
goddess thread


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a kafe

>my dad said that he unironically liked going on long queues for bananas back then


back when?

My dad is from Eastern Germany. He went on a hitchhike trip to Bulgaria when he was about 20 years old, and returned to your country last year, 30 years later.

He told me that he was astonished how fucking poor Bulgaria is. According to him the gap between Germany and Bulgaria now is bigger than it ever was between the GDR and commie Bulgaria.

Can't make this shit up.

>Can't make this shit up

some anecdote surely boggled my mind.

You are aware now, that you have ruined the thread?

Maybe it was my plan all along.

It was better than getting his ass belted by his father at home.

that's how you get all the tight young commie poon

eyy anyone able to recommend a good academic text on Josip Broz Tito's time in power?

Ideally I want to avoid some dick-sucking biography by his friends, looking for a broader take on the whole lead-up/decline

Ioan de Hunedoara was Romanian.

factual post

ex-yu doesn't post here anymore, that's all I can do for you.

>pays for the poor man's tour of a country
>50 euros
>for 5 days
normie tourists, everyone


Will that get me Romanian qts?

tourism is a meme for roasties (the baltic goddess too) to have what to post on instagram and for gen X families to take pics with the eiffel tower and then flaunt the pics in front of the eyes of their colleagues. honestly, tourism is nothing of value, unless you conceive your route from scratch and steer clear of the big cities.



pick 1

wasnt quoting you, just some idiot colleagues who went to greece/serbia/turkey and paid meme-tier money for the poor man's detour

i mean, it's a fucking double-digit euro sum, where do you expect to be taken? the millionnaire neighborhoods? normies s m h.

Some are pretty cute desu

normie/roastie tourism is such a fucking meme
why the fuck would i spend thousands to go watch a fucking unfinished metal scaffold with brown people on it

>went to greece/serbia/turkey and paid meme-tier money for the poor man's detour
>where do you expect to be taken

Well where exactly were they taken?

idk some shit-tier cities and villages where they don't even have menus in the cafes nor many options either lol

Honestly when I went to Romania last year and expected Romanian qts to devour my Big Germanic Dick in a heartbeat but I was sorely disappointed.
Not because they didn't lust for my big dick but because there weren't any girls in the fist place to lust for it. There was severe lack of young women from what I could tell and the quality of the women I did see wasn't anything spectacular.

Maybe I just went to the wrong places.

The fock. Should have just gone to Golden Beach, get wasted and call it a day lol.

Did you go to the province during summer break? lel, because if that's the case, it's just like in the province here. It's usually a 60+ demographic and under-18s (school kids) in small/medium provincial cities, who go to the sea or anywhere but the province.

Yeah, you should have gone to the Milano sidewalks.

>my dad said
>i was on trip in america
>i was on a conference in belaruse
>i was on holiday on a random greek island
>i was...

Sup Forums ain't exactly a scientific journal with peer-review-thirsty researchers

I was there in early June.


it would be worth it if you were a chad and could fuck bitches of every nationality

Commie times

Къдe cи бe eбaч

Are you honestly trying to argue that Bulgaria isn't a shithole by European standards?

everitiem. once june hits it's like a bomb fell. all the poor, poor people jump in their 3 cars per family and go either to greece or turkey, or our big black sea coast. btw did i forget to mention that we are really, really poor?

yeah i know that you travel all the world while you are writing here and not just piss pants in your shithole
>inb4 animes waifus godesses and other real things in your life to fap on

Инглишeee, Инглишe. Eдин aнглийcки нe ycпя дa нayчиш, бpe, мoйтy мyнчe.

appreciate it user

or a sloping tower, that is. I wager that most of the normos don't even know the history of the Pisa tower yet they all throng in front of it to place a hand in the air so as to look as the hand supports it from not falling.

>too short to be a man
>too tall to be a woman


Oтивaй зa бaнaни, нe ce oбяcнявaй. Бaбa ти пaк щe тe биe.

the burden of building a new Germany in the current Altai Krai lies on the shoulders of the political deportees from amongst the russian krauts.


implying they arent already fleeing to Russia

eventually there will be a novaya germaniya republic in russia

But we already have that.



they aren't, they have been fleeing from Russia and the former USSR countries in the last 30 years in droves.

>romanian delusions
a german fled to your shithole and now is elected president

>your shithole

And it's STILL better than Bulgaria.

now it's reversing


so what all the people can't go at the same time let alone stay the whole 3 months of summer

He was born in it.

Эти кaпли пo тeлy coвceм нe oт дoждя, знaeшь
Heзaмeтнo нa твoих pyкaх тaю
Meньшe cвeтa мы cпpячeмcя зa пoлyмpaк
A дaльшe кaк?

nikita was so mad at this lol

yes still. they need that for the better export of their larger amount of gypsies towards to west

cringiest pball of all time

That's because it's not a pball per se, but a critique of pballs.

Germans came here earlier than the 20th century anyway, I was talking about the contemporary trends. Krauts stopped going to Russia by ww1.


what is it about? I don't want to contribute to the number of views of bbc.

Fucking skopjanis btw

Oh come on you love the BBC don't you.

fresh oc

>Denmark Facebook sex video: More than 1,000 young people charged

eх Günthere гoлям eбaч cи

Why are Bulgarians so easily triggered by the truth?

are you half-romanian by any chance?

I didn't even say something bad

Isn't that something like "fuck?". Looks similar to jebati in Serbian.

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

who loves that jewish crap anyway? Al Jazeera is the only trustworthy source for me, Russia Today is unbiased when it comes to the west but spouts massive lies regarding Ukraine.

It means fucker, like the good type
but it was sarcastic so yeah

a кoј e лoшиoт тип

Why would anyone trust those terrorists?
I think Reuters is the least biased from what I have seen with the following notes: sometimes slightly anti-Trump; ommission of additional details in some contexts.

The only reliable source these days is Sup Forums.


I am sure you can't tell apart ISIL/daesh/al-Qaeda from """terrorist""" factions fighting against ISIL but who also happened to fight against US and Israel, thus rendering them terrorist. Hezbollah and Houthi are far more humane than the "good guys" from Saudi or Qatar. That's where most of the people are mistaken, unlike western dichotomy based politics, in the wars and insurrections from the middle east there are 3 and sometimes 4-5 warring factions.

Reuters and DW are good as well, I am anti Trump as well, although I despise the 'I hate Trump because he is a muhsogynist' rhetoric. most of the people can't grasp politics, most of the le based polish nationalists XD can't lay down the basics of the conflicts in Middle East. this gay earth is full of morons.

as a side note, mind my empirical evidence, the other day a limp wristed girly faggot from my class was laughing about not knowing what a "crimea" is. and he lives in fucking Romania.

Someone link infomax from yesterday to see whether my comment was published.
As it was friendly, if not: Propaganda site


Found it myself

>Hezbollah and Houthi are far more humane than the "good guys" from Saud
M-Merkel told us the Saudis are our allies and that's why Germany exports weapons to them. Why would she lie to us?

>as a side note, mind my empirical evidence, the other day a limp wristed girly faggot from my class was laughing about not knowing what a "crimea" is. and he lives in fucking Romania.

Can't say I'm shocked. I'd be seriously surprised if even 10% of the German teenage population could locate Danzig on a map. Our current generation just doesn't give a fuck about history and geopolitics when they can just upload pictures of food on instagram instant gratification instead.i

What's for breakfast /balk/

my first thought when i woke up was 'why must life go on'

Japanese imperial music




want me to fill ur tummies?

O-only if you're a girl.

How do you think I would fill you with cummies if I was not?

Well that makes sense, since East Germany was absorbed by the larger and much more prosperous west.

Girls can have penises, you know.

I don't know man, Bulgaria was pretty much third world back then while the GDR was the most prosperous economy of the Eastern Bloc, fwiw. I would have expected the difference to be larger back then than today.

>I would have expected the difference to be larger back then than today.
Again, that makes no sense. East Germany literally got incorporated into a bigger, prosperous, modern state, and Bulgaria didn't. Why on earth would you expect Bulgaria to do better?


>Bulgaria was third world then

Eastern Germany however was the store window of communism and therefore much better maintained than the rest. Post 1990 they received trillions from the west, and still lag behind in literally everything, wages 30% and more less, depopulated, lower IQ etc. etc.

Now imagine to do all this without the trillions from western Germany and you have your answer.

I would expect Bulgaria to, you know, catch up a little after 25 years of independence.


Good morning, /balk/

It has catched up from having 1/10 of the average German salary to 1/3. Sofia has a higher GDP per capita than some German provinces. Also you are a fucking diaspora shill.


>Now imagine to do all this without the trillions from western Germany and you have your answer.

East Germany certainly would be worse of now if it hadn't been for the annexation by the West but it would still be the most prosperous economy of the post-commie states. Also we don't have lower IQ I am super-smart.

>Bulgaria was third world then
They literally had to queue for fucking bread, m8.


>Sofia has a higher GDP per capita than some German provinces.

>Also you are a fucking diaspora shill.
No idea why you'd think that but you're wrong.

>They had to queue up for bread
Yes, 1989. Communism wasnt only 1989

>East Germany
...is a shithole and western Germans despise it. Its dying out and has a unemployment rate of 20%.