Friendly reminder that Repukelican voters vote against their own economic interests
But Bernie himself said white people don't know what it's like to be poor. Checkmate niggers.
but, muh guns, muh preserving white
>let me tell you what's best for you
democrats really are the most racist, misogynistic, classist of them all
>bernie supporters
>the "my idol took millions of our dollars and sold us out for a ride on a private jet" starter pack
Voting for a candidate that doesnt want to stop muslims from entering the country ia voting against ones own safety.
>I cannot conceive of anyone having non-economic interests
Sure am glad socialists are so big on empathy and understanding others.
>my family of 4 works on macdonalds
>everyone gets 7,50/hour
>lets make the salary go to 15/hour
>now there is only 1 people working on the family
Yea because people only vote for their own interest right? no one has morals and considers themselves not the center of the universe right?
meanwhile in Commieformia
This, why can't leftists conceive that people might have things they find more important than money in their life?
And what if I don't want your fucking money, and I'm happy being poor? What if it makes me feel grounded?
Republicans understand that liberal policies only help temporarily. Since republicans actually have children they care about, too, they don't want to pass debt to them for a selfish temporary gain.
You're an idiot and a wholly transparent shill, kys.
How the fuck do you know what my interests are?
Maybe I don't want to live off the tax payer forever like a welfare queen. Maybe I am actually trying to start my life with a minimum wage job, work through college and make something of myself!
Instead of "just give the poor more" maybe you should reform welfare so I'm not trapped deciding between working more hours and losing benefits or staying trapped in the cycle!
Fuck you for thinking you know my interests and never being in my shoes.
>mfw middle class
>mfw republicans and democrats do an equally good job of fucking me in the ass
>lol stupid redneck whitetrash wage slave! go fuck your cousin cletus I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants, they are so bad! I know because some celebrity told me so. Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work. I mean, Im an upper middle class suburbanite with an art degree! Im sure as hell not going to go work on a construction site, so this means literally no other white person will neither, so you see you stupid racist, we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants! You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do. And one last thing, we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people to pay for all the poor brown people without a job
>WHAT THE FUCK?! Why isnt the working class voting for us democrats? Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
I'm white and middle class with zero health issues and haven't been to the doctor in 13 years.
Please enlighten me as to why I'm forced to pay for health insurance, or be fined by the IRS
>still stuck in the republican vs. democrat paradigm and not globalist vs. nationalist
Kill yourself kike.
It's better that she doesn't reproduce.
Also lets be honest, she wasn't gonna have kids, women like her see motherhood as a traitor act of feminism or something
Friendly reminder that you're a shitskin nigger
Every day the same thread. Die already you filthy kike shitposter
"False Conscience"
Lenin used the same tactic
Pizza Rolls are actually alright.
Those pizza rolls are good though...
The wwe is huge with liberals not conservatives
Germanics arent christian
Who really votes against their own economic interests?
Why do people keep saying this? It's bullshit. They are the FIRST to see bullshit liberal policies fail.
They have to see small businesses chose to hire illegals at low wages, and lose jobs that are in kitchens and other "last resort" type jobs. This also keeps wages from rising above federal minimum, because there is a never ending stream of people willing to put up with whatever bullshit the owners will dish out. Then they get to go home to a shitty apartment next to section 8, because they don't get assistance while working full time, but have to put up with a concentration of criminals next door. And they then get to listen to Liberal Faggots in Ivory Towers say they don't need guns to defend themselves, all the while packs of thugs shamble around outside all fucking day because they can, literally ripping holes in the fences surrounding their section 8 concentration camps to expedite their criminal activities.
Or they're just stupid and vote Red because their parents did.
neck yourselves faggots, pizza rolls are disgusting
The "I don't know anything about politics but I can't shut up about them" meme. Go back to facebook where idiots will actually believe this garbage.
So a farmer can't be against Ethanol?
People don't vote against their interests. They may vote against YOUR interests which you perceive as a threat/problem.
This so much.
>I'm white and poor and I still hate on Bernie because I'm not a fucking degenerate and recognize that dependence on gibmedats is not a solution to my problems
Fixed that for you
He's right though
bring it on, an American dictatorship would be great
Friendly reminder that only Libtards who buy into the class warfare meme always pop up every four years spouting bullshit about "their own economic interests" when they know dick about economics themselves.
I don't see how destroying a nation should be in anyone's interest.
then you deserve the future you get dirty fucking plebe
Bernies policies would be an economic disaster and would not help the poor.
Look at Venezuela... are the poor being helped by socialism? This is what the left-wing don't understand. The policies they think sound great actually end up being awful in reality. Liberals are simply delusional dreamers with no anchor to reality.
Name one major city with 20 plus year Democratic political control that is doing well economically user.
Adjusted for cost of living, it's only 11th.
Capitalist US: Poor people complain about eating too much restaurant food and getting fat
Socialist Venezuela: Poor people are so hungry they're rooting through garbage cans and eating zoo animals.