WTF i love BLM now!!
WTF i love BLM now!!
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They're both cancer.
wtf I hate both BLM and Israel now
WTF!?! I love to hate Israel now.
why do leftists hate Israel so much
no link?
we need a link
Why all the hate towards Israel, theyre the most redpilled country. They kill kebabs and theyre children while taking over their lands. I guess whites are just desperate and sad that their race is dying and are the most cucked.
because we are everything they fear whites will become
well, that was unexpected.
yeah ok.
but why doesn't blm care about the fact that saudi arabia got over 1 million black slaves today ?
i mean i get it israel i know you will party till the sun comes up but isn't that kinda..suspicious^^ or did no blm member ever googled "african slaves in 2016"
rare flag...
>he needs link so he can report spam him
lol, nice try JIDF
The enemy of my enemy is still a nigger
I always found Israel a very interesting case
Meeting jews not born in israel and meeting jews living in israel is like two opposites
not kidding
At last I truly see.
Because Muslims and Blacks are sacred to leftists. And Liberals don't realize it's Jews who give them their favourite animals.
yes, we keep stealing you nationalistic jews.
you are left with the shitty ones
so,you are going to take Ben Shapiro and leave us with [current yerar] man??
its the end of BLM , as SOROS wont like it . just like it killed FEMEN when they started in "israel"
Because secular liberal Jews lead them, something that is secretly encouraged by zionists because of the "whachu doin rabbi" effect
oh yes piss off your jew masters and lets see what happens
anyone remember when rad fem retired that visit in Isreal?
unfortunately, Americans are nut jobs.
kahane and goldstone were americans
this. Jews from Israel are jumpy and paranoid as shit. everything is racist, everything is the next holocaust.
well , the one is brainwashed in apartheid and colonizaition and genocide of a peoples nation.
bc they have the believe they are gods chosen one and the rest is a Goyim.
the other knows his place in society as it is been exploided to the masses.
I hate Israel for different reasons
Dindus have sympathy for those, who think they are subhuman, and hate their secret overlords. hold the printing press
>"whachu doin rabbi" effect
It's pretty powerful. Ended up getting the zionists their own state. All thanks to an uppity Austrian that decided to chimp out and trash the world.
Israel are cool.
They're the home of nationalistic based Jews, not the Marxist lite, neoliberal globalist shills common in the west.
And they BTFO Mudslimes on the regular.
They're the only democracy in a land of shit and backwards sand people.
I don't see the issue.
>inb4 JDF kike
Lel where were you when blm became kill
Soon you hook nosed curely side burned skin and flesh melting from the face looking nigger tier exiles will be gone from this earth and I will take a hearty corny shit on your corpses, I say corpses and not graves, because 6 feet deep wouldn't be anywhere near enough to submerge your laughably massive noses or hideously elongated skulls.
Holocaust 2.0 is coming shekel shovelers, you perpetually ugly genetic freaks of nature, you inferior sub humans.
You days are numbered, count them along with the shekels kek.
>our days are numbered
europe keeps taking shitsins in as refugees
Was giving rise to a resurgent nationalist movement part of your plan?
Suddenly funding dries up and media stops reporting on them
lets ship BLM to israel.
they will be friends in no time.
hows this happening . Isnt BLM financed by NO SORROW FOR SOROS
kike just because someone is surrounded by shit.
it does not mean that you have to lower the standart.
i trought blm was financed by wellfare .-.
why are they biting the hand thay feeds them?
Are they that fucking retarded?
>well, that was unexpected.
No its entirely predictable. Why do you think these sorts of movements quickly fell out of favor after the Marxist Kikes passed all their "civil rights" legislation?
Malcom X, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, all the Black Radicals of the 50s and 60s hated Kikes and weren't afraid to say it out loud.
BLM was only created out of pure desperation. It was only a matter of time before they slipped off their chain.
Classic video. Black people talking about Jews in NY. At some point the Protocols of Zion comes up and the Jewish film maker about craps his pants.
but we don't need more slaves
Nice flag. What country does it belong to?
>they are the first to get the bargain
there go the theories of jews being highly intelligent. they actually just fucked themselves over:
>create BLM and ignite them against whites
>BLM goes after jews too
>invite tons of muslims into rich EU countries
>jews have to leave/move out of those countries since muslims hate jews
gj jews, really great plans you got there.
lol their pet niggers are biting them now. I'm not sure how much more current the year can get.
It's time to cleanse.
>BLM now condemns Israel
>leftists begin biting the hand that fed them
>merchants suddenly back Trump silently and ensure he wins the presidency
They better be careful or Soros will dump them just like those people that wanted to bring feminism to Israel
>Rare Alag?
why did you invite niggers into swedne Sven? they are not made for cold climate areas you fucking shit
Don't worry, they've already begun deporting them
>everything the jews do backfires
>obviously it's the jews and not some other group using them as a mask
What's funny is that the ADL was running HYPE MACHINE for BLM for over a year. The moment BLM said fuck Israel, guess what happened?
Google "ADL black lives matter".
I don't get it. What's new? The left has always been the "fuck Israel, hurr durr free teh Palestinez" side.
Which confuses the fuck out of me considering kikes control the lefty media and entertainment industries.
> I like Israel because the US likes Israel, and my country also got oil defending Israel when that fag Tony Blair was in charge
I fixed that for ya.
well, the only other group could be muslim brotherhood. nothing else makes too much sense.
>government isn't helping much
Is being black a fucking handicap? Are they completely unable to do anything by themselves?
>gj jews, really great plans you got there.
Its not over yet. You're only looking at Phase 1. The creation of The Calamity. Phase 2 is the predictable response to such things...
You have to understand, Sup Forums posts about "destroying the white race" are either made by retards or JIDF themselves. The goal isn't the destruction of White People, but the destruction of Democracy. BLM and Rapefugees are simply the tool being used to drive Whites into a corner and to get them to willingly abandon Democracy/Western Values and renew support for Israel.
>oy vey you see goy it's not us it's some other group, possibly Illuminati or the Russians or the Democrats
Can't you kikes admit that (((you))) are fucking up things even once?
>whole speech about wanting more handouts so they can spend more time whining about shit
Honestly I think that's what happened
Muslims took advantage of the opportunity to sway eager blacks as new recruits
One of my black friends became a huge BLM supporter and whenever religion is mentioned he holds Islam in a high regard
I don't really talk to him all much anymore, mostly because I'm out of school now, but those new opinions don't really help either
I look forward to BLM protests in Israel.
Anyone else notice that BLM activity has dropped off to almost nothing? Pretty much nothing has happened since that weekend were deray got arrested. Around that time the whole anti-Israel sentiment seemed to kick off. Might have been sooner, idk.
Did their funding get pulled or what have they been up to? They only thing that they have done recently is release their dindu demands.
Islamists deliberately target black communities through a varierty of factors. The obvious is to exploit anti-white hatred by portraying Christianity as the white man's religion and islam as the original religion of blacks. There's also attracting black women by bigging up the muslim man as a provider who will be there to support the family, and the black man (who was raised in a de facto matriachal society as the father figure wasn't around) by empahsising the man's role as the dominant head of the family.
Observation 1: BLM goes after jews too
Observation 2:Jews have to leave Europe since muslims hate Jews
Assumption 1: Jews, as a collective, are responsible for creating BLM and the refugee crisis in Europe.
Possible Explanations 1: Jews fucked up on both those cases.
Possible Explanations 2: Assumption 1 is wrong.
You have to consider all plausible explanations when encountering a new phenomena.
like , a land of promise?
what if they are trying to trigger an aliyah?
When liberals complain about rich people that control everything, they're really complaining about Jews.
well yeah, pol narrative "its the jews plan" never had solid proof.
the only thing that keeps it alive is the US liberal jews (media, holywood, education systems). But who knows, maybe thos liberal jews dont have any agenda. Maybe they are just retards like the rest of liberals..
Was thinking same thing
Promise that you won't shut it down Schlomo
>Israel only sent "refugees" to Europe to start another crusade.
It's like watchmen
jews outside israel hate israel as well
if israel were to disappear, they would no longer have a homeland, and an excuse to live in the west and pull their internationalist tricks to rob whites
Every kike living outside Israel will shill for Israel. If you're a gentile try criticizing it and you'll be amazed of the butthurt.
I trust the .br on this one. He would know about being surrounded by shit.
There's a tiny can in his bathroom full of poo-covered toilet paper.
Well, the liberal Jews are more globalist, anti borders, anti sovereignty, pro mixing of cultures and all should live under their rules and ideals. It's like since Israel won't take us in, we'll have to create our own version of utopia.
Are you actually that dumb? There is no democracy, it's a scam, just look at the European Union trying to become a super-state. And Western countries already support Israel(pic related). Their goal is way beyond that. Top bankers and CEOs are profiting tons with mass immigration, importing cheap labour, lowering the wages and expanding the state. They're slowly enslaving all western countries, using democracy as a mask.
How long until Israel declares BLM terrorists now?
> shooting cops in USA
> not liking israel on internet
> WTF i love BLM now!!
Oh holy shit nice vid, guess blacks really are woke, I don't give them enough credit sometimes. Also who do Jews always fit the stereotype like a glove?
>eck muh victemization
>muh holocausts
>big nose
>premature balding
>squinty eyes
>that vioce
Sup Forums should start co-opting BLM and start turning it against Israel. Start informing them about the Jewish owned media and the banks. Tell them that the jews are the most privileged people in the world. As soon as BLM starts sounding antisemitic they will shut it down.
They learned on femen, that that it`s better if NGO will be aggressive towards them too, so it`ll stay functional. So the`ll just minimize this agression to "i`m angry at the internet" level. This will also help integrate ISIS into BLM.
And a a couple of months before BLM really starts the red-terror-tier massacre in USA, they will declare it terrorist, so everybody will think good of Israel.
Priebalts done the same with bolshevism. Being major bolsheviks themselves where running rallies against bolshevism. And now bragging about how they are not commies and Russians are. So we see - if there are historical precedents, this is in fact a perfectly working scheme.
And if Israel declares BLM terrorist, you should fucking beware, arm your white cultured neighbors and activate the 2nd amendment militia at full force no brakes.
Welp, that's BLM out of business now
>BLM needs your help, George Soros has cut our funding.
>reverse 14/88
you cannot make this shit up