Why was she the best girl in the show?

Why was she the best girl in the show?

Because her character was underrepresented just the right amount.

>Why was she the best girl in the show?
wait wut?



Get some taste lads

pretty great for a supporting character. I swear, she IS a big nerd, but a nerd with style.

>Pacifica gets the best redemption arc in the show.
>Receives no follow-up episodes
I still lament the lack of a third season.

she literally wasn't even close

she had no character development and was voiced by BMO, I don't mind same voice actors but I do resent reusing the same voice twice.

>Modeled after the girl that wouldn't leave Alex alone
>Sup Forums is in love with her

4th best. The roadside attraction ruined her.She basicly forced Dipper to date her and then becomes mad when she finds out he dated girls before.

This episode was badly written.

>Fucking Candy
>not Pacifica
>not Wendy
>not Giffany
>not even Darlene, Tambry, Pyronica, Reverse Mabel

wew lad

I think things will be different if that episode executed better.

Plenty of people have used the same voice for dozens of roles.

and its pretty awful when they do, Mabel is one of the worst examples of this too, that person literally isn't even acting she is just talking into a mic

Pyronica and Giffany. Darlene was pretty great too. Evil women are always the sexiest desu

You mean
>not Blonde Trixie Tang
>not lumberjack Frankie Foster
>not Alex's TAKE THAT to some crazy old girlfriend
>not literally who, what, when, or where

That was Giffany.
Candy just felt like an inserted for diversity character, because for all his virtue signalling and anti-white tweeting, Alex had one of the most homogeneous white casts since the Jetsons.

Funny, actual voice actors will tell you that the ability to do different voices is a secondary concern.

because niki yang has a cute as fuck voice and i will never get sick of it

that tim travel guy as well. His voice actor also voiced lemongrab from adventure time.

that's because it takes place in the backwoods of oregon dude

Right. I'm not mad that Candip didn't happen. Dipper didn't do anything wrong but gets treated like PUA scum and of course he is so sorry because - reasons.

Northern small town USA is going to be pretty much all white just as the norm. Trying to turn it into diversity USA would be stupid.

that episode's message was just 'girls are fucking crazy'. regardless of what happened in-universe, out of universe that's clearly all it was saying. can't disagree with that sentiment.

kind of sad there is no nerdy moment between her and Dipper.

>Alex had one of the most homogeneous white casts since the Jetsons.
Bullshit. He browned it up.

Everyone bitches about Mabel but I'm more pissed about how flanderized Dipper was in S2.

Implying that the archetypes:
>not Blonde Trixie Tang
>not lumberjack Frankie Foster
>not Alex's TAKE THAT to some crazy old girlfriend

Aren't great?

Hell, reverse Mabel is still the hoter girl to come out of the show.

Where is that animated storyboard that uses the original VA? It was great.


For example?

If there is season 3, I want to have more episodes like Carpet Diem. The body swap idea never get old.

>S1 Dipper: inquisitive and clever boy who's also a bit of a wiseass

>S2 Dipper: whiner who gets pushed around by his sister