


Looks like the father locked "her" up for being a degenerate tranny

Are you brown?

Okay then you get a free pass to DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. Feminism 101 OP

Why is Saudi Arabia so BASED?

yes, I assume she looks this way due to degeneracy or something.

This isn't a 'Nathan for You' episode is it?

Easily the best show on tv right now

She was quite the QT in school.

Looking like gollum got a sex change

Why do women cut their hair short? She went from being a 6/10 to a 4/10 due to her hair. For shame.

is the next season out, yet?
such a good show, senpai

Why don't you link a half-way respectable source?

>media blackout
I don't remember the BBC reporting on this but I'm sure Absolute radio mentioned this case. Apparently she filed a court case to force her parents to return her to the UK. Case got rejected. I don't know what this bitch even expected given it's taking place overseas.

I'm sorry she can't compete with the Slav master race...

lol a brit calling slavic women ugly. I've been to the isles. You really don't have a leg to stand on.

Looks German

>not believing everything you're told

>still more attractive than 90% of British women

lol a canacuck calling British women ugly, I've been to the wastelands. You really don't have a leg to stand on.

Should tolerate their culture user. They tolerate ours after all.

Lol we have models too. In montreal half the girls are drop dead gorgeous and all of them have nice teeth

>one less shitskin
I love how they do the dirty work for us by killing their own kind

True, we just can't compete with Canadian women.


>Why do women cut their hair short?
because it reduces male attention

This article has presented itself to me and really forced me to wonder about the state of current affairs...

But what did this article intend to convey to the reader?

>TIL my ex looks like a saudi tranny

She wants to live in the UK too.

>he unironically thinks Asians are worse that mudshits

Well broseph, you have to agree that looks like a tranny.
And not a very feminine one, more like a slutty twink you find in nightclubs.

muh liberation

Feminists only advocate for womyn, for the children, you know.


See this is what all feminists need.

It's on some MSM news sites.

Did you buy a Summit Ice Jacket?