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Clinton is retarded then?

Cant wait until Wikileaks makes history by effectively jailing a Presidential candidate due to her carelessness and corruption. Cap this and also check em.


Yes, she has a retarded brain gained from injury, stress and other side effects.

Has your CTR check gone through yet?

Though I can understand that campaigning for president is stressful, why is it she's the first time its actually affecting a candidate?

Look at this...
it is literally the first timei am in fear that this person could/will become president...even her bodyguards command her...

She has a severe metal illness

aww did someone hurt your fee fees by disagreeing with you in your safespace

>trump and his kids killed a lot of animals
Kek, what?

Did you not watch the video?

It's affecting her more because she is suffering brain damage from a blood clot she had in 2012. The effects of a blood clot like this can cause people to be very fragile in stressful situations.

The syphilis claim is pretty circumstantial (although believable seeing that Bill is a serial sex addict), but the blood clot is 100% confirmed and over 50% of people who get this same injury suffer brain damage.

there's those pics of them posing next to dead elephants/leopards after hunting trips or something


i despise hillary even more than i despise trump, she's a vile, corrupt piece of shit with very probable health issues

that said i don't see what this video seeks to prove. she looks frightened at what's happening until the security says that the situation is ok and to continue - pretty normal for any politician speaking to an audience where there is some form of protest. weirdly this video is one of the first times i've seen her act in a vaguely human way

>severe metal illness
[any Rammstein clip]

asange was on Bill Maher yesterday he is just an attention whore he ain't got shit

> inb4 shill

prepare your anus trump fag first female president

Just look at this bizarre convention

she freezes for 10 seconds...a security guard has to unfreeze her (her eyes get smaller, she cant even hold herself on her feet)

Then she starts that real creepy laugh and talks total nonsense

This is a severe case of jackson syndrome. I am at med school and have seen many of cases with exactly the same symptoms.

She has a severe brain damage...
If she gets the nuclear codes we are doomed...

I think the prophecies about the antichrist are right at this moment. Hillary Clinton will be President and humanity will go extinct during her period.

>pretty normal for any politician speaking to an audience where there is some form of protest.

vThis is funny and all, but honestly we know this is just a funny snipe.

Do you think she's on the autism spectrum like some are saying?

What the actual fuck

yep, normal

>med school student
>believes prophecies about antichrist

what the h*ck lol

Paul Joseph Watson had some experts examine her odd behavior, and render opinions. They concluded there is something physically wrong with her, probably related to her earlier brain injury from a few years back.

Video related:


What a psychotic bitch.

Holy shit somehow I knew what it was before I clicked

did he just say 'new handlers'?


This is not autism

This is some serious damage of her brain.
This blood clot and her tendency to have coagulation disorders may have provoked one or more than one fatal strokes with enduring brain damage. If those hit the lymbic system we are in deep trouble.
One good researched example was an american worker during the 19. century. After recieving a piercing wound to his frontal lobe he developed bizarre attitudes and behaviors (halucinations, he was aggressive, antosocial and endangering behaviour)

In 2013 she disappeared for a long time after some "illness" nobody knows about.

She has changed much since the 90s if you watch her speaks. She hat gotten shizophrenic and some kind of epilepsia. She can fool people very good to not realize the "mini-stroke/insults" she has when she is on stage or faces many external afferences.

Something is not going very good for bill and hillary...I mean like very very bad


Moreover, besides her perhaps stroke it looks like there is some heavy infection going on.

Perhaps a severe "neurolues" after an infection with Treponema Pallidum or something even worse. If you look at Bill he looks like loosing weight and being wrecked by an infectious illness (tuberculosis?). The sysmptoms are not very specific but it could even a HIV-infection with the following infection of an opportunistic virus/bacteria/fungi

those bacterias cause severe meningits and mental disorders. They both look like they are in a bad state...

No. When people accuse her of being on the autistic spectrum, they fixate on her lack of empathy. Autism does not necessarily come with a lack of empathy by any means, and there are several other symptoms of it that people ignore.

If she had autism, then she would probably be smart at the very least on some level while being socially retarded. Instead, she's just all around retarded, if not actively evil.