wtf i hate white people now!
Wtf i hate white people now!
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Feels good to be white doesn't it lads.
Fucking slackers.
It does.
Imperialism is good for all parties involved.
Public lynchings of lesbians?
Lmao this lesbian is dreaming. Bet she wishes she was black so she could be totally oppressed
>otherkin killed in mass genocide
>whites deny access to birth control
As if we want more of those subhuman monkeys running around, these dumbfucks need to pay attention in school.
>public lynching of lesbians
I seriously doubt that. Lesbians on a large scale I don't even believe are a thing. Back then even less people I guess would take them seriously. There is no point in lynching a lesbian you can just wait till the phase is over
Those fucking morons attribute every casualty from all of WW2 (Plus the associated policies of Hitler, Stalin, etc.) to the Nazis. That is retarded.
>Hitler started the war
>Not responsible for all casualties
Colonial period greatest day of my life. Why did it have to end?
WTF I hate black people from America
Why they are so racist? is like all the bad stuff always happen to them... why they never include the slavery of Brazil? It was more brutal and big that the one of America.
>Slave Trade
Who the fuck cares. Gypsy slaves, european slaves - there was an era where slavery was accepted. It isn't anymore, and Europe spearheaded banning it. Why should we apologize for something that happened hundreds of years ago and that WE put an end to?
Welcome to war, maybe you should be complaining about the CBs instead of what happened during those wars, cause that's just what war is.
I like the otherkin insert. But anyways, remember the 58 gorillion.
What's up with the feminist hatred of Orthodox Patriarchies? This is intolerant.
More intolerance against orthodoxy, it's our right to spread out our religion and set up Patriarchies around the globe.
>Opressive Weaponry
I can't make heads or tails of what is being implied here
More lesbian insert.
>58 million jews
seriously if anything we would like eugenics
>Hitler started the war
Plus I doubt the average American would be strong enough to lynch a lesbian.
>UK was in charge of the slave trade
ayyy weak b8 m8
>bomb dropped on San Francisco
Wat ?
top kek
I hate how everybody has completely gotten away with their crimes, yet white people have to constantly apologize for existing.
God damn Middle-Easterners for instance have totally gotten away with slavery both past and present. Three thousand workers (slaves) are going to die constructing the Qatar sports facilities.
Slave trade? White people? Stopped reading you disgusting kike alike. Ships had jewish names etc pp gas yourself oven yourself jew yourself
This was all I could find:
Didn't you know? In 1906 they bombed San Francisco because it would become a leader of gay rights later and covered it up and blamed it on an earthquake to further oppress gay people by being able to say that God hates them. Wake up.
>Black Panther Movement infiltrated by white spies.
>I hate how everybody has completely gotten away with their crimes, yet white people have to constantly apologize for existing.
Cry me a river, leaf. No, I understand your point, and whole-heartedly agree with it, but allow me to be salty, and say that you don't know shit.
Wait, doesn't that mean that the oppression I recieved as a german, for crimes that I did not commit, make me a victim?!
>Yay for Antifa-Victimism!
When the fuck did Hitler kill people who believed they were mythical animals?
>58 vigintillion
>conservative legislatures impose patriarchy
I know those words and what they mean. They are even arranged into sentences with actual structure. Despite this, this whole this is uninstallable gibberish.
>Around 58 million Jews, Roma, homosexuals and otherkin killed in mass genocide
obvious bait
Wtf I I'm a hillshill now.
What next mass furry graves discovered in Auschvitz?
>58 gorillion
And it says all of them were Jews, Roma's and other people genicided, which isn't even close to the truth
God I wish
The UK in particular went out of their way to end the slave trade. It was like a modern day crusade.