Found at my college's IT department

Found at my college's IT department.

Really made ponder.

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did you throw in trash?

the green one is really a surprising statistic. half of women don't even use their education in their field?

>research shows that individual choices are constained by the options available


really got my neurons firing

Because there's just an abundance of jobs in the women's study field

>Use their training

And this right here is the problem. People who aren't in a technical field like this think you can train people to do it.

You can't. Every single one, even the total pajeet SQL admin, lives and breathes what they do, at least during working hours. They also gather in social circles around it and this is how great things are done.

Those who don't simply suck at their jobs or, more likely, simply cannot do it in the first place.

People get training and then line up like robots to "get a jerb". This isn't how it works and it's never how it's worked.

"Meritocracy" is a keyword for "is actually part of the IT/Programming community and living subculture, has broadly applicable systems knowledge and therefore can actually get shit done and cooperate with people."

>my favorite is people who aren't trained in their field trying to instruct those who are how to do their jobs

what is this shit? I dont even know

Why do i pay to be propagandized to?

>did you know more options means more choices?
>and look at those manipulated and cherry picked studies

jesus fuck this is retarded

You're wamon, correct OP?
Be my GF.

wtf i hate meritocracy now?

Really? My favorite is people who graduate CS and can't even write a fucking for loop even after you've explained the syntax to them, just in case it was a conceptual disconnect.

>muh fucking code monkey trying to tell me what to do hurr durr

The FizzBuzz meme is a goddamn virus propagated through the community on the back of impostor syndrome but the original implications are clear - people get trained yet have no fucking clue what they're doing.

The funny thing is that, having grown up with them, I know what it actually fucking is that keeps women out of STEM.
>Something goes wrong for a male programming student.
>Alright, did I make any syntax errors? Is there a one-off error? Is there some IDE setting that's fucking everything up?
>Something goes wrong for a female programming student.
>Oh my GOD! It's not working! I did everything just like they told me to and it's still fucking up. I'm no good at this stuff ninininininini.
Women are impaired by their allergy to being fucking wrong.

>CS grads

CS majors are garbage. All the best "computer scientists" come from applied math / physics

oh fuck me. I got a similar one at the first day of university about the "equality of women". it said that you need to respect woman on the campus and not flirt with them. when writing texts also use feminine words.

nobody is gonna rape nobody on the campus fml. basically advocating beta behaviour that won't get you laid.

The best computer scientists i've met have been computer scientists.

The problem is, they go off into paper land and write dissertations on logic programming or something even though they're gods gift to both architecture, implementation and general design.


I now have an idea: m65-field-jacket style collars that you can wear on the beach and pop out a sun-protection hood from.


there right you know

>All the best "computer scientists" come from applied math / physics
Jesus Christ, fuck off. No, they don't, and it's that retarded fucking attitude that makes CS undergrad so garbage.
Other majors get to fucking specialize in their fields. You don't need three fucking semesters of chemistry or biology, when you're a physics or engineering student.
Computer Science though? That'll be 3 semesters of general physics, 3 of a language, 2 chem, circuits 101, and some bio. Don't forget the calculus, goy.

By the time you get through your second year of computer science, you've had three fucking cs courses (4, if you're lucky), and two of those are baby's first C++ programming tutorial.

>brushes off meritocracy
>no citations
>no explanation/definition of things like "creative", "collective intelligence", "successful/unsuccessful" or "outperform"
>middle blue one has literally no explanation as to WHY diversity does any of that shit, is it impossible for a non-diverse company to know it's consumer base? or be innovative more than a diverse company? or outperform a diverse company? etc.
>green one on the left has no detail on what any of the categories mean (and should probably be in a pie chart if they aren't going to label the y-axis but whatever)

I'm sure bald fucks would love it.

Might as well drop out and learn how to unclog toilets for 30k a year.

Women hate themselves for the fact that they cannot achieve the same as men can. They direct this hatred outward on everyone around them, especially successful men.

The only way to stop them from bitching is strong arm them into submission. This works on all women. They bitch and bitch and bitch. If you capitulate it will never end. If you go tough on them they will cry at you and run away, but then come back the next day and apologize. It never fails.

Tech guys are the most miserable batch of fucks at my company.Turns out noone needs them to code shit and they mostly function as b team billing staff.

My IT department is practically run by all women. It is pure shit.

>myth of meritocracy

stopped reading there

Yeah, pretty scary. We're fucked if they believe that. And they do. So we are.

If you've ever been on a dev team, you'd know you don't trust trust the CS major to do actual implementation because they are never the best coders, you dont trust them to solve very specific problems (encryption, low level hw abstraction, io design) because the literal rocket scientist and applied math dudes can do it better for less money and they seem to like it

that leaves them to work on UI-related stuff or as management. all of which are better served by people with other focuses than them

>Hiring unqualified workers for the sake of diversity.
This is a good way to destroy your company.

Cannot wait for IT to get outsourced to people cleaning toilets covered with poo.

Set up your own propaganda

Indians don't use toilets though.

You should post a colorful infograph on the board stating that "Recent Studies have shown that drinking bleach is highly beneficial, especially for Professional Women, Minorities, and Others who seek a wider Diversity in the workplace."

Because they meet a rich guy in college who is destined to become rich and successful himself, abd trade their hard woek and education in for being their pampered fleshlight.

>drinking bleach

Write [citation needed] below it, post pics.

it's no longer your idea by posting it. dumbass

Diverse teams work because one white guy does all the work while the nigger fucks the dog, the woman bitches about the wage gap the entire time, the spic is on siesta, and the abbo is drunk on listerine but can't be fired for it.

A team entirely of white guys has the same amount of people, however the quality does not remain consistent because the work is spread among multiple workers.

Leftists love Denmark so much, Denmark has almost no "diversity"

Checkmate cucks.

On>Diverse teams work because one white guy does all the work while the nigger fucks the dog, the woman bitches about the wage gap the entire time, the spic is on siesta, and the abbo is drunk on listerine but can't be fired for it.

sounds like a fun sitcom

Haven't Danes said stop comparing them or stop calling them a Socialist country.

I saw that too last time I was on campus, but I have no idea what it means. I think it's supposed to represent that women are just as capable of working in fields like IT and whatnot.

Tbh Broward is super chill and no one stays on campus long enough to care about their weird chairs or nigger music, so I wouldn't worry about it. It's propaganda that speaks to no one.

>Myth of meritocracy

It doesn't exist for men either. Try getting anywhere without proper contacts or social intelligence.

So are their sources cited somewhere or just made up from that organization?

you'de think it would be enough for women that now they make up more than 50% of college students

why would they need to be constantly told about the evil patriarchy in order to succeed once they are there?

it reminds me of how a cult has to constantly reinforce their brainwashing every day else peoples instincts are to do something else and walk away..

>Leftists love Denmark so much, Denmark has almost no "diversity"
They always leave out that point.

