Ok guys, I haven't had access to the Internet in over a month. What have I missed? Any happenings?

Ok guys, I haven't had access to the Internet in over a month. What have I missed? Any happenings?

Other urls found in this thread:


Shills have invaded Sup Forums.

Mexicans have invaded China, Everyone in China is now a Mexican Mudslime insteak of souless gooks and oh yeah, Merkel is actually a nigger

Kill yourself,please

I asked for information on what I've missed. Shills have been here for a long while l.


My dad works at Huffington Post so everything he says is true


>one post by this ID

What did you do to get into prison?

leaf here for the briefing mr president :
what u missed : a whole lot of nothing. a truck ran over french ppl. it wasnt islamic. it was truckasmic. notalltrucks.
Oh yeah and North Korea declared War on the U.S. (according to Israel).
ben also went off script and Ju den is going to kill him for exposing their Je wry

I was fishing in northern Minnesota where there is no internet. I'm currently on my way back to Iowa, finbro.

Hillary is taking this election for us bros.

Some literal Sup Forumstard terrorist killed 9 people in Germany.

Ben Carson? They're trying to kill Ben Carson?

and niggers executed 5 police people then a few more across the U.S. and then tried to make Whitey pay for it

Fucking what?! Was it BLM?

yes. And King Muslim Nigger and Hillary teamed up to endorse B.L.M. and the U.S. Gov. refused to recognize B.L.M. as a Terrorist orgnazation after Sup Forums got 100K signatures on a petition.

Germany got enriched.

thats about it we're waiting on the next Happening

The ride continues! !!

Drumpf messed with one Muslim too many, and got his ass handed to him. With a pocket constitution inserted between his cheeks.

>one Muslim too many
Who, Obama?

here u go pointy jew star goy: