How do I redpill my sister?

How do I redpill my sister?

>major in art history
>getting fat, because niggers like fat asses
>joined a sorority where new pledges were required to shoplift

I feel like she's gone off the deep end but I don't want to disappoint my parents.

Fuck niggers. Fuck high test. Fuck liberal arts degrees. Fuck shoplifting.

>>getting fat, because niggers like fat asses
SHes getting fat because she eats too much.

Go up to her give her a hug and tell her you love her if you want to help her she needs to trust you so take it slow

She's gonna be taking black dick by the mile, get used to it

What kind of ghetto ass sorority is that?

You don't I'm sorry to say, shes too far gone user.

>required to shoplift

Niggest thing I have ever heard


God damn that body type is perfect. It's like the female version of myself.

I took a double take when I heard it too. It's a predominantly asian sorority. Why are chinks stealing for sport? I just don't understand.

It's too late brother. Her lefty friends are what she's hinged her social existence on now, to go against them means her certain destruction.

Unless your words have a lot of weight with her, there's nothing you can do.

Get used to saying this: "I try to be around as much as I can for my nephew, Jamal, ever since his Dad left"

Nigger culture

Not even once

>Joined a sorority

Sorry m8, your sister is a cock-sleeve now, she will be brainwashed and psychologically damaged into agreeing with their groupthink.

Because asians did not grow up with judeo-christian values. Even muslims know that stealing is bad.

Asia has been locked off for thousands of years from the big 3 religions, so of course the same values do not exist.

Asians have no qualms with lying, stealing, or cheating because they literally had no religions telling them to not do those things. At best, they had taoism, which is the religion of 'do nothing to solve everything'

Most chinks are degenerate as fuck and worse than the wiggest of wiggers. They're actively rebelling against the stereotype that they're all intelligent and law-abiding by acting as niggish as possible. No one profiles them so they rarely get caught.

Is this really how your universities work ?
People take out 6 digits of loans for this crap ?

Call the cops. Organized shoplifting is racketeering.

>Idiots and future doctors take out loans for this crap


that body is high test af senpai

The only thing women understand is domination, so dominate her with your superior Aryan D and post a video of it here.

>tfw no qt Aryan little sister

Why live

let me impregnate her before she gets blacked and shits out a piece of coal. i got blonde hair blue eyes.

cant unsee oscar meyer hot dog thumbnail


>locked off from three largest religion
>three largest religions all originated in Asia

You don't want to disappoint your parents?

You think your dad wants his daughter fucking niggers? Get in there and set the record straight or you'll have a half nog nephew your parents will end up raising.

The more I look at the western downfall the more I think that honor killings of family members are completely logical solution and more often a necessity.

I really don't want my sister to end up with a criminal record. Her job prospects would be fucked.

>fuck high test
nigga u wat

Sororities are all run by Jewish women. Pretty soon she'll be spouting feminism and 1 in 4 and how we need to accept refugees and all that shit.

She literally getting fat for niggers? , too late kill her

Even though people from the middle east are technically asians, I would still call them middle easterners.

Orientals is the technically correct word, but honestly just eat the shit you crapped out onto the street for being such a tightass prick

DAT ass was fat


Don't talk to me scum. Get you and your primitive fetish OUT. No regressives allowed.

moar fat bitches pls

Exactly like my gf desu. Fucking love it.

>low test
maybe this is more your style user

Her job aspects already are fucked. She's in a sorority so she'll probably get bad grades in addition to being an art major. And the one thing that's going for her is her appearance but she'll lose that soon too. Maybe if you get the sorority taken down it'll help her get back on track. But honestly the cops are gonna find it weird for you to just call them and say you know a sorority is shoplifting.


>Implying that body isn't GOAT.

high test is best test

only a real man can appreciate curves like this


pick one

inb4 hinduism
>see, there is a white rat
>white rat possess magic
>praise white rat
>poo in loo
All you do is build cults around some animals and nature in general.

give her the ... thing.
the fact.

>when you can use dat ass as a shelf

Also OP, have you even talked with her about sorority/shoplifting? What was she like before?

over eating is a symptom not a cause mate. most of the US agriculture soil is deficient in minerals and enzymes, which tell them body when consumed enough nutrients to stop eating.

just show her Sup Forums

>real man
so you make the rules now? cool.

Found the fatty.


Those feet are massive

Too thin.

My sister is going from taylor-mode to rebel-mode

Have to redpill her on how savage the real world is first. Send her gore pics srs

lol, dude its a known trend that a lot of white women in college put on a bit of weight so they can use their asses as a more effective tool for attracting bbc men.

can you not handle the handful?

Real man here

Only I can handle this

I ll show you a known trend.

>those oscillations, undulations, vibrations, ripples and shockwaves

too fat user. that's just past high test and into high gag

She looks like a midget that got scaled up in photoshop.

Nope. She was actually a pretty smart kid. 137 IQ and she started as a double major in computer science and graphic design. she was really into becoming an artist fabricator for the CIA, but I guess all that is out the door now.

>into the cia

Kek what the hell is going on there

All women are like that. I went to a public Ivy League and they all started out in CSE or CE or EE and then dropped after the first few classes because it was too hard. The majority that stay have a bunch of beta orbiters to help them with homework and projects and stuff.

Guys is the bride to be high test?

>major in art history
ya know. kill your sister and kill yourself.

>public Ivy League

are you talking about cornell? L M A O

Straight outta auschwitz

She looks like a potato, doesn't really have any shape but it's hard to tell with that dress.

>Major in art history
Welp, nothing to do.

Except if...

Only one way to stop her from going further down the deep end:
Give her to me.

She'll be begging for the cage and thanking me for letting her sleep in the cage by the end of it.

>SHes getting fat because she eats too much.

Getting fat due to overeating is the American disease. We even call it "the American disease" around here.

is this anzu?


Chick to the right

>only a real man can take care of my wife's son


Nothing screams degenerate whore louder than a belly button ring.

Let her get THICC so it's easy for you to fuck her in the asshole

She seems to already be lost mate.
Being bluepilled makes life a lot easier especially for woman.

Is this high test?

>Dad was in the glee club
>Majored Aeronautical Engineering
>Drafted into the army based on his knowledge
>Responsible for many patents used by General Electric

Such a shame to see good stock like this take the wrong path.


RIP Mr Chandler

> joined a sorority where new pledges were required to shoplift

Gather evidence, report to university, student newspaper and local newspaper.

He's practicing his wrestling moves. This is a common thing in America, I do it often to the bitches at school dances while wearing my tiger mask.




>Nigger mating ritual.

Call the police, hopefully that will make her realise what a dick she's being


>new pledges were required to shoplift

I'm not normally a brown nose but that's illegal as fuck.

Only beta nu-male cucks aren't into high test women

>"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"
>"Ok, the SWAT team is on the way, please remain clam."

Genuine responce, Go to the 'hentai' section and download and print the entire collection of ''emergence''.

It shows a sweet girl go down the same path, and how fucked up it can get very quickly.

The only interesting thing about this is how she can move at all while being obese.

>tfw you shoplift for fun
>tfw high test
>tfw briefly went to art school

probably too late m8.

just talk about the facts and redpill slowly if you want to inform her without causing a violent rejection of reality.

Just give up. I stopped caring at some point and don't even acknowledge my younger ones existence. I guess that's what they teach them in school these days.

Older one is just how I want her to be like. Basically a woman who knows her place in life is to be the best housewife she can be just like good old mom. Humble, hard working, family first.

>only niggers, degenerates who appropriate nigger culture or creepy predators like high test

Fixed that for you.


Maybe your dumb ass parents should have learned how to parent before bearing you and your sister. This is so unlikely to happen with proper parenting. Look up Stefan Molyneux bomb in the brain series.

far left pls

>arts degree
She's already fucked m8, you'd be doing her a favour

I think it's because my parents paid way too much attention to me and though my sister would "just come out fine."

spot the asian dicklet nu male, everyone