Say you had a time machine that had only one use and you can only go to the past, where would you go and why?
Single use time machine into the past
Isaac Lewis
Brody King
just a couple years
pick up more bitcoin
Henry Rodriguez
I would destroy it, no man should hold such power.
Liam Walker
What if you couldn't change major history but you could still live out life in the time period?
Hudson Stewart
4AD is literally the best year to be alive if you make it past 10 as a Roman citezen
Oliver Ramirez
1936 Germany
Isaiah Smith
I'd go back and kill all the earliest humans so they couldn't infest this earth
Joseph Gomez
Wouldn't doubt it especially if you could make it into a major sphere of influence or at least be rich.
Justin Taylor
I would ensure that Poland allied with Germany before WWII.
Jason Sanders
Why not just burn Africa off the map before the niggers spread and infest the world?