You heard here first

You heard here first

HAARP will create a gigantic earthquake at 14th of August in Marmara Region of Turkey, including Istanbul. Millions will die and they will be sacrificed to Moloch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good fuck all cockroaches

If americant has this superweapon why doesn't it just destroy Isis/Daesh cities and bury their fighters?

Really makes you think huh?

>Millions will die
can't wait

Sounds like the beginning of a happening

>he thinks """american politicians""" wants isis dead

pff /r/worldnews tier. anyway moloch is going to be very happy soon.

>another average american retard supporting moloch because he became tumblr tier emotional and lost his rationality cuz of the propaganda

you guys are beyond saving, you are supporting moloch and pretending to be christians. pure retardness.

>inb4 ur mudslime xd
im an orthodox.

anyway see you at 15th.



these Turks are all Muslim, they worship the devil anyways.

daily reminder a vote for a billionaire in office is a vote for the global elite.

Now this I know can work.

no, worshipping false god doesn't mean worshipping the devil. you need to be sincere and know you are worshipping the moloch in order to get acceptance from him.

It makes perfect sense that they put this facility in a frozen drug addled wasteland such as alaska, but if those fuckers set their mind to something you better watch the fuck out. HAARP would be nonexistent.

I wish people would lay off HAARP.

I know auroral plasma research isn't the most exciting or thrilling topic in the world, but that's no reason to go on the internet and tell lies about it being some kind of evil superweapon.

ISIS = American Proxy Army
ISIS = Israeli Proxy Army
ISIS = British Proxy Army
ISIS = Saudi Proxy Army

That plant got shut down acouple of years ago. The new base in floating in the ocean somewhere

>damn it goyim, dont you know that a phased radar array cannot be used to generate scalar waves!
>just ignore all the experiments during WWII and afterwards about it, they are in no way reproducible!

Allah admits himself to be the great deceiver in the Quran
AKA: The Devil

I'm happier than i've ever been that the truth is starting to surface after ten plus years of research.

Roman catholicism is mystery religion school tier as I was raised, they worship satan and his minions. Shit is finally getting real it has all progressed extremely fast.

I'm not claiming to have any knowledge of what you're talking of, but there's good chance it's a weapon of mass destruction, that is all.

Wasn't harp shutdown?

Or was it the Russian version

>HAARP will create a gigantic earthquake
No it won't because HAARP is a fucking measuring machine.

As I said, they need to know they are worshipping Moloch in order to get their worships and prayers accepted.

Wait you didn't even get repeating digits, kek doesn't will it. Happening cancelled.

Godspeed, orthodox bro

if i want to be honest, i know nothing about

>scalar waves
Literally not a thing.

no. read the pastebin

thank you BROTHER

All false and their experiments were in no way reproducible

Why would we purposely break our own toys?

Post a video in English, you know 90% of this board can't speak German.

>Literally not a thing.
Better go tell Maxwell that then, you clearly know more than he did.


Video is in English.

Gülen threatened with earth quake.

>why doesn't it just destroy Isis/Daesh cities and bury their fighters?

Being this ignorant.

I've got a colleague who goes up there a couple times a year to take observations. My understanding of the situation according to him is that they're basically in funding limbo right now. DARPA, USAF, and NRL have basically pulled out of funding it and it's relying heavily on DOE, NASA, and NSF grants to remain operational.

I think it's technically owned by one of the universities up there now.


/thread by kek

>weather altering device somehow causes earthquake


Believing the public image or knowledge.

You can't possibly be this fucking stupid

I'm sorry I didn't realize who I was responding to, never would've typed a fucking word.

Maxwell's Laws mathematically define electromagnetic fields - how the divergence and curl of the fields relates to the charge and current distributions producing them. The term "scalar waves" comes up nowhere in his theory or publications.

It doesn't even physically mean anything. A scalar is any physical property which has only magnitude, in contrast to vectors which have magnitude and direction. Properties like temperature and energy are scalars, properties like momentum and fields are vectors.

Waves are vectors describing density, fields, etc that travel through space and change over time. Waves cannot be scalars and there is no phenomenon in physics called a "scalar wave".

Go back to /x/

fake aand gay

I don't personally believe that politicians are in bed with demons - I truly believe they are just incompetent, greedy, and sociopathic.

But, I've carefully crafted "evidence" (all gathered from Sup Forums) that I've fed to susceptible subjects, including the qt black girl who lives across from me, I popped her cherry somehow at age 23, she's a weird shut in outside of her church and just believes me when I talk, my friend who just started college at 20, burgeoning Sup Forums user, loves grand strategy games, kinda autistic, thinks of me like an older brother, and then my gf who just honestly believes everything I say and changes her opinion whenever I open my mouth. She's a staunch racist and hates all her old friends (liberals) now.

They all live in this weird fear that they're aware of something they shouldn't be, there's a few more I'm working on atm

A lot of people think that the government controls the weather with chem trails, but this is not so. Jet engines deposit metal particles, at the nano scale, into the air. There are also metal particles in power station steam venting. These two things put large amounts of heavy metals into the atmosphere, which only stay suspended for short times.

We hit these clouds with radar and doppler, exciting the metal particles like aluminum foil in a microwave oven. These heterodyne waves bounce off the ionosphere, and hit the clouds again in a different scalar frequency. So the clouds are excited twice per pulse, very efficient.

These excited particles create artificial micro-bursts. These smaller storm fronts are then herded and coalesced into a uniform front with more radar manipulation, then finally pushed in a specific direction using those same radar waves.

You can look at the radar backstation data yourself, and watch these meteorological stations fire in unison to excite power station steam venting and arrange them into artificial storm fronts. HAARP is not what controls the weather, it's merely the station where they do research on what will actually work. It's still pernicious and evil, but it's not the thing controlling the weather. There used to be video of this but it's been removed from youtube. I have a copy of it but I have DSL. If you want screenshots or if there is high demand I will upload it for you guys, but mostly nobody will listen so why bother. I do have that material though.

Okay let it happen. If not your mother dies.

The pastebin is just a bunch of plaintext urls of blogspot images. You couldn't have posted one or two of the best ones instead of saying JUST READ IT?

Can I buy some pot from you?

>implying anyone but the ox which hold the earth on its horns can create earthquakes

I heard its been decommissioned anyway

It's called
I N D I G O $ K \ F O L D

dat grid tho

worked out al he other times
hahah, see you faggots on the 15th clinging to your habbening

Not yet. I know one of the native rep groups up there has been trying to get the land added to an inuit reservation for a while now, but as long as the researchers keep managing to dig up funding for it they'll remain open.

Stream that material if you're so great

You're a fucking moron.
And here's how I know I'm right.
The HAARP array was formerly in Alaska. It broadcast on the HF frequencies of 7, 10 and 14 Mhz which are solidly in the HF band (High frequency). At this band, the predominant influences on radio waves are the ground and the ionosphere.
I'll get to the ionosphere in a moment.
When it comes to ground, the radio waves either bounce off them (Due to the absorption frequency of silica) or propagate along them due to various atmospheric and broadcast angle reasons.

Due to this, an HF radio (Shortwave for the preppers out there) is unable to pick up radio waves as you drive into a tunnel. This also applies on up the dial to your standard VHF, UHF, EHF and SHF frequencies (Beyond that you are well into microwaves followed by gamma. Good luck with those ones).

Next. The only way that the ionosphere comes into play is to act as a giant reflector due to the absorption and reemission frequency of loose electrons. This can be tried out at your house. Get a shortwave radio and listen. During the day you will hear shit above 15 mhz but during the night it's pretty much 10 mhz and lower.

Moving on... The only way you can get a wave to travel through the earth is if it is an audible wave. These are in a very narrow band of frequencies and the amplitude and intensity (Power) are limited severely by the type of material. Now here's the thing, you cannot just blare an infrasound wave into the air from say alaska and hope that it causes an earthquake say... in Japan. Here's why: Air is a terrible conductor of noise.

Further, if you did this, you would be able to pick up the sound and geolocate it back. Since doing all that would not require antenna, the fucking argument is moot.

Oh, right and one more thing:
HAARP has been closed down for 4 years. I know this because I am an RF engineer and used to listen to HAARPs various experiments on my SW for fun.

Pretend to know what you are talking about.

but how can they target with it?

You can't target an HF radio wave, which is why the only applications of said types in terms of military use are in encrypted communications (Such as Frequency Hopping)

explain those grids

What do you know about plate tectonics?
And what do you know about seismograph aliasing?
Because any moron can tell that the map they have up is the seismograph stations...

>no explanation


If I hadn't become an alcoholic degenerate my posts would be yours to the touch. I was an encyclopedia.

I love the honest informed posters.

HAARP causes global warming, not earthquakes

forgot pic

Ok in simple talk:
The map has the heading locations. The locations correlate to Turkeys Seismometer network.

except for the end.

Can you honestly say you know for a fact it's nothign more than it is after learning they sacrifice children to satan and his minions?

I should read the whole post before posting

Well thank goodness you know more than Tesla, Tom Bearden, or E. T. Whittaker, I mean a random poster on Sup Forums should know more than famous physicists and mathematicians.

Also would you have not been so triggered if I had used the term scalar potentials?

Lovely, now see how beautifully it lines up?
Seeing as how there is an active fault line in that region, and seeing as how the section highlighted in the video shows the same fucking grid pattern (Zoom in on a central location, it becomes grid like).
The people who made the video are idiots...

holy shit I love HAARP now!

I'll marry your sister or cousin, if she is cute. She can be American. 6 days left user, make your decision NOW

EQ happened here, I can't see that many seismographs. You fucked up

Dog bless


obvious shill is obvious
step up senpai

>being THIS bluepilled about isis

Yeah, I've been hearing all these HAARP bullshit for over 10 years now.

Everytim, predictions of catastrophes, and everytime they fail.

sage, hide, report, block.



Most of us know let us figure out what part of this thread is the truth. Are they going to sacrifice turkish people or is it just the matter of fact truth on what haarp is truly capable of.

Either way we have no idea of the full power of haarp or any other scalar weapons

Tinfoil belongs in

>Also would you have not been so triggered if I had used the term scalar potentials?
No, because scalar potential actually means something. Scalar wave means absolutely nothing because it's not a real thing.

Just because I read the term "narfleduffins" on some Tesla free energy conspiracy webpage doesn't prove W7-X is a top secret narfleduffin manufacturing plant producing Narf-Bombs to repel the Zeta Reticulan colonization fleet.

... on a completely unrelated note, W7-X is a perfectly normal fusion experiment platform which should arouse no further suspicion. Do not investigate W7-X

You = moron

>W7-X is a perfectly normal fusion experiment platform which should arouse no further suspicion. Do not investigate W7-X
What an interesting geometry of their fusion chamber, toroids are such interesting shapes.

The shape gets even more interesting when you spin up supercooled mercury and thorium isomers plasma...I wonder what it could be used for.


that image is stupid and im not even a muslim. crescent+moon symbolism is everywhere. pic related.


Hello CIA

I thought that shit was supposed to be used to disrupt communications.

why do americans hate turks?

those are (((americans))) not americans. and they hate everyone.

>supercooled mercury plasma
I've heard that one before.

Fuck off.

What about the thorium isomer part that you left out?

Good deal. Eating popcorn and watching Turks die? That's a good ass day right there

who are you refering to as the "jews" `? is it all jews or only some jews ? and if its only some jews that dont refere to there thora , why calling them "the jews" ?

I'm gonna take a wild guess it's just the latest permutation of the old "supercooled mercury plasma rotating super fast cancels out gravity" horseshit you /x/ fags were posting here a few years ago.

None of your dumb shit ever changes, you just throw a new word in every once in a while to make it sound different.

Jews ruling United States, or powerful Zionists in general. I didn't say "the jews", I quoted a part from Maurice Samuel's book.

No it was supposed to be yellowstone.

That explains why General Dynamics made something like this in 1954.

Ronald Richter explained how systems like this work to the USAF when they reopened his paperclip file according to the released records via FOIAs. Further Gabriel Kron laid out the mathematics for such systems actually function.

Keep sucking on that public consumption physics teat though.

Wasn't this the plot of The Core?