Two prominent anti-clinton activists found dead in two days

First there is the link.
Now... i'm not sure if these are just coincidences but 5 deaths in six weeks? all anti-Clinton? People can't seriously be this stupid.

Quoting here:
"On August 1st, Victor Thorn (below, pictured with his books), a seasoned Clinton researcher and writer for American Free Press, was found dead from a gunshot wound on a mountaintop near his home. It was his birthday. He would have been 54 years old."

"Shawn Lucas (above), who was recently featured in a video (below) personally serving the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a nationwide class action lawsuit at the DNC HQ accusing the DNC and its former chairwoman of committing fraud by favoring Hillary Clinton and rigging the primary process in her favor over Bernie Sanders, was found dead from so-far “unknown causes”."

"Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy —three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state."

"Just a few weeks ago, DNC staffer Seth Rich (below), a 27-year-old in charge of the DNC’s voter expansion data, was gunned down around 4 a.m. while out walking near his home in D.C. He was shot twice in the back and was found with bruises on his face, his hands, and his knees."

"A few weeks prior to that on June 23rd, former United Nations official John Ashe died while lifting weights. The UN reported Ashe’s death as a heart attack, but local police reported his throat had actually been crushed when he supposedly accidentally dropped a barbell on himself."

Other urls found in this thread:

What do you guys think?

also here is a video link

Yeah she's obviously killing them

Well, something is happening. Not sure what and doubt we will ever know the truth. I just want people to see what is going on.


shameful double bump

Are these new deaths? There have been too many deaths. It's obvious that Clinton has the election rigged. If she can get away with this, she can get away with anything.

These are brand new. A few days ago.

Belgian police attacker shot and killed in Charleroi

I do believe Pol has become a group of if its Europoor we laff ! But when you get a paper cut from achmed at work you get NSA in .. HAHAHA

Both "suicides"


Yeah they are new deaths.
Yeah i'm not sure why it isn't in any major news that too many people have been dying and more will come. Also they are most likely just hoping that people will chalk this up as coincidence.
• Russia “Shocked” Over $18 Billion Iran Payment To Obama After Failed US-Backed Saudi Coup


This women honestly belongs in a jail cell.
This is no longer a coincidence.

it's all going to come crashing down...can't fucking wait

Yeah my thoughts. At this rate the world will be rid of anti-Clinton activists in no time.

>two of the 50,000 people that can be tangentially tied to Clinton shit die


>tfw when seeing dumb white female americans hash tagging #imwithHER on facebook


If you don't particularly care if you die and you're a private investigator/investigative journalist, looking into the things these and others that have died, would be prudent.

Too many coincidences can me something is up

One plus you have that these people didn't (if it's shady), is that you know you'll be gunned for and can plan accordingly

Wow interesting, ill have to do more research on this. Also what do you think about this?

Couldn't agree more, brother.

I knew Shawn Lucas and the whole scene he was involved in is terrified right now. It's bad. People have went into hiding. People who weren't red pilled are now absolutely red pilled. It's very sad. But maybe good can come of this. He was not suicidal at all.

TeShe's losing her mind. I doubt she's even aware of her surroundings. She probably doesn't know they existed. But someone or someone's wants her elected bad enough that they are willing to knock off anyone they can who could derail her campaign.

I hope and pray that something drops that connects her campaign directly to these deaths.

What are the odds that, around the Clintons, so many people die unnatural deaths? It would have to be astronomical.

Didn't some FBI investigator die ''in a plane crash'' before he could testify?

I have to research it more but connections to USAID and the CLINTON FOUNDATION

Wouldn't be surprised. In Germany they traditionally use "car crashes" for the same purpose.

Bump for justice.

Well, i'm sure there are already anti-clinton journalist/activist being very careful now. I'm sure they are the most scared. But I doubt there is anything they could do if someone really wanted them dead. Just like the 5 mentioned.

pic related


That's understandable sad... I'd be hiding right along with them. Where is there outrage for this though? Why isn't it something huge?

More info?

Yes that is included in 1 of these 5 deaths.

>Dead man switch with what you've found
>99% alert

What gets most people in hits is not being alert and aware of familiar surroundings; they'll get you in your home or nearby most of the time

I agree with that I don't think it was actually Hillary but I doubt that she doesn't know anything about it. I hope so too, brother. It's highly implausible that all those deaths would occur. especially an natural death.
I work out quite often. I've never had a barbell come close to crushing my throat. I'm not sure what he was lifting but it sounded like he went to the gym quite often. If that was the case there is no way in hell he'd lift too much to handle. No way do I believe he had his throat crushed by the bar without a helping hand to hold it down.

On the flip side never even thought about how easy it'd be to murder someone with a barbell then slip some extra weights on there and act like it crushed his windpipe.

Hillary was definitely into illegal shit when she was a minor player, which is something to remember.

>54 year old dies
>27 year old dies

It's pretty common.

Haha, I thought about it but i'm actually not important enough for them to kill me. But if they did it would most likely go by as unnoticed. which would suck. (time to write a note) lol

It's true deaths are pretty common. But you are even reading how they died and who they are tied to?

Wait - was that linked to your government as well?

>What do you guys think?

If Hillary is a secret assassin, welp, we could use a leader with wet skillz. Fuck it, I'M WITH HER!

If the media keeps quiet, there won't be a media outrage. Also there has to be more proof for the general public to believe it. Without something concrete, people will shrug and go "eh, that's weird"

more blood for the blood god

Our German Royal Family had absolutely nothing to do with it what so ever, I don't know what you are suggesting Hans, nobody even mentioned it

>you will never suck satan's dick while you rub his sweet tits

unfair desu

People die. Pro Clinton folk have died in that time too

I've been wondering... if trump wins presidency.. How many people will try to assassinate him? The far left are pretty fucking crazy.


Everyone is afraid to post about it on the (((book))) one person who did post about it got his account shut down. We are all talking in person. He was part of one of the biggest DJ scenes in the country. There are a lot of people here who just don't know what to do and are scared.

Not sure what else there is. His best friend who is a huge promoter is basically shut in now. He was part of a big music scene. People who posted about this on (((book))) yesterday have had their accounts shut down. We are all scared and no one knows what to do or how to handle this.

Do what you guys do best and find out the truth. Can't any of you carry? I'm sure some of you have guns. Don't let anyone come in your house. Don't let anyone come close to you.

What can I post to get my account shut down as well?


I guess, what was he working on? I mean, a specific topic?


M-merely a coincidence goy

We wouldn't be so stupid to murder two people in such a small timespan.

>People who come forward with information pertaining to crimes or misleads a person is doing just end up dead.
Sorta like how your refugee's rape and assault people and you cover it up AMIRITE?

I think it's pretty obvious here - anyone who hates Hillary is obviously mentally unstable or are horribly unethical individuals with criminal connections that put them at high risk of being gunned down.