining them) but also showing a "political winning record" which bests the record of other unions.

Or do we already have one global culture of capitalism and it's all a class struggle until enough people gather behind a new ideology with a new leader?

a frosch

I study in Canton Ticino and Swiss are not a very friendly people, like us italian. However I like them even if they hate me beacause I speak a lot. Sorry mates.

The Byzantines were a legal continuation of Rome.

This is taught in basic world history classes
