Can someone explain to me how the Democratic Party, traditionally the party of conservatism and racism in the USA...

Can someone explain to me how the Democratic Party, traditionally the party of conservatism and racism in the USA, became what it is today?

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Nixon appealed to the south and ensured that Republicans won every presidential election except one for 20 years

That one Dem win was Carter who was a neoliberal and a globalist who turned the Dems into the party of international finance that only cares about pushing social justice, outsourcing, mass immigration, etc.

Just like the Simpson's said Carter is "history's greatest monster"


This. The Republicans stole the Democrats' bit.

D.Va is cute.
I hate modern Blizzard, but that much I will give them.

The democratic party learned that keeping niggers in chains is easier when you flood them with free money. Then they learned that importing more of these sorts gives them more power to push their agenda.

Anyone seriously thinking the democratic party heads arent the same racists they were prior is falling for the act.

It's amusing as fuck to watch "anti-racists" parade around the racist party without realizing the irony.

>only character ingame that's not visibly trans, obese, edgelord or mentally ill.
>boring ass gameplay

>still not f2p

Democrats say they are for us blacks, but they really aren't a best, but Overwatch is putting Blizzard in the right step again. I'm glad they have a new IP

Democrats really have not changed since the inception of the country.

It's republicans who used to be white horses until they were subverted by democratic plants who just answer to money and make the party look flop around for more money. Of course really good "actors" tend to attract stupidity, which is why you get the republican party of today. Trump seems to be on the verge of injecting some of the old spirit however.

Democrats are just-doing what they've always done, albeit with someone, much, much, much more corrupt at the helm.
Trump is an asshole yes.

But Hillary is a monster.