OTP Thread


First for Best Ship


My nigga






wouldn't mind

>the delusional redeemptionfags ship
>homoshit ships
>muy symbiote
>crack ship that makes no sense

there i just posted everything that gets posted here

Angel and Hawkeye

Shippers have brain demage.

Remember the fag that made a 3 hour vĂ­deo to show tgat Katara and Zuko were endgame.

Shippers are cancer and the worst part of fans.



>a garth pairing
>gay art with garth
those exist?


Yes, because it's Speedy's best ship.

Looks like only girls and gay people care about this.

Fight me.


While other couples were torn apart or killed they stay together

I prefer KimBon.


Just try and find an OTP better than this. Go ahead, I'll wait.

they had more chemistry than yours on the show too


I ship these two posters.


Excellent tastes, my good sirs.