Why steal money when knowledge is free?

> volunteering to tutor primary school kids
> Using coins to teach basic math concepts
> The white kids are fascinated by the way the coins illustrate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and fractions.
> The black kids try to steal the coins.

Why Sup Forums?

Because your a hopeless mark even to grade school children.

Because the black kids are probably poor as fuck and might actually need the money.

>american education
>american problems

Dey just need dem moneis for programs n church n sheeit u racis craka

be careful with that edge summerfag

>need the money
>literally $1.00 in coins. mostly pennies

No impulse control, no ability to adequately gauge the value of information, or apply it to real world circumstances. In the mind of a sub-85 IQ chimp, if its value can't immediately be seen or touched, it's too complex and should be ignored.

There's a great story about the Detroit library being raided and looted by gangs of blacks during the city's downfall. The only items that weren't stolen were the books.

What they need is impulse control (delayed gratification) and knowledge.

It's not to late for remedial grammar classes. *You're* likely to benefit from them. There are no coins to steal so it might not be worth *your* time.

Because black kids have no father anymore. And their substitutes on television told them for far too long, get rich or die trying.

Can you imagine 50 cent would have rapped about getting an education and not getting bitches and greens?

Modern black popular culture is the worst thing that happened to the black struggle in the recent decades.

Teachers should definitely be allowed to discipline students with physical force. I know damn well that I would've had a better disciplinary record if I knew a beating would be the punishment instead of sitting quietly during lunch time.
Niggers need discipline in school especially because they only respond to violence. They're used to getting yelled at at home, but if a homie pulls out a gat on them, they shut up quick.

>Can you imagine 50 cent would have rapped about getting an education and not getting bitches and greens?

he would not be popular

>discipline students with physical force
> breed resentment and desire for revenge


Is that the gang sign for 6?

>wanting revenge for getting punished because you chimped out
Obviously not all forms of discipline should be met with physical force, but at least when i went to high school, beating the shit out of another student or getting caught with a pack of cigarettes got you the same punishment, which was 3 days in school suspension.

Are there even brown/black people in the Baltic states?

Yeah, I got caught smoking in the boys bathroom by the math teacher who sent me to the office. Vice-principal gave me 3 swats with the paddle and sent me on to my next class. It was done and over and I had some street cred.

>mfw I had a copy of the master key to my high school

Smoke breaks all day.


Back to the OP question.... why steal a tiny amount of money instead of accepting a large amount of knowledge for free?

>Why Sup Forums?
High intelligence correlates with the ability to delay rewards. The white children know they could steal the money for a small advantage, or not steal the money and learn something.

Low intelligence correlates with wanting instant gratification. The black kids could get something useful out of their education decades in the future... or they could steal the money and buy a hamburger RIGHT NOW.

Why do you think becoming a pimp or a drug dealer or a "gangsta" is so popular among niggers? It's the ultimate "get rich fast" scheme. Risky as hell, but if you succeed you're rolling in cash without having to work too hard for it.

Also "aspiring rapper".

knowledge doesnt give you money though

the harder you work the less you make
the more you know the less you work

if you know alot you dont make any money at all

they have no concept of private property

It doesn't sound that unlikely to be honest

Because they're niggers
If they can't hold it in their paws and show it off to their pack, then it has no value to them

>if you know alot you dont make any money
That's some savant-level autism right there.

Whites are cucks and are more interested in boring math problems rather than getting money and bitches.

>they need the money
>it's okay to steal if you need money
>they didn't do anything wrong dudes

Negrophiles steal before they can crawl.


This is why you're a stupid nigger who will never contribute any thing to your race or society. Fucking scum.

oh boy

someone's salty

someones a nignog, poor fellah