Gary is the only option to stop Hillary

I think this statement needs to be made more. Trump is a trainwreck - instead of taking the nomination and changing himself to look more presidential he's tanking hard (almost to the point were it looks intentional). The fact that his potato-faced buddy Newt would admit that Trump is starting to self-destruct means shit has hit the fan.

A president Hillary Clinton means more war and innocent deaths in the middle-east. Which means more blowback and more bloodshed from terrorist attacks. Johnson is the only option to stop Hillary at this point.

Lesser of two evils argument? Gary Johnson. Trump is no longer an option for those who don't want Hillary Clinton.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck this Black Lives Matter-supporting motherfucker.

does CTR have a brasil HQ?

Fuck that fake libertarian


johnson isn't an option to stop hillary

the best he can do is encourage the major parties to shift more to supporting smaller government to appeal to his supporters

he's a complete literally-who to most voters just like every other 3rd party presidential candidate in the last 40 years not named nader or perot


>supports BLM
>wants to fight "Islamophobia"
>is basically open borders


He does?


>longer recess
>more A's
>teachers will be nicer to us
>more field-trips
>when we watch in-class movies put to a vote, rather than the teacher having such pure dictatorial powers

of course the beaner hue monkey wants the most open border candidate

Johnson is a fraud, and his only purpose is to maintain the status quo by getting Hillary elected. Video very related:


You're thinking of Bernie Sanders. Gary Johnson is more like "Fuck you mom, I'm not going to school, I can do whatever I want. I'm going to go listen to The Cure! God my mom is such a bitch. I'm going to go smoke some weed."

he endorsed black lives matter yesterday

literally said blacks need mo money fo dem programs

>american """""libertarians"""""

No fucking gun grabbers.


Vote Gary Johnson for:
Open borders
Black Lives Matter

you also forgot that just today he endorsed having carbon tax

>libertarians for a carbon tax

I honestly have no idea what the fuck is going on. I feel like hes trying to run to the left of hillary

lol @ neckbeards afraid of open borders.

What a bunch of impotent little bitches :)

Looks like somebody needs to read a newspaper.


Awww babby's first maymay

I will never vote for Harry Johonson
>p-please laugh

How is Trump self-destructing? What has he done that's so bad for his campaign? You can't just sell a narrative on the narrative alone. Back it up faggot.



What's it like to intern as a shill

Running New Mexico and running the US is hugely different.


Why do you even care huehue? It's not like your opinion matters

NO trump is


and in Europe its gerd wilders, marie le pen, hofer, orban, petry and so on

Make Europe great again MEGA

can't convert people to hillary from trump. Maybe you can convert them to johnson.

kill yourself

>yet another Brazilian ID trying to dissuade us from supporting Trump

it's official, Brazil is such a shithole thanks to auntie Dilma that the DNC is now paying Brazilians to shill on Sup Forums