Hello Sup Forums, I am an alien calibrator from a distant planet, and I'd like to help you with your problems. To me...

Hello Sup Forums, I am an alien calibrator from a distant planet, and I'd like to help you with your problems. To me, it appears that your societies have fallen far out of tolerance with the standards you have used for so long.
Fear not, for I will use my abilities as a calibrator to bring your world back into calibration and have it fully functional.
All I need is the standards and the procedure to begin the process.

No niggers and smaller dicks for asians. Also no canada and bring back pax romana

Reinstate the Commonwealth and undo Americas independance, We can take it from there.

Alien? More like GAYlien amirite?
Ayy lmao

go back you need to do

You guys are like the sexual deviance centrre of the planet, your worse than canada for fucks sake, you shouldnt be calling the gaylien names.

Fuck off space nigger

Nice try Queen Elizabeth.

Slowly I am learning the older standards your world used to work with, but there is still so much that I don't know.
It also seems that my procedures for this operation will have to be made up.
I have already infiltrated your society by joining an organization known as the "United States Marine Corps."
I'm learn more and more everyday

Ok, now give us pax romana and incinerate canacuck please