Let's settle this: is Sup Forums a Kekist board or a Christian board?

Let's settle this: is Sup Forums a Kekist board or a Christian board?

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kill mohamed


Worship Kek, instill classical Christian values in your children

Praise KEK

>Sup Forumstards are unironically worshiping a demon

Waking up when the rooster crows
DVR for your shit tier shows
Wearin trendy normie clothes
Then tomorrow you'll do it all over again
My social circle only has room for edge lords
Abrahamics know they can't be real Nords
Fucking normies
Fuckin normalfaaags
Get off my booaaaardddd

Youre a buncha fuckin normal fags

A Kek loving board


Kekist board

Christians are surrendering themselves and worshipping the feet of muslims, are you surprised that people will turn to a deity that will give them the blood the want?

Moloch > succ > kek

kek is present in this thread

>are you surprised that people will turn to a deity that will give them the blood the want
No that is actually what is to be expected. Jesus' first temptation in the desert is that the devil gives him the earth as a Kingdom. To serve God he has to decline on earthly power. But humans don't want to make that choice. It is easier to take it. So they start hating God and turn to the one who gives them what they want. This was always the fate of christianity.


fuck off normie.

i hate the recent (or at least sort of recent) christfag invasion

>worshipping Baal or Moloch

Yes, feed him all your energy through a nodal point like a good goy

I'm surprised people turning to a demon of chaos to make things right instead of turning to God.

Christians unironically worshiping a jew

I will worship and believe in KEK if Trump wins in November.

Pol is a moloch board

people unironically worship a dunecoon deity from the middle eastern desert

>shit talking based Ba'al

No, it isnt

Christ is my only God. Through him all things are possible.

Praise be upon Him!


I'm ok with the Kekmeticists.

They beat the YAWEH worshippers.


Well I imagine most of those people tried, but then god naver came, and meanwhile more and more people got slaughtered and their land invaded with the messengers of god embracing them.

Sure faith in adversity is kind of the point, but people are fearing for the future of their children and turning the other cheek just won't work for them anymore.

So people are taking action instead of praying, or turning to the demonic. I guess for them victory is worth the eternal damnation, and I can't say I don't get them.

Our /r/the_donald crossposters worship Kuck, at least


2 away...

Honestly, calling this a Christian board sounds a lot like blasphemy.

Even if you cut below a surprisingly big amount of users is deeply convicted christians. They reject racial degradation excessive violence and have deep knowledge of theology

>Christian board?
I highly doubt anyone here is a Christian.

I'm a practicing Roman Catholic.

Pater Mars is the only god here.


Christian. Obviously. My bull thinks so, too.

Do you practice any of that helping the poor stuff?

tricky fucker

>lol gotcha bitch

reminder that jesus would let the refugees in with open arms
christianity is the ultimate blue pill

During the summers I help at a hospital every day.


no one needs a invisible friend.


I'm not user but I give cash to the poor. I dont trust tithing.


>literally worshipping a cheating whore over her autistic godchild

Enjoy being undesirable to women for the conception that atheists lack morals. Kek

chr*stcuckoldry is just a shitty jew lies and re-interpretation of Egyptian culture and religion. Those filthy kike slaves just put together their shitty religion based on their master's. But being like little brats wanting to rebel against daddy they "changed" it and chr*stianity is just an extension of that.

Kek is the true GOD Kek is the source. chr*stcucks are just some kike zombie on a stick worshipping cult. There is no historical evidence that there even was such a kike to begin with, while the mighty Kek avatar can be seen everywhere. Kek bless Sup Forums so say we all.

Would trade Germany for an invisible friend.


Both. Depends on who you;re talking to. I'm a Christbro, but hey, Kekbros are free to be wrong.

Sankt Adolf


Who created the plague of frogs in Egypt again?

Oh right. God has subverted us again.

It's going to be real funny to see the look on your face when you realize you were the one who was wrong the whole time.

I'm something of an eclectic pagan, but I might add Kek to my worship roster. He's looking more and more interesting. We'll see.

What is this meme called? Power Rankings? it's pretty effective.

Kek is an agent of the will of the LORD

Some type of Demon or Angel

Lel why is Kek basically copying abrahamic religions? Shouldn't we have something unique? Are we still believing 2000 year old jewish myths?

>All those pagans
Charlemagne didn't finish his job after all

Baal is a cuck.

What is this pic supposed to represent?

praise jesus

Rollling for happening

Pure KEK, all other deity shall be purged. There is only KEK.

Fuck you.

>meanwhile hundreds of millions of whites feed energy to the Jewish war god
>somehow people are surprised that the Jews end up winning

Any babby in his first year of memology could've seen that happening.

What is that pic?

Sup Forums worships the norse and egyptian gods

no jewish lies are allowed here

Kek and the matrix is connected to Jesus Christ.

I worship no one, for no one is deserving of worship. I'm not an atheist; there may be more powerful beings. There isn't adequate justification for praising them for the shitshow that is our reality however. Venerating a concept is fine though. Trying to improve the world is a good thing.

What part of memes, meme magic, repeating digits, happenings, and the reformation of the Ogdoad don't you understand?

Anyone here worshipping the norse gods?

>ITT: newfags from reddit, esp. /r/the_donald and /r/Sup Forums

Once election season is over, either properly assimilate or you're getting kicked out.

You'll be wanting /x/ for the Norse pantheon.

We will kill you, your entire extended family, and everyone you have ever been associated with to the very last if you try to lay a hand on a single tad/pol/'s hair, faggot.

>le funni cancer is funni xxDDDD pls i learnd this one frm upboated boast on /r4chan xDDDD

/risk/ thread here

>hasn't shot his family yet
You had one job.

>le maymay arrows means ima reel le oldfag 4channer lel

who /telos/ here?

>Also, Kuk was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light.

Why arent you a cuckold yet, Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a Ba'alist Board
Praise Ba'al
Sacrifice children
who gives a fuck anymore

What the fuck am I supposed to do? We had the Roman, the Celtic and the Germanic pantheon here. It's a clusterfuck.

We leave the cuckoldry to the natural born cuckstains.

I worship an owl, where does that put me?

In the Democratic Party.

>"le you are ackchually frm le reddits friendo xxDDD bcus u use le grentext mem XxxxddDDDd'
>proceeds to greentext in his own post

In the enemy camp of moloch/minerva/yahweh/cuckoldin/yahweh/yeshua cuck/allah

Kek, smite the filthy unbelievers. All who practice memery are his instruments.

>he thinks repeating digits mean jack shit
I'm still here, unsmitten tbqh


