Say you had a time machine that had only one use and you can only go to the past, where would you go and why?
Single use time machine into the past
just a couple years
pick up more bitcoin
I would destroy it, no man should hold such power.
What if you couldn't change major history but you could still live out life in the time period?
4AD is literally the best year to be alive if you make it past 10 as a Roman citezen
1936 Germany
I'd go back and kill all the earliest humans so they couldn't infest this earth
Wouldn't doubt it especially if you could make it into a major sphere of influence or at least be rich.
I would ensure that Poland allied with Germany before WWII.
Why not just burn Africa off the map before the niggers spread and infest the world?
I'd still live in the present, it'll take to good men to make the world good again. Also life is pretty alright for me right now considering all the shite thats going on.
To Abraham, fuck his daughters, every religious person that follows either the 3 gayest religions is now cucked, by my superior sand nigger genes
That or they didn't go after Russia in the dead of winter at least. Terrible idea.
10 years ago, would tell my father to invest in bitcoins and help my old me socialize so i dont stay a fat fag also would start playing league of legends when getting released so im the best one and getting money for it
You do mean his wife, right, user?
Lmao, cuck, learn how ID's work first, fucking newfag
Good point. Just figured a time where shit was simpler and you didn't need to be a wageslave to get somewhere in life could be neat.
13 minutes ago,to kill you before you spammed this fucktard post.
back to the big bang with a Thermonuclear bomb so that I still exist.
Go back to the 70s and blow the world away with music they haven't heard yet
I'd come back to this point in time and post this here.
It worked!!!
Don't you have a rocket to launch or is shitposting Hamas's new way of recruiting?
I would grab a gun and various technical manuals for materials science and go back to the Roman Empire and become a living God.
I see what you mean though, if I had to choose I'd go back the 19th or 20th century and be a fisherman. If my wife dies I'm moving to Alaska or Washington state like my grandfather and fish, won't remarry or date cause the idea of 2 wives in heaven is so backwards to me.
Wait until I was on my deathbed to use it.
1989. Hand my parents a letter addressed to their newborn son he is to open when he turns 13.
It would contain life advice on how to prevent the mess he got himself into. Lottery numbers. Stock tips. Etc.
I would then drive to the beach and wait as I fade from existence as I am erased from the timeline.
Lit Bro
Checked those dangerous last two digits, hope your dick falls off you stupid degenerate ;) haha
leddit is my master, 9gag is my savior, this thread is meaningless, give me life, give me love, or give me death.
You're alright Jordan
>I'd go back to 90s and fuck Hillary Rodham Clinton
With a shotgun?
I'd go back to the age of ancient aryans and study The All with Hermes Trismegistus
>go back to before Bill was Prez
>seduce Hillary
>after wild sex plant snuke in her snizz
>set it to blow at the command words "President Hillary Clinton"
>America great again
I'd go back to whatever the most recent huge lottery was that didn't have a winner and win it.
Then I would just live the rest of my life in Japan being a filthy weeb
I would walk with Paul the Apostle
Make sure he doesn't write any memes about Christ being god or the ""trinity""
1933 so I can watch art be made.
>art lover
go back to before 1917 and bash Marcel Duchamp's head in before he heralds conceptual art with his fucking urinal
To wherever the hyperjew ancestors are at
grab a gun from the future and shoot them