Exterminate all Philippinos, they're subhuman.
Repopulate the whole archipellago with hapas.
Give them a new identity, flag, etc.
Have them ally Japan.
In few years they would be first world.
Do you agree or disagree?
Exterminate all Philippinos, they're subhuman.
Repopulate the whole archipellago with hapas.
Give them a new identity, flag, etc.
Have them ally Japan.
In few years they would be first world.
Do you agree or disagree?
>coming from an abbo
is that katya?
Why not just gas all of the Far East except for Japan and establish the New Empire of Japan?
not a bad idea, kazoku
Is good plan
Filipinos are good lads, just get rid of negritos.
>yakuza drug pusher detected
How's business in philippines senpai
Yep, that's Schoolgirl-chan, Katrusya Latysh.
>Exterminate the most powerful race in the world.
Good luck.
i thought they were part jap?
t. druglord having his friends executed left and right
Shut up nip
I'm a hapa, would you exterminate me?
>Exterminate all Philippinos, they're subhuman.
>Repopulate the whole archipellago with hapas.
I mean that is pretty much the Philippines future. Westerners and Gooks/japs going there creating Hapaswhile abandoning them they are pretty much going to be Eurasia in the future. Its not a plan its pretty much their future just like how America would Estados Unidos in the future its not something you can control but just learn to accept it.
This meme is living up to its reality now with this new president
Yes, given your reading comprehension
Fuck you man you know we have to genocide all muslims first
But the USA is already the Estados Unidos
No wonder Islam is rising there.
South Korea and their 慰安婦 can be next.
At least they have babies. You people fuck pillows and your woman are so sick of you the prefer male hookers to just keep them company.
I'm half flip and this meme fucking makes my sides hurt so much.
All we want to do is be good Catholics and play some basketball after a long day of karaoke
>Exterminate all Philipinos, they're subhuman
>anime subhuman can't even spell Filipinos correctly
>continue to suck the West's cock after being nuked twice
>typical japcuck shitpost
Why are hapas so qt?
All I want out of life is a slim tomboy hapa girl with short hair and big tits, is that too much?
Don't stop there though.
I thought best philippinos are hapas, hap chink
hap jap, hap muricas, hap vetniamese already.
even du30's grandfather is full chink.
don't bother thinking of exterminating us.
Japs are becoming extinct now
>anime subhuman
As a Japnese happa, these posts hurt me because the Japanese are one of the most based and nationalistic asian countries and yet white racial-nationalists keep pushing us away? I'm just so disappointed in you.
Terrible climate, will never host a first world country or a high level race of humans.
High level humans instinctually seek out places with better climates than can be found near the equator.
>Japs are becoming extinct now
Kek. You say that now but just wait until Japan annihilates your shithole.
A true Jap nationalist hates Elliot Rodgers like (you) and your parents for race mixing and destroying both Jap and White genes
The good looking asian spics are pretty damn hot. Otherwise they all look like fucking monkeys.
>implying I don't want to give up my life for the Japanese motherland
Stay salty cuck
I honestly hope you bump into the Tanned Putin and he breaks your feminine jaw.
i love japan. please japan i want qt like Ai shinosaki to annihilate me
>most based
yeah, most based countries need to be protected by the military of a stronger nation
yeah, most nationalistic countries let their culture be taken over by cultures of the West
>pushing us away
if we wanted, we could have abandoned and pushed you into the jaws of China already. Just keep producing cheap technology that will eventually become obsolete and suck our navy's cock until we say stop.
>Japanese happa
if Elliot Rodger is any indication to Asian happas, just kys
Nah. Philippinos seem pretty chill and cool.
>protected by the military of a stronger nation
Japan has one of the largest/most well-funded militaries in the world so your rebuttal is irrelevant
>most nationalistic countries let their culture be taken over by cultures of the West
Japan still has a very unique culture. They were even an empire for a while that repelled the Europeans
>Just keep producing cheap technology
That's china, dumbass
Need to bleach the Philippines
our last house we lived in had a phillipino manager/owner, cheapest mother fucker I have seen in my life. I thought Chinese were cheap, no, Filipino wayyy more cheap, mean and I hate how they talk. They seem very money oriented, money first, everything else comes next. My friend married a filipino girl, and she only married because of money, nothing else.
Pick ONE
You had that one chance, mr. jap. Yet you blew it.
Of course, why wouldn't they want a genetic upgrade?
ur just mad because you think your sex vacation in angeles actually involves some risks now.
no need to be scared bruh, foreigners can still score shabu without fear of pnp reprisals...
>one of the largest/most well-funded
well-funded as in paying over 600 billion yen to cover US military expenditure in Japan. They are also only 8th on the list of national military expenditures, 2 ranks under the poo in loos.
>your rebuttal is irrelevant
im sure you tipped your fedora after you typed that, faggot
>very unique culture
yeah, its the only culture to produce tentacle hentai that caters to otaku losers like you
>empire for a while
an empire based on the technology and military culture of the west
>that's china, dumbass
yeah, like jap technology is a status symbol. Dumbass.
>reverse sweden.png
Shit is weird. All the soap in their stores is "whitening soap." Fucking anything you put on your skin is "plus whitening." Spas have whitening treatments. Pregnant women will randomly touch you (white person) because they're superstitious it will make their baby more white.