Be good person all my life

>Be good person all my life
>Donate to charity
>Help others in need
>Be gracious and respectful towards others
>Be non-violent
>Spend eternity after death being tortured and burning in flames because I don't believe in some fictional fairy tale tier sky wizard

See, Christfags, this is why your stupid plank of wood worshipping sand cult is retarded. You actually think this makes sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

>spend decades tearing down the church in your nation
>create a vacuum where cultural identity once stood
>surprised it gets filled with marxist politics and Islam

We couldn't have known.

You forgot to add:

>Refugees welcome

Enjoy bowing to Mecca, Nigel.

No hell is for the really really bads only I think. A good person that rejects the gospel will just die.

>be gracious and respectful towards others
>call 1/3 of the humans on planet earth "stupid" and "retarded" because they don't agree with you.


[citation needed]

>good person
Mark 10:18
Romans 3:10

This. There's no need to convince Christfags to give up their religion entirely, just convince them to not substitute a book for their conscience when making decisions. When Christians treat their religion as a cultural thing like most Jews do, I'll be happy. The Catholics are getting there, the Protestants need work. Both are further along than Muslims, though.

This isn't about le Mudslimes killing western civilisation who are cucks like every other topic on here so don't make it about that, this is about your religion punishing good people for not sharing their line of thought.

Never said I was gracious and respectful, but people who are allegedly go to hell if they don't believe in God.

>Hey, I come to rational conclusions about morality, freedom, and cause and effect!
>This means every low IQ human can too!

And so your women became whores, your men transvestites and alcoholics, and your country dissolved into a cultureless cesspool of decadence and decay. National identity ceased to exist, and as the general population grew dumber and dumber, they were led even further more astray from the path of courage and civilization. The light that religion once provided went out entirely, like a candle in the night, and only when it became dark and the atheist began to fear the unknown he had led himself into, did he realize how important the light had been.


Fair point. I don't remember where I read it. No dogma just a thought that the punishment is just spiritual death rather than eternal damnation

no, they believe you'd get the first circle of hell: limbo
no torture, no burning, just boredom and nothing to do

>Be good person all my life

Literally why, fedorafag? If you're an Atheist you have absolutely no incentive to be altruistic and not go for full-on Randian Objectivist hedonism.

>Never said I was gracious and respectful, but people who are allegedly go to hell if they don't believe in God.

No... you literally did, in the OP. Like, word for word.

well there's this:

i don't think it stands up to scrutiny though.

Why do atheists have such a persecution complex? Are Christians chopping off your head or something? Christians don't fucking care if you're atheist, at most they'll just see you as misguided.

Once again you fail to see the bigger picture. Religion is NECESSARY for the long term survival of a society. That whole part about "burning in hell" is some incentive for the dumb ones not to leave the religion, and to adhere to it. What do you expect there to be, "oh yeah but it's cool if you don't believe this stuff, believe whatever you like, this magic book sure makes a good case huh." Is purely cultural you fucking pleeb. Be glad you're not getting the sword from Al-Jan Paweli

>Be good person all my life
>Donate to charity
>Help others in need
>Be gracious and respectful towards others
>Be non-violent
>Spend eternity after death being tortured and burning in flames because I don't believe in some fictional fairy tale tier sky wizard
It's impossible to do these things and not be humble and grateful for your very existence, which is the essential message of Christianity (besides kindness to others).

I am going to make the wild assumption that your greentext is merely hypothetical and that you've never read the bible. At the very least, you've already contradicted your supposed grace and respect towards others.


>Pride is a cardinal sin what

lol. you think your pitiful acts of goodness warrant heaven? fuck you are full of yourself. Explain to me how donating your pocket change to charity and opening a door for a lady is deserving of eternal bliss?

>Be good person all my life
>See, Christfags, this is why your stupid plank of wood worshipping sand cult is retarded. You actually think this makes sense.

If you're a good person why are you insulting us so much? You have alot of hate inside you.

Last night I prayed for the first time since I was six and I felt something inside, like I had someone with me, supporting me. Idk it was weird. My great grandparents are incredibly Christian and I think it might be something to do with my genetics.

>be "good person"
>constantly attack the religion thst founded your country
>constantly attack your brothers and countrymen for having different beliefs than you
>think of honest good people as completely subhuman just because they didn't buy into trendy atheism like you
>spit upon good hearted generous people just because they go to church
>pave the way for the Islamic invasion of your country
>anytime someone object remind them church going honest christians are all literally kkk members because muh crusades and inquisition

>Never said I was gracious and respectful

stay mad heretic

>Say you're a good person, but it's actually not true.
>Gave $0.10 to a bum once. Then bragged about it for ten days.
>Help yourself
>Call other people retarded when they disagree
>Spend eternity being tortured because you're a shit person who hates God.

Yeah, sounds about right.

>making assumptions
I adopted 20 Chinese children. Prove me wrong.

If you don't believe in God then why are you scared of hell then?


You can't adopt chingchong kids since girls get aborted, even post pregnancy and men are needed.

Enjoy Hell, idiot. I'll be comfy on the winning side.

>>Be good person all my life
>>Donate to charity
>>Help others in need
>>Be gracious and respectful towards others
>>Be non-violent

Please tell my why anyone should care about your made up secular morality standards?

If God is a fictional fairy tale sky wizard then you won't burn in hell so quit your bitching.

If God is real then you will burn and deserve it for leading others astray.

Some people are so heavenly minded they're no earthly good, OP.
Don't let them drag you down.

Catholics in the US are far more liberal than their Protestant brethren. I'll take a Protestant as a neighbor any day of the week, over Catholics, atheists, Muslims or Jews.

t. Atheist

>I am a good person because I say that I am

That's patently false and shows you're complete and absolute lack of religious education

the Roman catholic church SPECIFICALLY PREACHES that people of other faiths/no faiths can get into heaven if they still follow the tenants and way of the lord (love, respect etc etc)

it's just harder for them, as they aren't getting the right spiritual guidance and therefore may make mistakes that lead to a few years in purgatory to rectify later on

The pope has said you don't have to believe in god to go to heaven. Of course, this pope is a fucking loser

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You won't be burning or any of that shit unless you live to see judgement day.
All that happens is that you stop existing. No afterlife for you.
Heaven is the society Christ builds on Earth after the apocalypse. Not many will make it. You won't be brought back if your body is destroyed.

I can't tell if you're that new or if this is just standard shitposting.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't honorable pagans/atheists instead put in limbo for a long-ass time?

You're not going to win this argument here OP. It's called "BRAINWASHING" for a reason

>Gook Moot broke Moldavias flag

Fuken japs.

>You're not going to win this argument here OP.
Maybe then he should go back to r/atheism

Are you saying that you aren't doing anyone a favor by adopting a Chinese child? Or are you actually saying we're forbidden from adopting Chinese girls? Since 1991, American families have adopted more than 60,000 Chinese babies, almost all of them girls.

It is impossible to please God without faith. It doesn't matter what little worthless things you do in this life, which are considered "good" in the eyes of men. The wisdom of men is so much foolishness in the eyes of God.


You must be baptized to enter heaven. If you have reached the age of reason then you must also believe in the essential truths (which are most fundamentally: the Incarnation and the Trinity) to have a valid baptism.

Mark 16:15-16- “And he (Jesus) said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.”

Again we see that you must be baptized AND believe to be saved. If you don't believe in Jesus Christ you will be condemned to hell.

Titus 3:5- “Not by the works of justice, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us, by the laver of regeneration, and renovation of the Holy Ghost…”

Here we see again, by the laver of regeneration (baptism) we are saved.

Acts 2:37-38- “Now when they had heard these things they had compunction in their heart, and said to Peter, and to the rest of the apostles: What shall we do, men and brethren? But Peter said to them: Do penance, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

You must be baptised and do penance for the remission of sins, you cannot be forgiven of your sins unless you are baptised and do penance. These sins are the things which will cause you to be condemned to hell.

Acts 16:26-33: Masters, what must I do, that I may be saved? But they said: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved... himself was baptized, and all his house immediately.”


"Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that's a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We're just babies making up a game, if you're right. But four babies playing a game can make a playworld which licks your real world hollow. That's why I'm going to stand by the play-world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia."
-- C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair

what do you mean by this?
why are you liberals so histrionic?

the real "god" doesn't give a shit what you are. as long as you are doing things in the name of good, you'll be good in the afterlife

>Since 1991
>Over 1 billion ching chongs
>Only 60,000 kids

I am saying that would be improbable as fuck ye dumb bastard.

Your logic is mostly spot on, but Christians do not substitute a book for their conscience. In fact all the Bible is is telling you to follow your conscience. God does not want his followers to be a bunch of people following a bunch of rules, but rather a specific type of person. That is why someone who has never heard of Christ can be a Christian. The idea of Christianity is that we are all Christians we just must come to realize it

Good, a fellow christian. I need you to understand that Donald Trump is the antichrist so that you may be saved.

I have no idea what that is, we don't really talk about being atheist in the UK, it isn't a thing or a big deal, its a surprise when someone isn't

>stupid plank of wood

Did your daddy hit you?

Yeah, I never said it was me personally though. I was assuming the perspective of someone who is.

Protestants should be impaled again.


If you're living a life of virtue you'll go to heaven even if you don't know about God.

>“How shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14)

So you feel that good people should be tortured for eternity because they don't follow your religion?

But it's Jews and Muslims who are the hateful fearmongering ones, right?

Be clearer about what you mean, you teenager.


>This denial

Stay in school kid, when you grow up you will realize how stupid you are right now.

>So you feel that good people should be tortured for eternity because they don't follow your religion?
>But it's Jews and Muslims who are the hateful fearmongering ones, right?
No they are the ones going to hell

>"good" person


feels terrible, that's why we evangelize

stop caring about religious sycophants

>When Christians treat their religion as a cultural thing like most jews
>like jews

So you want Christians to become backstabbing societal parasites?

Places of worship are their to brain wash you. I don't have a problem with people of faith. If you need a fairy tail book to give you an understanding of a good moral compass because your parents couldn't teach you that, fair enough.

>So you feel that good people should be tortured for eternity because they don't follow your religion?

It's not about feels you dumbass.

You do something wrong, you get punished. If you deny god, god ofcourse punish you.

>But it's Jews and Muslims who are the hateful fearmongering ones, right?

Where do you see hate you dumb bastard?

And again if you don't believe in God why are you scared of Hell?

>Let me tell you about what you think

Nice one.

Why does an idea you don't believe in bother you so much?

Also, yes, because God has given us His judgement through His Word. "Good" is not really a word that is applicable to faithless reprobates, you are not good at all in the eyes of God. It is perfectly just and right for those who do not believe in Jesus Christ to go to hell for their unbelief, because God has declared it so and he is perfectly good and just.

>Further denial

again, depends where you leave. there are no muslims or mosques in my town


Spoken like a true Abrahamic desert barbarian. Enjoy your outdated savage cult. Meanwhile, I'll continue to live my life as a modern man.

>give you an understanding of a good moral compass
>secular morality
What objectively makes something moral or immoral?

>life as a modern man.

>Being unable to say anything else

Well, I've won this. See you later.

i christianity you go to heaven for leading a good life, even if you dont believe in God.

>Spend eternity after death being tortured and burning in flames because I don't believe in some fictional fairy tale tier sky wizard

That is some heavy fedora tipping right there.

Hey, it's not my fault the masses are idiots. Maybe they should've tried not being born fucking stupid.

Why should I play along with some god lie if I'm smart enough not to need it?

No you don't.


I'm guessing you've never read the Bible (KJV) otherwise you'd know the nature of God. I suggest reading Romans 1:20 to start. Any man who does only good his entire life will not be denied heaven, no such man exists and those whom God deems worthy he will not allow to fail

>Giving up when someone sees your BS from a mile away

Keep memeing, primitive cult follower.

>primitive cult
>his country is built on it

Fedora fagging is reaching 12 year old levels.

Why does CURRENT YEAR make it so sinners should escape punishment?

Religion is stupid but it's a great tool to get poor people in check. The more advanced a civilization is, the more atheist it becomes (see: Western Europe), the problem arises when you let poor brown people in your country that fill the cultural religious void you left with toxic alien ideologies like Isl*m.

im getting this from an evangelical nut burger. they probably believe that visited america and was a caucasian male..

have you ever done any self-reflection, have you ever thought maybe, just maybe, that you're the one brainwashed?
do you think maybe there could be a reason why the (((media))) spends so much time and energy denigrating, and ridiculing christianity?

do you think maybe the reason you resort to using terms like 'fairy tail [sic]' and 'magic' when in discussions like this is because you absolutely must de-legitimize the notion, because the thought of the possibility of it being true terrifies you to your very core?

There isn't, but any rational person realises what is and isn't required to not get killed or locked up.

What you want me to say, is the concept of good and bad created in your little book. Which is a concept that is used for control. But again, your brain washed and will never realise it.

Religion is the oldest form of politics, nothing more

>im getting this from an evangelical nut burger. they probably believe that Jesus visited america and was a caucasian male.

>denies explicit scripture

You are literally a faithless apostate.

>i clipped my fingernails now i feel naked hold me
nigger what the fuck is wrong with you

No. That only applied to retard protestants.
Catholics think you go to heaven by good deeds




It's okay. God made you to be that way. We all have a purpose.

If you wre spending life in hell he wasnt a fictional fairytale God.

And even dis regarding your lack of faith, your pride clearly warrants damnation.
Please repent op, you are not as good as you think youare and I would definitly rather you chose salvation.

If you are a vatican 2 apostate "catholic" you believe that apostate garbage.

Here is what a Catholic believes:

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:
“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”