Did they really happen?

Did they really happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=what was the flag on the moon made of

No, the moon doesn't have any wind but the flag they put there was waving. Obviously fake.

A monkey without a brain, interesting.

What? Are you saying there's wind on the moon??! Prove it then faggot.

I want to _____ Maru

> what is solar wind

Solar wind can wave flags on the moon? Impressive fãm

There was no photographic technology back then to fake a film like that.
It would have been easier to actually go to the moon and film it.

humans will never be able to get off the earth without being killed by van allen radiation don't believe the nasa shills in here and retards defending what they don't understand


i like that people think we shot a rocket with x amount of fuel to make the trip, people in it, detached a landing module complete with lunar rover, spacewalk suits and all the reqired fel annd gear required, and just shot the landing in a hangar.

this is like loading a shotgun, putting on a bulletproof vest, driving to a bank, asking the teller for money, getting the money, then driving away only to take pictures of the money and leave it behind.

Get a life and forget about

Nah it's fake, the video was staged in a studio on the moon.

Yeah, when the guy stuck it into the ground, he held the flag to make sure it wouldn't flap about. Right?


I like that people think we invented a suit to cross the Van Allen radiation belt and then magically uninvented it 10 years later.

You're both idiots. The flagpole flexed when they planted it, causing to wobble back and forth. Because there's no air resistance on the Moon, the flag moved swayed back and forth in a uniform way, making it look like it was blowing.

Now's my question. If the Moon landings were faked, why did the Russian's, The US's competitors, acknowledge the landings if they were fake?

Are you guys fucking stupid?
>Mar 20, 2016 - Most people know that the U.S. flags planted on the moon were made of cloth or nylon and were rigged with a wire along the top and/or bottom so that they looked like they were "waving."
source: lmgtfy.com/?q=what was the flag on the moon made of

Most moon landing deniers are butthurt non-Americans. American superiority hurts their feelings.

The waving flag is misdirection.

The real damning evidence is that no human is capable of surviving the radiation belt on the way to the moon, as well as the fact that the cheapest smartphone today has more technology in it than the entirety of the spaceships they had back then.

Then once we were able to prove to the Russians that we were superior we stopped giving a shit about space explorations or future colonization.

Clearly it was a shitshow hoax aimed at proving our superiority and reducing the morale of the commies.

>there are people who still unironically believe the moon landing directed by Kubrick was real

wew lad


Yes. It'd be harder to fake.


I believe it happened, i just found it unbelievable that it happened 1969.


here faggot start reading

They were driving in a stake during the later landings ....bang bang bang!!! Only there's no sound in a vacuum ...

gonna dump some pics for the moonfags



